2,352 research outputs found

    A Multi Hidden Recurrent Neural Network with a Modified Grey Wolf Optimizer

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    Identifying university students' weaknesses results in better learning and can function as an early warning system to enable students to improve. However, the satisfaction level of existing systems is not promising. New and dynamic hybrid systems are needed to imitate this mechanism. A hybrid system (a modified Recurrent Neural Network with an adapted Grey Wolf Optimizer) is used to forecast students' outcomes. This proposed system would improve instruction by the faculty and enhance the students' learning experiences. The results show that a modified recurrent neural network with an adapted Grey Wolf Optimizer has the best accuracy when compared with other models.Comment: 34 pages, published in PLoS ON

    Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (SC-SAHEL) optimization framework

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    Simplicity and flexibility of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms have attracted lots of attention in the field of optimization. Different optimization methods, however, hold algorithm-specific strengths and limitations, and selecting the best-performing algorithm for a specific problem is a tedious task. We introduce a new hybrid optimization framework, entitled Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (SC-SAHEL), which combines the strengths of different evolutionary algorithms (EAs) in a parallel computing scheme. SC-SAHEL explores performance of different EAs, such as the capability to escape local attractions, speed, convergence, etc., during population evolution as each individual EA suits differently to various response surfaces. The SC-SAHEL algorithm is benchmarked over 29 conceptual test functions, and a real-world hydropower reservoir model case study. Results show that the hybrid SC-SAHEL algorithm is rigorous and effective in finding global optimum for a majority of test cases, and that it is computationally efficient in comparison to algorithms with individual EA

    Evolving CNN-LSTM Models for Time Series Prediction Using Enhanced Grey Wolf Optimizer

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    In this research, we propose an enhanced Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) for designing the evolving Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) networks for time series analysis. To overcome the probability of stagnation at local optima and a slow convergence rate of the classical GWO algorithm, the newly proposed variant incorporates four distinctive search mechanisms. They comprise a nonlinear exploration scheme for dynamic search territory adjustment, a chaotic leadership dispatching strategy among the dominant wolves, a rectified spiral local exploitation action, as well as probability distribution-based leader enhancement. The evolving CNN-LSTM models are subsequently devised using the proposed GWO variant, where the network topology and learning hyperparameters are optimized for time series prediction and classification tasks. Evaluated using a number of benchmark problems, the proposed GWO-optimized CNN-LSTM models produce statistically significant results over those from several classical search methods and advanced GWO and Particle Swarm Optimization variants. Comparing with the baseline methods, the CNN-LSTM networks devised by the proposed GWO variant offer better representational capacities to not only capture the vital feature interactions, but also encapsulate the sophisticated dependencies in complex temporal contexts for undertaking time-series tasks

    Hybrid feature selection based on principal component analysis and grey wolf optimizer algorithm for Arabic news article classification

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    The rapid growth of electronic documents has resulted from the expansion and development of internet technologies. Text-documents classification is a key task in natural language processing that converts unstructured data into structured form and then extract knowledge from it. This conversion generates a high dimensional data that needs further analusis using data mining techniques like feature extraction, feature selection, and classification to derive meaningful insights from the data. Feature selection is a technique used for reducing dimensionality in order to prune the feature space and, as a result, lowering the computational cost and enhancing classification accuracy. This work presents a hybrid filter-wrapper method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a filter approach to select an appropriate and informative subset of features and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) as wrapper approach (PCA-GWO) to select further informative features. Logistic Regression (LR) is used as an elevator to test the classification accuracy of candidate feature subsets produced by GWO. Three Arabic datasets, namely Alkhaleej, Akhbarona, and Arabiya, are used to assess the efficiency of the proposed method. The experimental results confirm that the proposed method based on PCA-GWO outperforms the baseline classifiers with/without feature selection and other feature selection approaches in terms of classification accuracy

    A Co-evolutionary Algorithm-based Enhanced Grey Wolf Optimizer for the Routing of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless networks are frequently installed in arduous environments, heightening the importance of their consistent operation. To achieve this, effective strategies must be implemented to extend the lifespan of nodes. Energy-conserving routing protocols have emerged as the most prevalent methodology, as they strive to elongate the network\u27s lifetime while guaranteeing reliable data routing with minimal latency. In this paper, a plethora of studies have been done with the purpose of improving network routing, such as the integration of clustering techniques, heterogeneity, and swarm intelligence-inspired approaches. A comparative investigation was conducted on a variety of swarm-based protocols, including a new coevolutionary binary grey wolf optimizer (Co-BGWO), a BGWO, a binary whale optimization, and a binary Salp swarm algorithm. The objective was to optimize cluster heads (CHs) positions and their number during the initial stage of both two-level and three-level heterogeneous networks. The study concluded that these newly developed protocols are more reliable, stable, and energy-efficient than the standard SEP and EDEEC heterogeneous protocols. Specifically, in 150 m2 area of interest, the Co-BGWO and BGWO protocols of two levels were found the most efficient, with over than 33% increase in remaining energy percentage compared to SEP, and over 24% more than EDEEC in three-level networks

    Investigation of Evolutionary Computation Techniques for Enhancing Solar Photovoltaic Cell Performance

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    The pursuit of optimized solar photovoltaic (PV) cell parameters is critical for advancing renewable energy technologies amidst global energy security and climate change challenges. This research investigates the efficacy of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and gray wolf optimization (GWO) in fine-tuning PV cell behavior parameters. Leveraging evolutionary computation, the study aims to maximize energy output, minimize costs, and enhance system reliability by optimizing material properties, structural configurations, and operating conditions. Through iterative optimization, PSO and GWO navigate the parameter space with precision, yielding solutions that maximize energy yield and system efficiency

    A hybrid Grey Wolf optimizer with multi-population differential evolution for global optimization problems

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    The optimization field is the process of solving an optimization problem using an optimization algorithm. Therefore, studying this research field requires to study both of optimization problems and algorithms. In this paper, a hybrid optimization algorithm based on differential evolution (DE) and grey wolf optimizer (GWO) is proposed. The proposed algorithm which is called “MDE-GWONM” is better than the original versions in terms of the balancing between exploration and exploitation. The results of implementing MDE-GWONM over nine benchmark test functions showed the performance is superior as compared to other stat of arts optimization algorithm

    Comparative Analysis of MFO, GWO and GSO for Classification of Covid-19 Chest X-Ray Images

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    تلعب الصور الطبية دورًا حاسمًا في تصنيف الأمراض والحالات المختلفة. إحدى طرق التصوير هي الأشعة السينية التي توفر معلومات بصرية قيمة تساعد في تحديد وتوصيف مختلف الحالات الطبية. لطالما استخدمت الصور الشعاعية للصدر (CXR) لفحص ومراقبة العديد من اضطرابات الرئة، مثل السل والالتهاب الرئوي وانخماص الرئة والفتق. يمكن الكشف عن COVID-19 باستخدام صور CXR أيضًا. تم اكتشاف COVID-19، وهو فيروس يسبب التهابات في الرئتين والممرات الهوائية في الجهاز التنفسي العلوي، لأول مرة في عام 2019 في مقاطعة ووهان بالصين، ومنذ ذلك الحين يُعتقد أنه يتسبب في تلف كبير في مجرى الهواء، مما يؤثر بشدة على رئة الأشخاص المصابين. انتشر الفيروس بسرعة في جميع أنحاء العالم، وتم تسجيل الكثير من الوفيات والحالات المتزايدة بشكل يومي. يمكن استخدام CXR لمراقبة آثار COVID-19 على أنسجة الرئة. تبحث هذه الدراسة في تحليل مقارنة لأقرب جيران k (KNN)، و Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGboost)، و Support-Vector Machine (SVM)، وهي بعض مناهج التصنيف لاختيار الميزات في هذا المجال باستخدام خوارزمية Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO)، وخوارزمية Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO)، وخوارزمية Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO). في هذه الدراسة، استخدم الباحثون مجموعة بيانات تتكون من مجموعتين على النحو التالي: 9544 صورة بالأشعة السينية ثنائية الأبعاد، والتي تم تصنيفها إلى مجموعتين باستخدام اختبارات التحقق من صحتها: 5500 صورة لرئتين سليمتين و4044 صورة للرئتين مع COVID-19. تتضمن المجموعة الثانية 800 صورة و400 صورة لرئتين سليمتين و400 رئة مصابة بـ COVID-19. تم تغيير حجم كل صورة إلى 200 × 200 بكسل. كانت الدقة والاستدعاء ودرجة F1 من بين معايير التقييم الكمي المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة.Medical images play a crucial role in the classification of various diseases and conditions. One of the imaging modalities is X-rays which provide valuable visual information that helps in the identification and characterization of various medical conditions. Chest radiograph (CXR) images have long been used to examine and monitor numerous lung disorders, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, atelectasis, and hernia. COVID-19 detection can be accomplished using CXR images as well. COVID-19, a virus that causes infections in the lungs and the airways of the upper respiratory tract, was first discovered in 2019 in Wuhan Province, China, and has since been thought to cause substantial airway damage, badly impacting the lungs of affected persons. The virus was swiftly gone viral around the world and a lot of fatalities and cases growing were recorded on a daily basis. CXR can be used to monitor the effects of COVID-19 on lung tissue. This study examines a comparison analysis of k-nearest neighbors (KNN), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGboost), and Support-Vector Machine (SVM) are some classification approaches for feature selection in this domain using The Moth-Flame Optimization algorithm (MFO), The Grey Wolf Optimizer algorithm (GWO), and The Glowworm Swarm Optimization algorithm (GSO). For this study, researchers employed a data set consisting of two sets as follows: 9,544 2D X-ray images, which were classified into two sets utilizing validated tests: 5,500 images of healthy lungs and 4,044 images of lungs with COVID-19. The second set includes 800 images, 400 of healthy lungs and 400 of lungs affected with COVID-19. Each image has been resized to 200x200 pixels. Precision, recall, and the F1-score were among the quantitative evaluation criteria used in this study