2 research outputs found

    Mobile applications approaches using near field communication support

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    Nowadays, the society is constantly evolving technologically and new products and technologies appears every day. These technologies allow the well-being of societies and their populations. Mobile gadgets evolution, mainly the smartphones, has always been at the forefront, everyday new devices appear and with them, more recent technologies. These technologies provide a better quality of life of everybody who uses them. People need to have at their disposal a whole array of new features that make their life increasingly more easily. The use of gadgets to simplify the day-to-day is growing and for this people use all disposal types of devices, such as computers, laptops, file servers, smartphones, tablets, and among of others. With the need to use all these devices a problem appears, the data synchronization and a way to simplify the usage of smartphones. What is the advantage of having so much technology available if we need to concern about the interoperability between all devices? There are some solutions to overcome these problems, but most often the advantage brought by these technologies has associated some setup configurations and time is money. Near field communication (NFC) appeared in 2004 but only now has gained the market dominance and visibility, everybody wants to have a NFC based solution, like Google, Apple, Microsoft and other IT giants. NFC is the best solution to overcome some problems like, file synchronization, content sharing, pairing devices, and launch applications without user interaction. NFC arises as a technology that was forgotten, but it has everything to win in every global solutions and markets. In this dissertation two based solutions are presented, an application to transfer money using NFC and an application launcher. Both solutions are an innovation in market because there are nothing like these. A prototype of each application was build and tested. NFC Launcher is already in Android Market. NFC Launcher and Credit Transfer were built, evaluated and are ready for use

    A hybrid NFC-Bluetooth secure protocol for credit transfer among mobile phones

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    The next-generation networks improve people's quality of life with new services and applications. The evolution of Internet technologies also promoted the development of electronic commerce and the evolution of mobile payments. Near field communication (NFC) was proposed as a new short-range wireless technology and can play an important role in such issues. Money transactions among mobile devices could play an important role in a near future in order to simplify and perform such operations safely. Furthermore, it is important that tasks are easy to perform. Then, this paper presents a mobile solution based on a peer-to-peer communication system for money transfer, based on NFC and Bluetooth communications. A hybrid communication protocol combining the security characteristics of NFC and better Bluetooth data transfer rates is proposed. The proposal was deployed in real environments, and it was evaluated, demonstrated, and validated with different NFC tags and the Bluetooth traffic was also analyzed. It was shown that system presents good response times. The solution offers a friendly user's interface and very easy to use, guaranteeing the security of money transfer, and it is ready for use.This work has been partially supported by Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), Portugal; by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport with the grant MHE2011-00181; by National Funding from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011 Project; and by TimWe Lab. Company, Covilha, Portugal.Monteiro, DM.; Rodrigues, JJPC.; Lloret, J.; Sendra, S. (2014). A hybrid NFC-Bluetooth secure protocol for credit transfer among mobile phones. 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