6 research outputs found

    Hybrid adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition

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    The performance of search operators varies across the different stages of the search/optimization process of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). In general, a single search operator may not do well in all these stages when dealing with different optimization and search problems. To mitigate this, adaptive search operator schemes have been introduced. The idea is that when a search operator hits a difficult patch (under-performs) in the search space, the EA scheme “reacts” to that by potentially calling upon a different search operator. Hence, several multiple-search operator schemes have been proposed and employed within EA. In this paper, a hybrid adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (HAEA/D) that employs four different crossover operators is suggested. Its performance has been evaluated on the well-known IEEE CEC’09 test instances. HAEA/D has generated promising results which compare well against several well-known algorithms including MOEA/D, on a number of metrics such as the inverted generational distance (IGD), the hyper-volume, the Gamma and Delta functions. These results are included and discussed in this paper

    Hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with adaptive operators selection

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    Multiobjective optimization entails minimizing or maximizing multiple objective functions subject to a set of constraints. Many real world applications can be formulated as multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs), which often involve multiple conflicting objectives to be optimized simultaneously. Recently, a number of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) were developed suggested for these MOPs as they do not require problem specific information. They find a set of non-dominated solutions in a single run. The evolutionary process on which they are based, typically relies on a single genetic operator. Here, we suggest an algorithm which uses a basket of search operators. This is because it is never easy to choose the most suitable operator for a given problem. The novel hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (HNSGA) introduced here in this paper and tested on the ZDT (Zitzler-Deb-Thiele) and CEC’09 (2009 IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computations) benchmark problems specifically formulated for MOEAs. Numerical results prove that the proposed algorithm is competitive with state-of-the-art MOEAs

    Using Parallel Strategies to Speed Up Pareto Local Search

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    International audiencePareto Local Search (PLS) is a basic building block in many state-of-the-art multiobjective combinatorial optimization algorithms. However, the basic PLS requires a long time to find high-quality solutions. In this paper, we propose and investigate several parallel strategies to speed up PLS. These strategies are based on a parallel multi-search framework. In our experiments, we investigate the performances of different parallel variants of PLS on the multiobjective unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem. Each PLS variant is a combination of the proposed parallel strategies. The experimental results show that the proposed approaches can significantly speed up PLS while maintaining about the same solution quality. In addition, we introduce a new way to visualize the search process of PLS on two-objective problems, which is helpful to understand the behaviors of PLS algorithms

    Multiobjective memetic algorithm based on decomposition

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    In recent years, hybridization of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) with traditional mathematical programming techniques have received significant attention in the field of evolutionary computing (EC). The use of multiple strategies with self-adaptation manners can further improve the algorithmic performances of decomposition-based evolutionary algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new multiobjective memetic algorithm based on the decomposition approach and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. For brevity, we refer to our developed approach as MOEA/D-DE+PSO. In our proposed methodology, PSO acts as a local search engine and differential evolution works as the main search operator in the whole process of optimization. PSO updates the position of its solution with the help of the best information on itself and its neighboring solution. The experimental results produced by our developed memtic algorithm are more promising than those of the simple MOEA/D algorithm, on most test problems. Results on the sensitivity of the suggested algorithm to key parameters such as population size, neighborhood size and maximum number of solutions to be altered for a given subproblem in the decomposition process are also included

    A Novel Memetic Algorithm Based on Decomposition for Multiobjective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem

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    A novel multiobjective memetic algorithm based on decomposition (MOMAD) is proposed to solve multiobjective flexible job shop scheduling problem (MOFJSP), which simultaneously minimizes makespan, total workload, and critical workload. Firstly, a population is initialized by employing an integration of different machine assignment and operation sequencing strategies. Secondly, multiobjective memetic algorithm based on decomposition is presented by introducing a local search to MOEA/D. The Tchebycheff approach of MOEA/D converts the three-objective optimization problem to several single-objective optimization subproblems, and the weight vectors are grouped by K-means clustering. Some good individuals corresponding to different weight vectors are selected by the tournament mechanism of a local search. In the experiments, the influence of three different aggregation functions is first studied. Moreover, the effect of the proposed local search is investigated. Finally, MOMAD is compared with eight state-of-the-art algorithms on a series of well-known benchmark instances and the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms or at least has comparative performance to the other algorithms