20 research outputs found

    Mutation-aware fault prediction

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    We introduce mutation-aware fault prediction, which leverages additional guidance from metrics constructed in terms of mutants and the test cases that cover and detect them. We report the results of 12 sets of experiments, applying 4 di鈫礶rent predictive modelling techniques to 3 large real world systems (both open and closed source). The results show that our proposal can significantly (p 0.05) improve fault prediction performance. Moreover, mutation based metrics lie in the top 5% most frequently relied upon fault predictors in 10 of the 12 sets of experiments, and provide the majority of the top ten fault predictors in 9 of the 12 sets of experiments.http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/F.Sarro/resource/papers/ISSTA2016-Bowesetal.pd

    An Automatically Created Novel Bug Dataset and its Validation in Bug Prediction

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    Bugs are inescapable during software development due to frequent code changes, tight deadlines, etc.; therefore, it is important to have tools to find these errors. One way of performing bug identification is to analyze the characteristics of buggy source code elements from the past and predict the present ones based on the same characteristics, using e.g. machine learning models. To support model building tasks, code elements and their characteristics are collected in so-called bug datasets which serve as the input for learning. We present the \emph{BugHunter Dataset}: a novel kind of automatically constructed and freely available bug dataset containing code elements (files, classes, methods) with a wide set of code metrics and bug information. Other available bug datasets follow the traditional approach of gathering the characteristics of all source code elements (buggy and non-buggy) at only one or more pre-selected release versions of the code. Our approach, on the other hand, captures the buggy and the fixed states of the same source code elements from the narrowest timeframe we can identify for a bug's presence, regardless of release versions. To show the usefulness of the new dataset, we built and evaluated bug prediction models and achieved F-measure values over 0.74

    Too Trivial To Test? An Inverse View on Defect Prediction to Identify Methods with Low Fault Risk

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    Background. Test resources are usually limited and therefore it is often not possible to completely test an application before a release. To cope with the problem of scarce resources, development teams can apply defect prediction to identify fault-prone code regions. However, defect prediction tends to low precision in cross-project prediction scenarios. Aims. We take an inverse view on defect prediction and aim to identify methods that can be deferred when testing because they contain hardly any faults due to their code being "trivial". We expect that characteristics of such methods might be project-independent, so that our approach could improve cross-project predictions. Method. We compute code metrics and apply association rule mining to create rules for identifying methods with low fault risk. We conduct an empirical study to assess our approach with six Java open-source projects containing precise fault data at the method level. Results. Our results show that inverse defect prediction can identify approx. 32-44% of the methods of a project to have a low fault risk; on average, they are about six times less likely to contain a fault than other methods. In cross-project predictions with larger, more diversified training sets, identified methods are even eleven times less likely to contain a fault. Conclusions. Inverse defect prediction supports the efficient allocation of test resources by identifying methods that can be treated with less priority in testing activities and is well applicable in cross-project prediction scenarios.Comment: Submitted to PeerJ C

    Amortising the Cost of Mutation Based Fault Localisation using Statistical Inference

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    Mutation analysis can effectively capture the dependency between source code and test results. This has been exploited by Mutation Based Fault Localisation (MBFL) techniques. However, MBFL techniques suffer from the need to expend the high cost of mutation analysis after the observation of failures, which may present a challenge for its practical adoption. We introduce SIMFL (Statistical Inference for Mutation-based Fault Localisation), an MBFL technique that allows users to perform the mutation analysis in advance against an earlier version of the system. SIMFL uses mutants as artificial faults and aims to learn the failure patterns among test cases against different locations of mutations. Once a failure is observed, SIMFL requires either almost no or very small additional cost for analysis, depending on the used inference model. An empirical evaluation of SIMFL using 355 faults in Defects4J shows that SIMFL can successfully localise up to 103 faults at the top, and 152 faults within the top five, on par with state-of-the-art alternatives. The cost of mutation analysis can be further reduced by mutation sampling: SIMFL retains over 80% of its localisation accuracy at the top rank when using only 10% of generated mutants, compared to results obtained without sampling

    Predictive analytics for software testing: Keynote paper

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    This keynote discusses the use of Predictive Analytics for Software Engineering, and in particular for Software Defect Prediction and Software Testing, by presenting the latest results achieved in these fields leveraging Artificial Intelligence, Search-based and Machine Learning methods, and by giving some directions for future work

    The Importance of Accounting for Real-World Labelling When Predicting Software Vulnerabilities

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    Previous work on vulnerability prediction assume that predictive models are trained with respect to perfect labelling information (includes labels from future, as yet undiscovered vulnerabilities). In this paper we present results from a comprehensive empirical study of 1,898 real-world vulnerabilities reported in 74 releases of three security-critical open source systems (Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark). Our study investigates the effectiveness of three previously proposed vulnerability prediction approaches, in two settings: with and without the unrealistic labelling assumption. The results reveal that the unrealistic labelling assumption can profoundly mis- lead the scientific conclusions drawn; suggesting highly effective and deployable prediction results vanish when we fully account for realistically available labelling in the experimental methodology. More precisely, MCC mean values of predictive effectiveness drop from 0.77, 0.65 and 0.43 to 0.08, 0.22, 0.10 for Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark, respectively. Similar results are also obtained for precision, recall and other assessments of predictive efficacy. The community therefore needs to upgrade experimental and empirical methodology for vulnerability prediction evaluation and development to ensure robust and actionable scientific findings

    Measurement Challenges for Cyber Cyber Digital Twins: Experiences from the Deployment of Facebook's WW Simulation System

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    A cyber cyber digital twin is a deployed software model that executes in tandem with the system it simulates, contributing to, and drawing from, the systems behaviour. This paper outlines Facebooks cyber cyber digital twin, dubbed WW, a twin of Facebooks WWW platform, built using web-enabled simulation. The paper focuses on the current research challenges and opportunities in the area of measurement. Measurement challenges lie at the heart of modern simulation. They directly impact how we use simulation outcomes for automated online and semi-Automated offline decision making. Measurements also encompas how we verify and validate those outcomes. Modern simulation systems are increasingly becoming more like cyber cyber digital twins, effectively moving from manual to automated decision making, hence, these measurement challenges acquire ever greater significance

    MEG: Multi-objective Ensemble Generation for Software Defect Prediction

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    Background: Defect Prediction research aims at assisting software engineers in the early identification of software defect during the development process. A variety of automated approaches, ranging from traditional classification models to more sophisticated learning approaches, have been explored to this end. Among these, recent studies have proposed the use of ensemble prediction models (i.e., aggregation of multiple base classifiers) to build more robust defect prediction models. / Aims: In this paper, we introduce a novel approach based on multi-objective evolutionary search to automatically generate defect prediction ensembles. Our proposal is not only novel with respect to the more general area of evolutionary generation of ensembles, but it also advances the state-of-the-art in the use of ensemble in defect prediction. / Method: We assess the effectiveness of our approach, dubbed as Multi-objective Ensemble Generation (MEG), by empirically benchmarking it with respect to the most related proposals we found in the literature on defect prediction ensembles and on multi-objective evolutionary ensembles (which, to the best of our knowledge, had never been previously applied to tackle defect prediction). / Result: Our results show that MEG is able to generate ensembles which produce similar or more accurate predictions than those achieved by all the other approaches considered in 73% of the cases (with favourable large effect sizes in 80% of them). / Conclusions: MEG is not only able to generate ensembles that yield more accurate defect predictions with respect to the benchmarks considered, but it also does it automatically, thus relieving the engineers from the burden of manual design and experimentation

    Sentinel: A Hyper-Heuristic for the Generation of Mutant Reduction Strategies

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    Mutation testing is an effective approach to evaluate and strengthen software test suites, but its adoption is currently limited by the mutants' execution computational cost. Several strategies have been proposed to reduce this cost (a.k.a. mutation cost reduction strategies), however none of them has proven to be effective for all scenarios since they often need an ad-hoc manual selection and configuration depending on the software under test (SUT). In this paper, we propose a novel multi-objective evolutionary hyper-heuristic approach, dubbed Sentinel, to automate the generation of optimal cost reduction strategies for every new SUT. We evaluate Sentinel by carrying out a thorough empirical study involving 40 releases of 10 open-source real-world software systems and both baseline and state-of-the-art strategies as a benchmark. We execute a total of 4,800 experiments, and evaluate their results with both quality indicators and statistical significance tests, following the most recent best practice in the literature. The results show that strategies generated by Sentinel outperform the baseline strategies in 95% of the cases always with large effect sizes. They also obtain statistically significantly better results than state-of-the-art strategies in 88% of the cases, with large effect sizes for 95% of them. Also, our study reveals that the mutation strategies generated by Sentinel for a given software version can be used without any loss in quality for subsequently developed versions in 95% of the cases. These results show that Sentinel is able to automatically generate mutation strategies that reduce mutation testing cost without affecting its testing effectiveness (i.e. mutation score), thus taking off from the tester's shoulders the burden of manually selecting and configuring strategies for each SUT.Comment: in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineerin