5,016 research outputs found

    A Scale Mixture Perspective of Multiplicative Noise in Neural Networks

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    Corrupting the input and hidden layers of deep neural networks (DNNs) with multiplicative noise, often drawn from the Bernoulli distribution (or 'dropout'), provides regularization that has significantly contributed to deep learning's success. However, understanding how multiplicative corruptions prevent overfitting has been difficult due to the complexity of a DNN's functional form. In this paper, we show that when a Gaussian prior is placed on a DNN's weights, applying multiplicative noise induces a Gaussian scale mixture, which can be reparameterized to circumvent the problematic likelihood function. Analysis can then proceed by using a type-II maximum likelihood procedure to derive a closed-form expression revealing how regularization evolves as a function of the network's weights. Results show that multiplicative noise forces weights to become either sparse or invariant to rescaling. We find our analysis has implications for model compression as it naturally reveals a weight pruning rule that starkly contrasts with the commonly used signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). While the SNR prunes weights with large variances, seeing them as noisy, our approach recognizes their robustness and retains them. We empirically demonstrate our approach has a strong advantage over the SNR heuristic and is competitive to retraining with soft targets produced from a teacher model

    Generalization of Extended Baum-Welch Parameter Estimation for Discriminative Training and Decoding

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    We demonstrate the generalizability of the Extended Baum-Welch (EBW) algorithm not only for HMM parameter estimation but for decoding as well.\ud We show that there can exist a general function associated with the objective function under EBW that reduces to the well-known auxiliary function used in the Baum-Welch algorithm for maximum likelihood estimates.\ud We generalize representation for the updates of model parameters by making use of a differentiable function (such as arithmetic or geometric\ud mean) on the updated and current model parameters and describe their effect on the learning rate during HMM parameter estimation. Improvements on speech recognition tasks are also presented here

    Stochastic Synapses Enable Efficient Brain-Inspired Learning Machines

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    Recent studies have shown that synaptic unreliability is a robust and sufficient mechanism for inducing the stochasticity observed in cortex. Here, we introduce Synaptic Sampling Machines, a class of neural network models that uses synaptic stochasticity as a means to Monte Carlo sampling and unsupervised learning. Similar to the original formulation of Boltzmann machines, these models can be viewed as a stochastic counterpart of Hopfield networks, but where stochasticity is induced by a random mask over the connections. Synaptic stochasticity plays the dual role of an efficient mechanism for sampling, and a regularizer during learning akin to DropConnect. A local synaptic plasticity rule implementing an event-driven form of contrastive divergence enables the learning of generative models in an on-line fashion. Synaptic sampling machines perform equally well using discrete-timed artificial units (as in Hopfield networks) or continuous-timed leaky integrate & fire neurons. The learned representations are remarkably sparse and robust to reductions in bit precision and synapse pruning: removal of more than 75% of the weakest connections followed by cursory re-learning causes a negligible performance loss on benchmark classification tasks. The spiking neuron-based synaptic sampling machines outperform existing spike-based unsupervised learners, while potentially offering substantial advantages in terms of power and complexity, and are thus promising models for on-line learning in brain-inspired hardware

    Normal-Mixture-of-Inverse-Gamma Priors for Bayesian Regularization and Model Selection in Structured Additive Regression Models

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    In regression models with many potential predictors, choosing an appropriate subset of covariates and their interactions at the same time as determining whether linear or more flexible functional forms are required is a challenging and important task. We propose a spike-and-slab prior structure in order to include or exclude single coefficients as well as blocks of coefficients associated with factor variables, random effects or basis expansions of smooth functions. Structured additive models with this prior structure are estimated with Markov Chain Monte Carlo using a redundant multiplicative parameter expansion. We discuss shrinkage properties of the novel prior induced by the redundant parameterization, investigate its sensitivity to hyperparameter settings and compare performance of the proposed method in terms of model selection, sparsity recovery, and estimation error for Gaussian, binomial and Poisson responses on real and simulated data sets with that of component-wise boosting and other approaches

    Statistical inference with anchored Bayesian mixture of regressions models: A case study analysis of allometric data

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    We present a case study in which we use a mixture of regressions model to improve on an ill-fitting simple linear regression model relating log brain mass to log body mass for 100 placental mammalian species. The slope of this regression model is of particular scientific interest because it corresponds to a constant that governs a hypothesized allometric power law relating brain mass to body mass. A specific line of investigation is to determine whether the regression parameters vary across subgroups of related species. We model these data using an anchored Bayesian mixture of regressions model, which modifies the standard Bayesian Gaussian mixture by pre-assigning small subsets of observations to given mixture components with probability one. These observations (called anchor points) break the relabeling invariance typical of exchangeable model specifications (the so-called label-switching problem). A careful choice of which observations to pre-classify to which mixture components is key to the specification of a well-fitting anchor model. In the article we compare three strategies for the selection of anchor points. The first assumes that the underlying mixture of regressions model holds and assigns anchor points to different components to maximize the information about their labeling. The second makes no assumption about the relationship between x and y and instead identifies anchor points using a bivariate Gaussian mixture model. The third strategy begins with the assumption that there is only one mixture regression component and identifies anchor points that are representative of a clustering structure based on case-deletion importance sampling weights. We compare the performance of the three strategies on the allometric data set and use auxiliary taxonomic information about the species to evaluate the model-based classifications estimated from these models

    Extended Object Tracking: Introduction, Overview and Applications

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    This article provides an elaborate overview of current research in extended object tracking. We provide a clear definition of the extended object tracking problem and discuss its delimitation to other types of object tracking. Next, different aspects of extended object modelling are extensively discussed. Subsequently, we give a tutorial introduction to two basic and well used extended object tracking approaches - the random matrix approach and the Kalman filter-based approach for star-convex shapes. The next part treats the tracking of multiple extended objects and elaborates how the large number of feasible association hypotheses can be tackled using both Random Finite Set (RFS) and Non-RFS multi-object trackers. The article concludes with a summary of current applications, where four example applications involving camera, X-band radar, light detection and ranging (lidar), red-green-blue-depth (RGB-D) sensors are highlighted.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure