1 research outputs found

    Multimodal breathing analysis in the evaluation of physical load

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    The paper presents specific methods of processing of multimodal data recorded during physical activities by depth MS Kinect cameras, thermal imaging cameras and heart rate sensors. All video data and heart rate signals used in the present study were recorded in the home environment. The proposed methodology includes the detection of the chest breathing area for breathing motion analysis used by the MS Kinect. For the thermal image processing the static and dynamic selection of regions of interests was performed in associated sets of images to find time evolution of respiratory signals and their temperature changes. Signal de-noising by finite impulse filters is applied both for breathing and heart rate data. Correlation analysis is used in the data processing stage to find the time relation between individual physiological variables. Results include relations between signals acquired during physical activities and they show how simple sensors can be used to increase the accuracy of standard diagnostical tools in biomedicine as well. © 2017 IEEE