14 research outputs found

    Multiple Model ILC for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems

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    Multiple model iterative learning control (MMILC) method is proposed to deal with the continuous-time nonlinear system with uncertain and iteration-varying parameters. In this kind of control strategy, multiple models are established to cover the uncertainty of system; a switching mechanism is used to decide the most appropriate model for system in current iteration. For system operating iteratively in a fixed time interval with uncertain or jumping parameters, this kind of MMILC can improve the transient response and control property greatly. Asymptotical convergence is demonstrated theoretically, and the control effectiveness is illustrated by numerical simulation

    Adaptive P Control and Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller with Expert System Implementation for Robotic Manipulator Application

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    This study aims to develop an expert system implementation of P controller and fuzzy logic controller to address issues related to improper control input estimation, which can arise from incorrect gain values or unsuitable rule-based designs. The research focuses on improving the control input adaptation by using an expert system to resolve the adjustment issues of the P controller and fuzzy logic controller. The methodology involves designing an expert system that captures error signals within the system and adjusts the gain to enhance the control input estimation from the main controller. In this study, the P controller and fuzzy logic controller were regulated, and the system was tested using step input signals with small values and larger than the saturation limit defined in the design. The PID controller used CHR tuning to least overshoot, determining the system's gain. The tests were conducted using different step input values and saturation limits, providing a comprehensive analysis of the controller's performance. The results demonstrated that the adaptive fuzzy logic controller performed well in terms of %OS and settling time values in system control, followed by the fuzzy logic controller, adaptive P controller, and P controller. The adaptive P controller showed similar control capabilities during input saturation, as long as it did not exceed 100% of the designed rule base. The study emphasizes the importance of incorporating expert systems into control input estimation in the main controller to enhance the system efficiency compared to the original system, and further improvements can be achieved if the main processing system already possesses adequate control ability. This research contributes to the development of more intelligent control systems by integrating expert systems with P controllers and fuzzy logic controllers, addressing the limitations of traditional control systems and improving their overall performance

    Design and Develop a Non-Invasive Pulmonary Vibration Device for Secretion Drainage in Pediatric Patients with Pneumonia

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    The study aimed to develop a non-invasive pulmonary vibration device, specifically tailored for pediatric patients, to address a range of pulmonary conditions. The device employs a PID control system to ensure consistent and precise vibrations. The primary contribution of this research is the successful development, testing, and implementation of this innovative device. Utilizing technical components such as an Arduino, a vibration DC motor, and an ADXL335 accelerometer, the device was engineered to deliver stable and continuous vibrations even when subjected to external pressures or interactions with the patient. Controllers, including P, PI, PD, and PID types, were rigorously compared. The Ziegler-Nichols tuning technique was applied for meticulous evaluation of vibration control specifically within the context of this non-invasive pulmonary vibration device. Our findings revealed that the PID controller displayed superior accuracy in vibration control compared to P, PI, and PD controllers. Clinical trials involving pediatric patients showed that the PID-controlled device achieved treatment outcomes comparable to conventional methods. The device's precise control of vibration strength provides an added benefit, making it a well-tolerated, non-invasive treatment option for various pulmonary conditions in pediatric patients. Future research is necessary to assess the long-term effectiveness of the device and to facilitate its integration into standard clinical practice. In summary, this study represents a significant advancement in pediatric pulmonary care, demonstrating the critical role that PID control systems adapted for non-invasive pulmonary vibration devices can play in enhancing treatment precision and outcomes

    Optimizing Membership Function Tuning for Fuzzy Control of Robotic Manipulators Using PID-Driven Data Techniques

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    In this study, a method for optimizing membership function tuning for fuzzy control of robotic manipulators using PID-driven data techniques is presented. Traditional approaches for designing membership functions in fuzzy control systems often rely on the experience and knowledge of the system designer, which can lead to suboptimal performance. By utilizing data collected from a PID control system, the proposed method aims to enhance the precision and controllability of robotic manipulators through improved fuzzy logic control. A Mamdani-type fuzzy logic controller was developed and its performance was simulated in Simulink, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed optimization technique. The results indicate that the method can outperform conventional P control systems in terms of overshoot reduction while maintaining comparable transient response specifications. This research highlights the potential of the PID-driven data-based approach for optimizing membership function tuning in fuzzy control systems and offers valuable insights for the development and evaluation of fuzzy logic control in robotic manipulators. Future work may focus on further optimization of the tuning process, evaluation of system robustness under various operating conditions, and exploring the integration of other artificial intelligence techniques for improved control performance

    Estimation Based Multiple Model Iterative Learning Control

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    An iterative learning control (ILC) framework is developed which provides robust stability and performance bounds under the assumption that the true plant model belongs to a plant uncertainty set that is specified by the designer. A set of candidate plant models is defined comprising hypotheses of the ‘true’ plant model, and after each ILC trial the update used is chosen to correspond to the current best plant hypothesis from the observed history via an optimisation based estimation process. A comprehensive design procedure for the switched multiple model ILC system is presented which is applicable to a general class of ILC update

    Multiple model iterative learning control of FES electrode arrays

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    Stroke is a common cause of hand and upper limb disability, but current rehabilitation approaches do not adequately support successful recovery. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is the most widely used assistive technology, and is able to support accurate hand and wrist motion when applied using multi-element electrode arrays. However, accurate movements have only been possible using an iterative learning control (ILC) approach involving many repeated model identification tests. This lengthy process limits wide-spread use. This paper presents a solution for FES electrode array control using estimation-based multiple-model ILC (EM-MILC), in which a set of parameterised models is used to automatically update the stimulation applied to each array element every time a task is carried out. This removes the need for model identification, significantly improving system usability whilst maintaining high performance. Experimental results demonstrate that EM-MILC reduces the average number of tests from 16 to 3, compared to the most accurate existing approach

    Multiple model iterative learning control for FES-based stroke rehabilitation

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    Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is an upper limb stroke rehabilitation technology that can enable patients to recover their lost movement by assisting functional task training. Unfortunately, current FES controllers cannot simultaneously satisfy the competing demands of high accuracy, robustness to modelling error and minimal set-up/identification time that are needed for clinical or home deployment. To address this, an estimation-based multiple model switched iterative learning control framework is proposed, combining the most successful adaptive and learning properties of existing FES controllers. A practical design procedure guaranteeing robust performance is developed, and initial experimental results are then presented to confirm efficacy of the approach