7 research outputs found

    Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement using Distributed Genetic Algorithm

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    ABSTRACT Genetic Algorithms have worked fairly well for the VLSI cell placement problem, albeit with significant run times. Two parallel models for GA are presented for VLSI cell placement where the objectives are optimizing power dissipation, timing performance and interconnect wirelength, while layout width is a constraint. A Master-Slave approach is mentioned wherein both fitness calculation and crossover mechanism are distributed among slaves. A Multi-Deme parallel GA is also presented in which each processor works independently on an allocated subpopulation followed by information exchange through migration of chromosomes. A pseudo-diversity approach is taken, wherein similar solutions with the same overall cost values are not permitted in the population at any given time. A series of experiments are performed on ISCAS-85/89 benchmarks to show the performance of the Multi-Deme approach

    Multiobjective VLSI cell placement using distributed genetic algorithm

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    ABSTRACT Genetic Algorithms have worked fairly well for the VLSI cell placement problem, albeit with significant run times. Two parallel models for GA are presented for VLSI cell placement where the objectives are optimizing power dissipation, timing performance and interconnect wirelength, while layout width is a constraint. A Master-Slave approach is mentioned wherein both fitness calculation and crossover mechanism are distributed among slaves. A Multi-Deme parallel GA is also presented in which each processor works independently on an allocated subpopulation followed by information exchange through migration of chromosomes. A pseudo-diversity approach is taken, wherein similar solutions with the same overall cost values are not permitted in the population at any given time. A series of experiments are performed on ISCAS-85/89 benchmarks to show the performance of the Multi-Deme approach

    Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement

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    Simulated Evolution (SimE) is an evolutionary metaheuristic that has produced results comparable to well established stochastic heuristics such as SA, TS and GA, with shorter runtimes. However, for problems with a very large set of elements to optimize, such as in VLSI placement and routing, runtimes can still be very large and parallelization is an attractive option. Compared to other metaheuristics, parallelization of SimE has not been extensively explored. This paper presents a comprehensive set of parallelization approaches for SimE when applied to multiobjective VLSI cell placement problem. Each of these approaches are evaluated with respect to SimE characteristics and the constraints imposed by the problem instance. Conclusions drawn can be extended to parallelization of other SimE based optimization problems

    Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement

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    Simulated Evolution (SimE) is an evolutionary metaheuristic that has produced results comparable to well established stochastic heuristics such as SA, TS and GA, with shorter runtimes. However, for problems with a very large set of elements to optimize, such as in VLSI placement and routing, runtimes can still be very large and parallelization is an attractive option. Compared to other metaheuristics, parallelization of SimE has not been extensively explored. This paper presents a comprehensive set of parallelization approaches for SimE when applied to multiobjective VLSI cell placement problem. Each of these approaches are evaluated with respect to SimE characteristics and the constraints imposed by the problem instance. Conclusions drawn can be extended to parallelization of other SimE based optimization problems

    Parallelization of Stochastic Evolution for Cell Placement

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    VLSI physical design and the problems related to it such as placement, channel routing, etc, carry inherent complexities that are best dealt with iterative heuristics. However the major drawback of these iterative heuristics has been the large runtime involved in reaching acceptable solutions especially when optimizing for multiple objectives. Among the acceleration techniques proposed, parallelization is one promising method. Distributed memory multiprocessor systems and shared memory multiprocessor systems have gained considerable attention in recent years of research. This idea of parallel computing has attracted both the researchers and manufacturers who are targeting to reduce the time to market. Our objective is to exploit the benefits of parallel computing for a time consuming placement problem in VLSI. Finding the best solution for the placement of n modules is a hard problem. Thus the enumerative search techniques, specially those which employ the brute force, are unaccepted for the circuits in which n (number of modules) is large. Constructive and Iterative heuristics play the key role in this scenario and hence are frequently used. We will use Stochastic Evolution for finding the optimal solution to the above mentioned placement problem where the major task in our objective will be the parallelization of Stochastic Evolution using different parallelization techniques and the comparison between these different parallelized versions based on the results achieved. The parallelization will be carried out using MPI (Message Passing Interface) on a distributed memory multiprocessor system and conclusion will be based on the results achieved that are expected to show speedup nearly equal to linear speedup when run over increasing number of processors