3 research outputs found

    Optimal Distribution of Heterogeneous Agents under Delays

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    Abstract-An analytical framework for the study of a generic distribution problem is introduced in which a group of agents with different capabilities intend to maximize total utility by dividing themselves into various subgroups without any form of global information-sharing or centralized decision-making. The marginal utility of belonging to a particular subgroup rests on the well-known concept in economic theory of the law of diminishing returns. For a class of discrete event systems, we identify a set of conditions that define local information and cooperation requirements, and prove that if the proposed conditions are satisfied a stable agent distribution representing a Pareto optimum is achieved even under random but bounded decision and transition delays

    Multiple Heterogeneous Ant Colonies with Information Exchange

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    The method of multiple heterogeneous ant colonies with information exchange (MHACIE) is presented in this paper with emphasis on the speed of finding the optimal solution and the corresponding computational complexity. The proposed method which is inspired by biology and psychology has a structure composed of several ant colonies. These colonies participate in solving problems in a concurrently manner and also exchange information with each other in communicational steps. Each ant colony is considered as an intelligent agent with behavioral traits. These behavioral traits play a key role in the solving procedure, in interrelation circumstances and in installation of relations. Faster solutions have been achieved using different employments of agents in the algorithm structure. Experimental results show the superiority of Multiple heterogeneous ant colonies algorithm in comparison to the standard ant colony system (ACS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms on different benchmarks. A dynamic, control engineering benchmark is also provided in order to gain a more complete evaluation of the proposed algorithm