223,741 research outputs found

    Breathing Life into Polycations

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    The lack of efficient delivery systems is still limiting the full therapeutic potential of siRNA. For the purpose of nucleic acid transfer, among other synthetic carrier systems, polycations have been applied. Favorable characteristics of suitable polymers include nucleic acid binding, compaction, protection, and biocompatibility. However the lack of nucleic acid transfer activity in transfection-based screening often abandons promising candidates. Here we present that functionalization may turn polycations with poor delivery activity into efficient carriers:  for example, polylysine, on its own lacking nucleic acid transfer activity, displayed high efficiency in siRNA delivery after modification with polyethylene glycol and a pH-responsive endosomolytic peptide. Hence these findings have implication for the selection process of polymeric carriers for siRNA

    Sensing of endogenous nucleic acids by ZBP1 induces keratinocyte necroptosis and skin inflammation

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    Aberrant detection of endogenous nucleic acids by the immune system can cause inflammatory disease. The scaffold function of the signaling kinase RIPK1 limits spontaneous activation of the nucleic acid sensor ZBP1. Consequently, loss of RIPK1 in keratinocytes induces ZBP1-dependent necroptosis and skin inflammation. Whether nucleic acid sensing is required to activate ZBP1 in RIPK1-deficient conditions and which immune pathways are associated with skin disease remained open questions. Using knock-in mice with disrupted ZBP1 nucleic acid–binding activity, we report that sensing of endogenous nucleic acids by ZBP1 is critical in driving skin pathology characterized by antiviral and IL-17 immune responses. Inducing ZBP1 expression by interferons triggers necroptosis in RIPK1-deficient keratinocytes, and epidermis-specific deletion of MLKL prevents disease, demonstrating that cell-intrinsic events cause inflammation. These findings indicate that dysregulated sensing of endogenous nucleic acid by ZBP1 can drive inflammation and may contribute to the pathogenesis of IL-17–driven inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis

    Responsive Nucleic Acid-Based Organosilica Nanoparticles

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    The development of smart nanoparticles (NPs) that encode responsive features in the structural framework promises to extend the applications of NP-based drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic tools. New nanocarriers would ideally consist of a minimal number of biocompatible components and exhibit multiresponsive behavior to specific biomolecules, but progress is limited by the difficulty of synthesizing suitable building blocks. Through a nature-inspired approach that combines the programmability of nucleic acid interactions and sol-gel chemistry, we report the incorporation of synthetic nucleic acids and analogs, as constitutive components, into organosilica NPs. We prepared different nanomaterials containing single-stranded nucleic acids that are covalently embedded in the silica network. Through the incorporation of functional nucleic acids into the organosilica framework, the particles respond to various biological, physical, and chemical inputs, resulting in detectable physicochemical changes. The one-step bottom-up approach used to prepare organosilica NPs provides multifunctional systems that combine the tunability of oligonucleotides with the stiffness, low cost, and biocompatibility of silica for different applications ranging from drug delivery to sensing

    Rosetta Brains: A Strategy for Molecularly-Annotated Connectomics

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    We propose a neural connectomics strategy called Fluorescent In-Situ Sequencing of Barcoded Individual Neuronal Connections (FISSEQ-BOINC), leveraging fluorescent in situ nucleic acid sequencing in fixed tissue (FISSEQ). FISSEQ-BOINC exhibits different properties from BOINC, which relies on bulk nucleic acid sequencing. FISSEQ-BOINC could become a scalable approach for mapping whole-mammalian-brain connectomes with rich molecular annotations

    Supramolecular Nucleic Acid-Based Organosilica Nanoparticles Responsive to Physical and Biological Inputs

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    Organosilica nanoparticles that contain responsive organic building blocks as constitutive components of the silica network offer promising opportunities for the development of innovative drug formulations, biomolecule delivery, and diagnostic tools. However, the synthetic challenges required to introduce dynamic and multifunctional building blocks have hindered the realization of biomimicking nanoparticles. In this study, capitalizing on our previous research on responsive nucleic acid-based organosilica nanoparticles, we combine the supramolecular programmability of nucleic acid (NA) interactions with sol-gel chemistry. This approach allows us to create dynamic supramolecular bridging units of nucleic acids in a silica-based scaffold. Two peptide nucleic acid-based monoalkoxysilane derivatives, which self-assemble into a supramolecular bis-alkoxysilane through direct base pairing, were chosen as the noncovalent units inserted into the silica network. In addition, a bridging functional NA aptamer leads to the specific recognition of ATP molecules. In a one-step bottom-up approach, the resulting supramolecular building blocks can be used to prepare responsive organosilica nanoparticles. The supramolecular Watson-Crick-Franklin interactions of the organosilica nanoparticles result in a programmable response to external physical (i.e., temperature) and biological (i.e., DNA and ATP) inputs and thus pave the way for the rational design of multifunctional silica materials with application from drug delivery to theranostics

    Nucleic acid - protein fingerprints. Novel protein classification based on nucleic acid - protein recognition

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    Protein chemistry uses protein description and classification based on molecular mass and isoelectric point as general features. Enzymes are also compared by enzymatic reaction constants, namely Km and kcat values. Proteins are also studied by binding to different oligonucleotides. Here we suggest a simple experimental method for such a comparison of DNA binding proteins, which we call "nucleic acid-protein fingerprints". The experimental design of the method is based on an use of short oligonucleotides immobilized inside microarray of hydrogel cells - biochip. As a first stage, we solved a simple experimental task: what is the shortest single strand oligonucleotide to be recognized by protein? We tested binding of oligonucleotides from 2 to 12 bases, and we have obtained unexpected result that tetranucleotide one is long enough for specific protein binding. This 4-mer can contain two universal bases - 5-nitroindole nucleoside analogue (Ni) and only two meaningful bases, like A, G, T and C. The result obtained opens a way for constructing the simplest protein binding microarray. This microarray consists of 16 meaningful dinucleotides, like AA, AG, CT, GG etc. Physical sequences of all the nucleotides were NiNiAA, etc, where Ni is bound to gel through the amino linker. We prepared such an array and tested it for specific binding of several DNA/RNA binding proteins, labeled with fluorescent dyes like Texas Red of Bodipy. We tested RNase A and Binase for binding on the simplest microarray. It contains only 16 units, and there is a significant difference in the binding patterns. The microarray based on 3-mers must contains 64 units and must have much more specificity. The new principle of protein classification based on nucleic acid-protein recognition has been proposed and experimentally proved. Such an experimental approach must lead to a universal classification of specific DNA/RNA binding proteins

    Functional nucleic acid probes and uses thereof

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    The present invention provides functional nucleic acid probes, and methods of using functional nucleic acid probes, for binding a target to carry out a desired function. The probes have at least one functional nucleic acid, at least one regulating nucleic acid, and at least one attenuator. The functional nucleic acid is maintained in an inactive state by the attenuator and activated by the regulating nucleic acid only in the presence of a regulating nucleic acid target. In its activated state the functional nucleic acid can bind to its target to carry out a desired function, such as generating a signal, cleaving a nucleic acid, or catalyzing a reaction
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