23 research outputs found

    Semiclassical asymptotics and entropy

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    We study the entanglement of quantum states associated with submanifolds of Kaehler manifolds. As a motivating example, we discuss the semiclassical asymptotics of entanglement entropy of pure states on the two dimensional sphere with the standard metric.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of QTS-12 (Prague, 2023

    Eigenvalue Distributions of Reduced Density Matrices

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    Given a random quantum state of multiple distinguishable or indistinguishable particles, we provide an effective method, rooted in symplectic geometry, to compute the joint probability distribution of the eigenvalues of its one-body reduced density matrices. As a corollary, by taking the distribution's support, which is a convex moment polytope, we recover a complete solution to the one-body quantum marginal problem. We obtain the probability distribution by reducing to the corresponding distribution of diagonal entries (i.e., to the quantitative version of a classical marginal problem), which is then determined algorithmically. This reduction applies more generally to symplectic geometry, relating invariant measures for the coadjoint action of a compact Lie group to their projections onto a Cartan subalgebra, and can also be quantized to provide an efficient algorithm for computing bounded height Kronecker and plethysm coefficients.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure

    Graph Representation of Topological Stabilizer States

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    Topological quantum states, especially these in topological stabilizer quantum error correction codes, are currently the focus of intense activity because of their potential for fault-tolerant operations. While every stabilizer state maps to a graph state under local Clifford operations, the graphs associated with topological stabilizer codes remain unknown. In this thesis, I show that the toric code graph is composed of only two kinds of subgraphs: star graphs and half graphs. The topological order of the toric code is identified with the existence of multiple star graphs, which reveals a nice connection between repetition codes and the toric code. The graph structure readily yields a log-depth and a constant-depth (including ancillae) circuit for state preparation. Next, I derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for a family of graph states to be in TQO-1, a class of quantum error correction code states whose code distance scales macroscopically with the number of physical qubits. Using these criteria, I consider a number of specific graph families, including the star and complete graphs, and the line graphs of complete and completely bipartite graphs, and discuss which are topologically ordered and how to construct the codewords. The formalism is then employed to construct several codes with macroscopic distance, including a three-dimensional topological code generated by local stabilizers that also has a macroscopic number of encoded logical qubits. Last, the connection between the characterization of topological order using graph theory and the hierarchy of topological order is analyzed

    Quantum Correlations in the Minimal Scenario

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    In the minimal scenario of quantum correlations, two parties can choose from two observables with two possible outcomes each. Probabilities are specified by four marginals and four correlations. The resulting four-dimensional convex body of correlations, denoted Q\mathcal{Q}, is fundamental for quantum information theory. It is here studied through the lens of convex algebraic geometry. We review and systematize what is known and add many details, visualizations, and complete proofs. A new result is that Q\mathcal{Q} is isomorphic to its polar dual. The boundary of Q\mathcal{Q} consists of three-dimensional faces isomorphic to elliptopes and sextic algebraic manifolds of exposed extreme points. These share all basic properties with the usual maximally CHSH-violating correlations. These patches are separated by cubic surfaces of non-exposed extreme points. We provide a trigonometric parametrization of all extreme points, along with their exposing Tsirelson inequalities and quantum models. All non-classical extreme points (exposed or not) are self-testing, i.e., realized by an essentially unique quantum model. Two principles, which are specific to the minimal scenario, allow a quick and complete overview: The first is the pushout transformation, the application of the sine function to each coordinate. This transforms the classical polytope exactly into the correlation body Q\mathcal{Q}, also identifying the boundary structures. The second principle, self-duality, reveals the polar dual, i.e., the set of all Tsirelson inequalities satisfied by all quantum correlations. The convex body Q\mathcal{Q} includes the classical correlations, a cross polytope, and is contained in the no-signaling body, a 4-cube. These polytopes are dual to each other, and the linear transformation realizing this duality also identifies Q\mathcal{Q} with its dual.Comment: We also discuss the sets of correlations achieved with fixed Hilbert space dimension, fixed state or fixed observable

    Classical and quantum algorithms for scaling problems

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    This thesis is concerned with scaling problems, which have a plethora of connections to different areas of mathematics, physics and computer science. Although many structural aspects of these problems are understood by now, we only know how to solve them efficiently in special cases.We give new algorithms for non-commutative scaling problems with complexity guarantees that match the prior state of the art. To this end, we extend the well-known (self-concordance based) interior-point method (IPM) framework to Riemannian manifolds, motivated by its success in the commutative setting. Moreover, the IPM framework does not obviously suffer from the same obstructions to efficiency as previous methods. It also yields the first high-precision algorithms for other natural geometric problems in non-positive curvature.For the (commutative) problems of matrix scaling and balancing, we show that quantum algorithms can outperform the (already very efficient) state-of-the-art classical algorithms. Their time complexity can be sublinear in the input size; in certain parameter regimes they are also optimal, whereas in others we show no quantum speedup over the classical methods is possible. Along the way, we provide improvements over the long-standing state of the art for searching for all marked elements in a list, and computing the sum of a list of numbers.We identify a new application in the context of tensor networks for quantum many-body physics. We define a computable canonical form for uniform projected entangled pair states (as the solution to a scaling problem), circumventing previously known undecidability results. We also show, by characterizing the invariant polynomials, that the canonical form is determined by evaluating the tensor network contractions on networks of bounded size

    The minimal canonical form of a tensor network

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    Tensor networks have a gauge degree of freedom on the virtual degrees of freedom that are contracted. A canonical form is a choice of fixing this degree of freedom. For matrix product states, choosing a canonical form is a powerful tool, both for theoretical and numerical purposes. On the other hand, for tensor networks in dimension two or greater there is only limited understanding of the gauge symmetry. Here we introduce a new canonical form, the minimal canonical form, which applies to projected entangled pair states (PEPS) in any dimension, and prove a corresponding fundamental theorem. Already for matrix product states this gives a new canonical form, while in higher dimensions it is the first rigorous definition of a canonical form valid for any choice of tensor. We show that two tensors have the same minimal canonical forms if and only if they are gauge equivalent up to taking limits; moreover, this is the case if and only if they give the same quantum state for any geometry. In particular, this implies that the latter problem is decidable - in contrast to the well-known undecidability for PEPS on grids. We also provide rigorous algorithms for computing minimal canonical forms. To achieve this we draw on geometric invariant theory and recent progress in theoretical computer science in non-commutative group optimization