260 research outputs found

    Differential Modulation and Non-Coherent Detection in Wireless Relay Networks

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    The technique of cooperative communications is finding its way in the next generations of many wireless communication applications. Due to the distributed nature of cooperative networks, acquiring fading channels information for coherent detection is more challenging than in the traditional point-to-point communications. To bypass the requirement of channel information, differential modulation together with non-coherent detection can be deployed. This thesis is concerned with various issues related to differential modulation and non-coherent detection in cooperative networks. Specifically, the thesis examines the behaviour and robustness of non-coherent detection in mobile environments (i.e., time-varying channels). The amount of channel variation is related to the normalized Doppler shift which is a function of user's mobility. The Doppler shift is used to distinguish between slow time-varying (slow-fading) and rapid time-varying (fast-fading) channels. The performance of several important relay topologies, including single-branch and multi-branch dual-hop relaying with/without a direct link that employ amplify-and-forward relaying and two-symbol non-coherent detection, is analyzed. For this purpose, a time-series model is developed for characterizing the time-varying nature of the cascaded channel encountered in amplify-and-forward relaying.Comment: PhD Dissertatio

    Selection Combiner in Time-Varying Amplify Forward Cooperative Communication

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    This research presents the diversity combining schemes for Multiple Symbol Double Differential Sphere Detection (MSDDSD) in a time-varying amplify-and-forward wireless cooperative communication network. Four diversity combiners, including direct combiner, Maximal Ratio Combiner (MRC), semi MRC and Selection Combiner (SC) are demonstrated and explained in details. A comprehensive error probability and outage probability performance analysis are carried through the flat fading Rayleigh environment for semi MRC and SC. Specifically, error performance analysis is obtained using the PDF for SC detectors. Finally, power allocation expression based on error performance minimization approach is presented for the proposed SC performance optimization. It is observed that the performance analysis matches well with the simulation results. Furthermore, the proposed SC scheme offers better performance among the conventional MRC and direct combiner schemes in the presence of frequency offsets

    Distributed Double Differential Space-Time Coding with Amplify-and-Forward Relaying

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    This paper provides the double differentially modulated distributed space-time coding for amplify-andforward (AF) relaying cooperative communications system under time-varying fading channels. In many wireless systems, the communication terminals are mobile. In such case, frequency offsets arise subjected to Doppler’s effect and frequency mismatch amongst the terminals’ local oscillators. The double differential coding is proposed to overcome the problem of frequency offsets that present in the channel due to the rapidly fast moving nodes. The advantage of the double differential is that the scheme requires neither channel nor frequency offset knowledge for decoding process at the desired destination. However, the conventional two-codeword approach fails to perform and leads to error floor, a region where the error probability performance curve flattens for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime in fast fading environment. Hence, a low complexity multiple-codeword double differential sphere decoding (MCDDSD) is proposed. The simulation results show that the proposed MCDDSD significantly improve the system performance in time-varying environment

    Differential modulation for two-way wireless communications: a perspective of differential network coding at the physical layer

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    This work considers two-way relay channels (TWRC), where two terminals transmit simultaneously to each other with the help of a relay node. For single antenna systems, we propose several new transmission schemes for both amplify-and-forward (AF) protocol and decode-and-forward (DF) protocol where the channel state information is not required. These new schemes are the counterpart of the traditional noncoherent detection or differential detection in point-to-point communications. Differential modulation design for TWRC is challenging because the received signal is a mixture of the signals from both source terminals. We derive maximum likelihood (ML) detectors for both AF and DF protocols, where the latter can be considered as performing differential network coding at the physical layer. As the exact ML detector is prohibitively complex, we propose several suboptimal alternatives including decision feedback detectors and prediction-based detectors. All these strategies work well as evidenced by the simulation results. The proposed protocols are especially useful when the required average data rate is high. In addition, we extend the protocols to the multiple-antenna case and provide the design criterion of the differential unitary space time modulation (DUSTM) for TWRC

    Multiple Symbol Double Differential Transmission for Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Diversity Networks in Time-Varying Channel

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    In the cooperative diversity wireless networks, the task to perform cooperation communication amongst neighbouring nodes is very challenging. Subjected to rapidly increasing mobility of the nodes i.e. wireless devices in fast moving vehicles and trains, at the destination end the receiver may not ideally estimate the channel characteristics and frequency offsets. Due to these circumstances which results in time-varying channels, the performance network degrades drastically. In order to enhance the performance in such environment, Double Differential (DD) modulation employing multiple symbol based detection is proposed which takes mobility environment of different nodes into consideration. By utilizing the DD transmission approach, the channel properties and frequency offset estimation is omitted in the amplify-andforward cooperative networks. The MATLAB simulation and numerical analysis on Bit Error Rate (BER) are carried out with consideration on considering flat-fading (i.e. the frequency non-selective) Rayleigh channels and when frequency offsets. The results depict that the proposed method over fading channels without channel estimation requirements and in the presence of frequency offsets performs better as compared to the conventional DD transmission. Optimized power allocation is also carried out to enhance the network performance by minimizing the BER analytical expression. It is demonstrated that the proposed power allocation scheme offers enhancement over the equally distributed power allocation approach

    Non-coherent successive relaying and cooperation: principles, designs, and applications

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    Cooperative communication is capable of forming a virtual antenna array for each node (user) in a network by allowing the nodes (users) to relay the messages of others to the destination. Such a relay aided network may be viewed as a distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system relying on the spatially distributed single antennas of the cooperating mobiles, which avoids the correlation of the antenna elements routinely encountered in conventional MIMO systems and hence attains the maximum achievable diversity gain. Therefore, the family of cooperative communication techniques may be regarded as a potential solution for future wireless networks. However, constrained by the half-duplex transmit/receive mode of most practical transceivers, the cooperative networks may impose a severe 50% throughput loss. As a remedy, successive relaying can be employed, which is capable of mimicking a full-duplex relay and thereby recovering much of the 50% throughput loss. Furthermore, for the sake of bypassing power-hungry and potentially excessive-complexity channel estimation, noncoherent detection techniques may be employed for multiple-antenna aided systems, because estimating all the associated channels may become unrealistic. Explicitly, the mobile-stations acting as relays cannot be realistically expected to estimate the source-to-relay channels. In order to motivate further research on noncoherent successive relaying aided systems, a comprehensive review of its basic concepts, fundamental principles, practical transceiver designs and open challenges is provide