49 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Implementation of Load Balancing –in Wireless LAN

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    Intra domain traffic engineering (TE) has become an indispensable tool for Internet service providers (ISPs) to Optimize network performance and utilize network resources efficiently . Various explicitrouting TE methods were recently proposed and have been able to achieve high network performance. However, explicit routing has high complexity and requires large ternary content addressable memories (TCAMs) in the routers. Moreover, it is costly to deploy explicit routing in IP networks. In this paper, we present an approach, called generalized destination-based multipath routing (GDMR), to achieve the same high performance as explicit routing. The main contribution of this paper is that we prove that an arbitrary explicit routing can be converted to a loop-free destination-based routing without any performance penalty for a given traffic matrix. We present a systematic approach including a heuristic algorithm to realize GDMR. Extensive evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of GDMR

    IPv6 Host-to-Router Load Sharing

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    Endpoint-transparent Multipath Transport with Software-defined Networks

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    Multipath forwarding consists of using multiple paths simultaneously to transport data over the network. While most such techniques require endpoint modifications, we investigate how multipath forwarding can be done inside the network, transparently to endpoint hosts. With such a network-centric approach, packet reordering becomes a critical issue as it may cause critical performance degradation. We present a Software Defined Network architecture which automatically sets up multipath forwarding, including solutions for reordering and performance improvement, both at the sending side through multipath scheduling algorithms, and the receiver side, by resequencing out-of-order packets in a dedicated in-network buffer. We implemented a prototype with commonly available technology and evaluated it in both emulated and real networks. Our results show consistent throughput improvements, thanks to the use of aggregated path capacity. We give comparisons to Multipath TCP, where we show our approach can achieve a similar performance while offering the advantage of endpoint transparency

    Algorithmic Implementation of Load Balancing �in Wireless LAN

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    Intra domain traffic engineering (TE) has become an indispensable tool for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to optimize network performance and utilize network resources efficiently. Various explicit routing TE methods were recently proposed and have been able to achieve high network performance. However, explicit routing has high complexity and requires Large Ternary Content Addressable Memories (TCAMs) in the routers. Moreover, it is costly to deploy explicit routing in IP networks. In this project, we present an approach, called Generalized Destination-Based Multipath Routing (GDMR), to achieve the high performance as explicit routing. The main contribution of this project is to enhance an arbitrary explicit routing can be converted to a loop-free destination-based routing without any performance penalty for a given traffic matrix. We present a systematic approach including a heuristic algorithm to realize GDMR. Extensive evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of GDMR

    Accuracy and Dynamics of Hash-Based Load Balancing Algorithms for Multipath Internet Routing

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    This paper studies load balancing for multipath Internet routing. We focus on hash-based load balancing algorithms that work on the flow level to avoid packet reordering which is detrimental for the throughput of transport layer protocols like TCP. We propose a classification of hash-based load balancing algorithms, review existing ones and suggest new ones. Dynamic algorithms can actively react to load imbalances which causes route changes for some flows and thereby again packet reordering. Therefore, we investigate the load balancing accuracy and flow reassignment rate of load balancing algorithms. Our exhaustive simulation experiments show that these performance measures depend significantly on the traffic properties and on the algorithms themselves. As a consequence, our results should be taken into account for the application of load balancing in practice

    Direccionamiento multicast y su aplicación a nivel de tráfico multimedial sobre redes de alta velocidad

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    El documento presenta un análisis de las características de transmisión multimedial sobre Internet y las características de las transmisiones de tipo multicast sobre un ambiente de comunicaciones cliente-servidor.Como conclusión de la investigación, se incluye un análisis de los resultados obtenidos a partir de la  implementación de varios protocolos de enrutamiento con características de transmisión a nivel multicast parael transporte de audio como modelo propuesto para ser implementado en la red académica Rumbo. Los resultados son parte del proyecto adelantado en la línea de redes y convergencias NGN en el Grupo de Investigación e Interoperabilidad de Redes Académicas (Giira), de la Universidad Distrital. &nbsp