9 research outputs found

    NSF management support for aid-funded development of Egyptian scientific and technical information services

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    Issued as Monthly progress reports no. [1-11], Technical memorandum report, Reprint, Letter reports no. [1-5], and Technical reports no. [1-9], Project no. G-36-644 (subproject is A-51-604/Dodd/Library

    Metodologia para analise de cenas e geração de cenas prototipicas utilizando a teoria computacional das percepções

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    Orientadores : Armando Freitas da Rocha, Fernando Antonio Campos GomideDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoMestrad

    Image retrieval system based in computacional theory perceptions and fuzzy formal language

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    Orientador: Fernando Antônio Campos GomideDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho utilizam-se as teorias de Linguagem Formal Nebulosa e da Computacional das Percepções de Zadeh para definir buscas em uma base de dados gráfica. A descrição dos elementos gráficos a serem identificados é codificada por meio de sentenças aceitas por uma gramática nebulosa e definida sobre um conjunto de símbolos gráficos terminais reconhecidos por rotinas computacionais específicas. Esses símbolos terminais rotulam a imagem a ser pesquisada. A teoria da Percepção Computacional é usada para permitir que o usuário defina as relações espaciais a serem partilhadas pelos elementos gráficos na cena a ser pesquisada. Os resultados obtidos com buscas realizadas em uma base de dados gráfica com 22000 desenhos mostram que o sistema proposto fornece uma alternativa interessante para solução de buscas em bancos de dados visuaisAbstract: In this work, Fuzzy Formal Language techniques and Zadeh's Computational Theory of Perceptions are used to allow the user to query graphic data bases. The description of the graphic elements to be searched is encoded by means of fuzzy sentences accepted by a fuzzy grammar defined over a set of graphic primitives recognized by specific computational routines aimed to label different primitive graphic components of a given image. The Computational Theory of Perceptions is used to allow the user to specify the required spatial relations to be shared by the selected in the graphic scenes to be selected. The results obtained by querying a 22000 graphic scene data base support the claim that our approach provides a interesting solution for querying visual data basesMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Merging Multiple Search Results Approach for Meta-Search Engines

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    Meta Search Engines are finding tools developed for enhancing the search performance by submitting user queries to multiple searchengines and combining the search results in a unified ranked list. They utilized data fusion technique, which requires three major steps: databases selection, the results combination, and the results merging. This study tries to build a framework that can be used for merging the search results retrieved from any set of search engines. This framework based on answering three major questions:1.How meta-search developers could define the optimal rank order for the selected engines.2. How meta-search developers could choose the best search engines combination.3.What is the optimal heuristic merging function that could be used for aggregating the rank order of the retrieved documents form incomparable search engines.The main data collection process depends onrunning 40 general queries on three major search engines (Google, AltaVista, and Alltheweb). Real users have involved in the relevance judgment process for a five point relevancy scale. Theperformance of the three search engines, their different combinations and different merging algorithm have been compared to rank the database, choose the best combination and define the optimal merging function.The major findings of this study are (1) Ranking the databases in merging process should depends on their overall performance not their popularity or size; (2)Larger databases tend to perform better than smaller databases; (3)The combination of the search engines should depend on ranking the database and choosing theappropriate combination function; (4)Search Engines tend to retrieve more overlap relevant document than overlap irrelevant documents; and (5) The merging function which take theoverlapped documents into accounts tend to perform better than the interleave and the rank similarity function.In addition to these findings the study has developed a set of requirements for the merging process to be successful. This procedure include the databases selection, the combination, and merging upon heuristic solutions

    An INDOT Lessons Learned Constructability Program and Integrated Multimedia System

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    The present paper introduces a new model of fuzzy neuron, one which increases the computational power of the artificial neuron, turning it also into a symbolic processing device. This model proposes the synapsis to be symbolically and numerically defined, by means of the assignment of tokens to the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. The matching or concatenation compatibility between these tokens is used to decided about the possible connections among neurons of a given net. The strength of the compatible synapsis is made dependent on the amount of the available presynaptic and post synaptic tokens. The symbolic and numeric processing capacity of the new fuzzy neuron is used here to build a neural net (JARGON) to disclose the existing knowledge in natural language data bases such as medical files, set of interviews, and reports about engineering operations

    Um metodo para aquisição e representação de conhecimento sobre procedimentos operacionais em serviço de completação de poços maritimos

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    Orientador : Celso Kazuyuki MorookaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecanicaResumo: A elaboração e atualização de documentos técnicos, tais como procedimentos operacionais,normas de segurança e outros são essenciais para a manutenção da memória institucional de uma empresa. Assim, por exemplo, a análise de boletins diários pode fornecer informações tais como falhas ocorridas, procedimentos operacionais correntes e estimativas de custo, que são conhecimentos fundamentais para esta elaboração e atualização. Mas, em geral, estas informações formam a base de dados em linguagem natural, o que dificulta bastante a sua análise devido ao volume destas informações e pela profusão de estilos literários encontrados nestes textos. Este estudo apresenta um método alternativo para a aquisição destes conhecimentos, a partir da base de dados em linguagem natural, pelo uso de uma ferramenta computacional baseado em redes neurais e aprendizado evolutivo. Os resultados obtidos com a aplicação deste método, em banco de dados em serviço de completação de poços, uma das atividades na indústria de petróleo, também são apresentados neste trabalho. Estes resultados mostram que esta ferramenta pode facilitar enormemente a explicitação da memória institucional, tornando o seu manejo muito mais eficiente e adaptávelAbstract: The institutional memory is one major asset of a company. It has been kept by editing and reviewing the technical documents, such as, procedural manuais and safety guidelines. Editing these technical documents, one should have primary knowledge about current operational procedures and fault modes, that can be got through daily reports analysis. However, in most of the cases, these reports are stored in natural language data bases, whose no automatic knowledge acquisition method is presently known. This study introduces an alternative approach to acquire the primary knowledge from natural language data bases, by using a computational tool based on neural nets. The results obtained with the application oí this approach on well completion service data base, in the petroleum industry activity, are presented. These results support proposition that the tool can easily make explicit the institutional memory and that one can effectively and efficiently handle this knowledgeMestradoMestre em Engenharia de Petróle