27,478 research outputs found

    Light Field Denoising via Anisotropic Parallax Analysis in a CNN Framework

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    Light field (LF) cameras provide perspective information of scenes by taking directional measurements of the focusing light rays. The raw outputs are usually dark with additive camera noise, which impedes subsequent processing and applications. We propose a novel LF denoising framework based on anisotropic parallax analysis (APA). Two convolutional neural networks are jointly designed for the task: first, the structural parallax synthesis network predicts the parallax details for the entire LF based on a set of anisotropic parallax features. These novel features can efficiently capture the high frequency perspective components of a LF from noisy observations. Second, the view-dependent detail compensation network restores non-Lambertian variation to each LF view by involving view-specific spatial energies. Extensive experiments show that the proposed APA LF denoiser provides a much better denoising performance than state-of-the-art methods in terms of visual quality and in preservation of parallax details

    A target guided subband filter for acoustic event detection in noisy environments using wavelet packets

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    This paper deals with acoustic event detection (AED), such as screams, gunshots, and explosions, in noisy environments. The main aim is to improve the detection performance under adverse conditions with a very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A novel filtering method combined with an energy detector is presented. The wavelet packet transform (WPT) is first used for time-frequency representation of the acoustic signals. The proposed filter in the wavelet packet domain then uses a priori knowledge of the target event and an estimate of noise features to selectively suppress the background noise. It is in fact a content-aware band-pass filter which can automatically pass the frequency bands that are more significant in the target than in the noise. Theoretical analysis shows that the proposed filtering method is capable of enhancing the target content while suppressing the background noise for signals with a low SNR. A condition to increase the probability of correct detection is also obtained. Experiments have been carried out on a large dataset of acoustic events that are contaminated by different types of environmental noise and white noise with varying SNRs. Results show that the proposed method is more robust and better adapted to noise than ordinary energy detectors, and it can work even with an SNR as low as -15 dB. A practical system for real time processing and multi-target detection is also proposed in this work

    Generation of topographic terrain models utilizing synthetic aperture radar and surface level data

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    Topographical terrain models are generated by digitally delineating the boundary of the region under investigation from the data obtained from an airborne synthetic aperture radar image and surface elevation data concurrently acquired either from an airborne instrument or at ground level. A set of coregistered boundary maps thus generated are then digitally combined in three dimensional space with the acquired surface elevation data by means of image processing software stored in a digital computer. The method is particularly applicable for generating terrain models of flooded regions covered entirely or in part by foliage