7,616 research outputs found

    Erasure Multiple Descriptions

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    We consider a binary erasure version of the n-channel multiple descriptions problem with symmetric descriptions, i.e., the rates of the n descriptions are the same and the distortion constraint depends only on the number of messages received. We consider the case where there is no excess rate for every k out of n descriptions. Our goal is to characterize the achievable distortions D_1, D_2,...,D_n. We measure the fidelity of reconstruction using two distortion criteria: an average-case distortion criterion, under which distortion is measured by taking the average of the per-letter distortion over all source sequences, and a worst-case distortion criterion, under which distortion is measured by taking the maximum of the per-letter distortion over all source sequences. We present achievability schemes, based on random binning for average-case distortion and systematic MDS (maximum distance separable) codes for worst-case distortion, and prove optimality results for the corresponding achievable distortion regions. We then use the binary erasure multiple descriptions setup to propose a layered coding framework for multiple descriptions, which we then apply to vector Gaussian multiple descriptions and prove its optimality for symmetric scalar Gaussian multiple descriptions with two levels of receivers and no excess rate for the central receiver. We also prove a new outer bound for the general multi-terminal source coding problem and use it to prove an optimality result for the robust binary erasure CEO problem. For the latter, we provide a tight lower bound on the distortion for \ell messages for any coding scheme that achieves the minimum achievable distortion for k messages where k is less than or equal to \ell.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor

    On source and channel codes for multiple inputs and outputs: does multiple description beat space time?

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    We compare two strategies for lossy source description across a pair of unreliable channels. In the first strategy, we use a broadcast channel code to achieve a different rate for each possible channel realization, and then use a multiresolution source code to describe the source at the resulting rates. In the second strategy, we use a channel coding strategy for two independent channels coupled with a multiple description source code. In each case, we choose the coding parameters to minimize the expected end-to-end distortion in the source reconstruction. We demonstrate that in point-to-point communication across a pair of non-ergodic channels, multiple description coding can provide substantial gains relative to multiresolution and broadcast coding. We then investigate this comparison in a simple MIMO channel. We demonstrate the inferior performance of space time coding with multiresolution source coding and broadcast channel coding relative to multiple description codes and a time sharing channel coding strategy. These results indicate that for non-ergodic channels, the traditional definition of channel capacity does not necessarily lead to the best channel code from the perspective of end-to-end source distortion

    Error-resilient performance of Dirac video codec over packet-erasure channel

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    Video transmission over the wireless or wired network requires error-resilient mechanism since compressed video bitstreams are sensitive to transmission errors because of the use of predictive coding and variable length coding. This paper investigates the performance of a simple and low complexity error-resilient coding scheme which combines source and channel coding to protect compressed bitstream of wavelet-based Dirac video codec in the packet-erasure channel. By partitioning the wavelet transform coefficients of the motion-compensated residual frame into groups and independently processing each group using arithmetic and Forward Error Correction (FEC) coding, Dirac could achieves the robustness to transmission errors by giving the video quality which is gracefully decreasing over a range of packet loss rates up to 30% when compared with conventional FEC only methods. Simulation results also show that the proposed scheme using multiple partitions can achieve up to 10 dB PSNR gain over its existing un-partitioned format. This paper also investigates the error-resilient performance of the proposed scheme in comparison with H.264 over packet-erasure channel

    Delay with network coding and feedback

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    We consider the problem of minimizing delay when broadcasting over erasure channels with feedback. A sender wishes to communicate the same set of ÎŒ messages to several receivers over separate erasure channels. The sender can broad- cast a single message or a combination (encoding) of messages at each timestep. Receivers provide feedback as to whether the transmission was received. If at some time step a receiver cannot identify a new message, delay is incurred. Our notion of delay is motivated by real-time applications that request progressively refined input, such as the successive refinement of an image encoded using multiple description coding. Our setup is novel because it combines coding techniques with feedback information to the end of minimizing delay. It allows Θ(ÎŒ) benefits as compared to previous approaches for offline algorithms, while feedback allows online algorithms to achieve smaller delay than online algorithms without feedback. Our main complexity results are that the offline minimization problem is NP-hard when the sender only schedules single messages and that the general problem remains N P -hard even when coding is allowed. However we show that coding does offer delay and complexity gains over scheduling. We also discuss online heuristics and evaluate their performance through simulations

    Effective Delay Control in Online Network Coding

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    Motivated by streaming applications with stringent delay constraints, we consider the design of online network coding algorithms with timely delivery guarantees. Assuming that the sender is providing the same data to multiple receivers over independent packet erasure channels, we focus on the case of perfect feedback and heterogeneous erasure probabilities. Based on a general analytical framework for evaluating the decoding delay, we show that existing ARQ schemes fail to ensure that receivers with weak channels are able to recover from packet losses within reasonable time. To overcome this problem, we re-define the encoding rules in order to break the chains of linear combinations that cannot be decoded after one of the packets is lost. Our results show that sending uncoded packets at key times ensures that all the receivers are able to meet specific delay requirements with very high probability.Comment: 9 pages, IEEE Infocom 200

    Enabling error-resilient internet broadcasting using motion compensated spatial partitioning and packet FEC for the dirac video codec

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    Video transmission over the wireless or wired network require protection from channel errors since compressed video bitstreams are very sensitive to transmission errors because of the use of predictive coding and variable length coding. In this paper, a simple, low complexity and patent free error-resilient coding is proposed. It is based upon the idea of using spatial partitioning on the motion compensated residual frame without employing the transform coefficient coding. The proposed scheme is intended for open source Dirac video codec in order to enable the codec to be used for Internet broadcasting. By partitioning the wavelet transform coefficients of the motion compensated residual frame into groups and independently processing each group using arithmetic coding and Forward Error Correction (FEC), robustness to transmission errors over the packet erasure wired network could be achieved. Using the Rate Compatibles Punctured Code (RCPC) and Turbo Code (TC) as the FEC, the proposed technique provides gracefully decreasing perceptual quality over packet loss rates up to 30%. The PSNR performance is much better when compared with the conventional data partitioning only methods. Simulation results show that the use of multiple partitioning of wavelet coefficient in Dirac can achieve up to 8 dB PSNR gain over its existing un-partitioned method
