5 research outputs found


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    Scheduling with Machine Conflicts

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    We study the scheduling problem of makespan minimization while taking machine conflicts into account. Machine conflicts arise in various settings, e.g., shared resources for pre- and post-processing of tasks or spatial restrictions. In this context, each job has a blocking time before and after its processing time, i.e., three parameters. We seek for conflict-free schedules in which the blocking times of no two jobs intersect on conflicting machines. Given a set of jobs, a set of machines, and a graph representing machine conflicts, the problem SchedulingWithMachineConflicts (SMC), asks for a conflict-free schedule of minimum makespan. We show that, unless P=NP\textrm{P}=\textrm{NP}, SMC on mm machines does not allow for a O(m1−Δ)\mathcal{O}(m^{1-\varepsilon})-approximation algorithm for any Δ>0\varepsilon>0, even in the case of identical jobs and every choice of fixed positive parameters, including the unit case. Complementary, we provide approximation algorithms when a suitable collection of independent sets is given. Finally, we present polynomial time algorithms to solve the problem for the case of unit jobs on special graph classes. Most prominently, we solve it for bipartite graphs by using structural insights for conflict graphs of star forests.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Mutual exclusion scheduling with interval graphs or related classes. Part I.

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    In this paper, the mutual exclusion scheduling problem is addressed. Given a simple and undirected graph G and an integer k, the problem is to find a minimum coloring of G such that each color is used at most k times. When restricted to interval graphs or related classes like circular-arc graphs and tolerance graphs, the problem has some applications in workforce planning. Unfortunately, the problem is shown to be NP-hard for interval graphs, even if k is a constant greater than or equal to four [H.L. Bodlaender and K. Jansen (1995). Restrictions of graph partition problems. Part I. Theoretical Computer Science 148, pp. 93–109]. Several polynomial-time solvable cases significant in practice are exhibited here, for which we took care to devise simple and efficient algorithms (in particular linear-time and space algorithms). On the other hand, by reinforcing the NP-hardness result of Bodlaender and Jansen, we obtain a more precise cartography of the complexity of the problem for the classes of graphs studied


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    Process planning and scheduling (PPS) is an essential and practical topic but a very intractable problem in manufacturing systems. Many research studies use iterative methods to solve such problems; however, they cannot achieve satisfactory results in both quality and computational speed. Other studies formulate scheduling problems as a graph coloring problem (GCP) or its extensions, but these formulations are limited to certain types of scheduling problems. In this dissertation, we propose a novel approach to formulate a general type of the PPS problem with resource allocation and process planning integrated towards a typical objective, minimizing the makespan. The PPS problem is formulated into an undirected weighted conflicting graph, where nodes represent operations and their resources; edges represent constraints, and weight factors are guidelines for the node selection at each time slot. Then, the Maximum Weighted Independent Set (MWIS) problem, which considers a graph with weights assigned to nodes and seeks to discover the “heaviest” independent set, that is, a set of nodes with maximum total weight so that no two nodes in the set are connected by an edge, can be solved to find the best set of operations with their desired resources for each discrete time slot. This proposed approach solves the PPS problem directly (a direct method in computational mathematics context). We establish that the proposed approach always returns a feasible optimum or near-optimum solution to the PPS problem. The performance of the proposed approach for the PPS problem depends on the accuracy and computational speed of solving the MWIS problem. We propose a divide-and-conquer algorithm structure with relatively low complexity for solving the MWIS problem. An exact MWIS algorithm and an All Maximal Independent Set Listing (AMISL) algorithm are developed based on this algorithm structure. The proposed algorithm structure can also be used to compose the exact MWIS algorithm with existing approximation MWIS algorithms. This is an effective way to improve the accuracy of existing approximation MWIS algorithms or improve the computational speed of the exact MWIS algorithm. All eight algorithms for the MWIS problem, the exact MWIS algorithm, the AMISL algorithm, two approximation algorithms from the literature, and four composed algorithms, are tested on the test instances based on the PPS application environment. The different configurations of the proposed approach for solving the PPS problem are tested on a real-world PPS example and further designated test instances to evaluate the scalability, accuracy, and robustness