228 research outputs found

    Aggregation on bipolar scales

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    The paper addresses the problem of extending aggregation operators typically defined on [0,1][0,1] to the symmetric interval [1,1][-1,1], where the ``0'' value plays a particular role (neutral value). We distinguish the cases where aggregation operators are associative or not. In the former case, the ``0'' value may play the role of neutral or absorbant element, leading to pseudo-addition and pseudo-multiplication. We address also in this category the special case of minimum and maximum defined on some finite ordinal scale. In the latter case, we find that a general class of extended operators can be defined using an interpolation approach, supposing the value of the aggregation to be known for ternary vectors.bipolar scale; bi-capacity; aggregation

    Measure and integral with purely ordinal scales

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    We develop a purely ordinal model for aggregation functionals for lattice valued functions, comprising as special cases quantiles, the Ky Fan metric and the Sugeno integral. For modeling findings of psychological experiments like the reflection effect in decision behaviour under risk or uncertainty, we introduce reflection lattices. These are complete linear lattices endowed with an order reversing bijection like the reflection at 00 on the real interval [1,1][-1,1]. Mathematically we investigate the lattice of non-void intervals in a complete linear lattice, then the class of monotone interval-valued functions and

    The quest for rings on bipolar scales

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    We consider the interval ]1,1[]{-1},1[ and intend to endow it with an algebraic structure like a ring. The motivation lies in decision making, where scales that are symmetric w.r.t.~00 are needed in order to represent a kind of symmetry in the behaviour of the decision maker. A former proposal due to Grabisch was based on maximum and minimum. In this paper, we propose to build our structure on t-conorms and t-norms, and we relate this construction to uninorms. We show that the only way to build a group is to use strict t-norms, and that there is no way to build a ring. Lastly, we show that the main result of this paper is connected to the theory of ordered Abelian groups.

    Generalized Lebesgue integral

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    AbstractA new definition of integral-like functionals exploiting the ideas of the Lebesgue integral construction and extending the idea of pan-integrals is given. Some convergence theorems for sequence of measurable functions are discussed. As a result, a theoretical basis for applications of the generalized Lebesgue integral is provided. Several types of integrals known from the literature are shown to be special cases of generalized Lebesgue integral