2 research outputs found

    Optimal Quantitative Controller Design for Twin Rotor MIMO System

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    In this paper, the control approach is used for achieving the desired performance and stability of the twin-rotor MIMO system. This system is considered one of the complex multiple inputs of multiple-output systems. The complexity because of the high nonlinearity, significant cross-coupling and parameter uncertainty makes the control of such systems is a very challenging task. The dynamic of the Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS) is the same as that in helicopters in many aspects. The Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) controller is added to the control to enhance the control algorithm and to satisfy a more desirable performance. QFT is one of the frequency domain techniques that is used to achieve a desirable robust control in presence of system parameters variation. Therefore, a combination between control and QFT is presented in this paper to give a new efficient control algorithm. On the other hand, to obtain the optimal values of the controller parameters, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) which is one of the powerful optimization methods is used. The results show that the proposed quantitative control can achieve more desirable performance in comparison to control especially in attenuating the cross-coupling and eliminating the steady-state error

    Desarrollo de una estrategia de control inteligente sobre una plataforma de simulaci贸n de un helic贸ptero (Twin Rotor)

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    Hoy en d铆a, con la continua aparici贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as y estrategias de control, surge la problem谩tica de combinar ambas para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas avanzados de control, tanto en procesos productivos como en aplicaciones de diferentes 谩reas. A medida que los dispositivos de control ganan en prestaciones, se ofrecen novedosas alternativas a las t茅cnicas existentes. Prueba de ello es que las t茅cnicas procedentes de la Computaci贸n Inteligente ganan terreno en el dise帽o de controladores m谩s robustos y eficaces, en el an谩lisis de informaci贸n procedente de procesos o plantas, o incluso en los procesos de optimizaci贸n y tomas de decisi贸n. Por tanto, el principal objetivo del presente trabajo es avanzar en el estudio de una estrategia de control basada en t茅cnicas inteligentes para una plataforma Twin-Rotor, simulando el control de un helic贸ptero. Dicha estrategia ya ha sido contrastada en sistemas monovariables (SISO) y se propone dar el salto a un sistema multivariable (MIMO).Gaur egun sortzen ari diren teknologia berriak zein kontrol estrategiak direla eta, hauek konbinatzeko arazoak sortu dira kontrol sistema aurreratu berriak garatzerako orduan, produkzio prozesuetan baita arlo desberdinetako aplikazioetan ere. Kontrol gailuek errendimendua hobetzen duten heinean, teknika berriak eskaintzen dira. Hori egiaztatu da, Konputazio Adimenean parte hartzen duten teknikek indarra hartzen ari direlako, kontrolagailu sendoagoak eta eraginkorragoak diseinatzerakoan, lantegietako informazioa aztertzerakoan zein optimizazio edo erabakiak hartzeko prozesuetan. Ondorioz, lan honen helburu nagusia Twin-Rotor izeneko plataforma baterako adimen teknika ezberdinetan oinarritutako estrategiak ikertzea da, helikoptero baten kontrola simulatuz. Estrategia hau dagoeneko kontrastatu da sistema mono-aldagaietan (SISO). Azkenik, lan honekin lortu nahi dena sistema multi-aldagaietan (MIMO) erabiltzea da.Nowadays, due to the continuous appearance of new technologies and control strategies, the problem of combining both for the development of new advanced control systems appears, in production processes and in applications in different areas. As control devices gain in performance, novel alternatives to existing techniques are offered. Proof of this is that the techniques from Intelligent Computing are gaining ground in the design of more robust and efficient controllers, in the analysis of information from processes or plants, or even in the optimization and decision-making processes. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to advance in the study of a control strategy based on intelligent techniques for a Twin-Rotor platform, simulating the control of a helicopter. This strategy has already been tested in monovariable systems (SISO) and it is proposed to make the leap to a multivariable system (MIMO)