2,825 research outputs found

    EmoNets: Multimodal deep learning approaches for emotion recognition in video

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    The task of the emotion recognition in the wild (EmotiW) Challenge is to assign one of seven emotions to short video clips extracted from Hollywood style movies. The videos depict acted-out emotions under realistic conditions with a large degree of variation in attributes such as pose and illumination, making it worthwhile to explore approaches which consider combinations of features from multiple modalities for label assignment. In this paper we present our approach to learning several specialist models using deep learning techniques, each focusing on one modality. Among these are a convolutional neural network, focusing on capturing visual information in detected faces, a deep belief net focusing on the representation of the audio stream, a K-Means based "bag-of-mouths" model, which extracts visual features around the mouth region and a relational autoencoder, which addresses spatio-temporal aspects of videos. We explore multiple methods for the combination of cues from these modalities into one common classifier. This achieves a considerably greater accuracy than predictions from our strongest single-modality classifier. Our method was the winning submission in the 2013 EmotiW challenge and achieved a test set accuracy of 47.67% on the 2014 dataset

    Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Covariance Trajectories

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach for facial expression recognition using deep covariance descriptors. The solution is based on the idea of encoding local and global Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) features extracted from still images, in compact local and global covariance descriptors. The space geometry of the covariance matrices is that of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices. By conducting the classification of static facial expressions using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a valid Gaussian kernel on the SPD manifold, we show that deep covariance descriptors are more effective than the standard classification with fully connected layers and softmax. Besides, we propose a completely new and original solution to model the temporal dynamic of facial expressions as deep trajectories on the SPD manifold. As an extension of the classification pipeline of covariance descriptors, we apply SVM with valid positive definite kernels derived from global alignment for deep covariance trajectories classification. By performing extensive experiments on the Oulu-CASIA, CK+, and SFEW datasets, we show that both the proposed static and dynamic approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance for facial expression recognition outperforming many recent approaches.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in "Otberdout N, Kacem A, Daoudi M, Ballihi L, Berretti S. Deep Covariance Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition, in British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, September 3-6, 2018. ; 2018 :159." arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1805.0386

    Mode Variational LSTM Robust to Unseen Modes of Variation: Application to Facial Expression Recognition

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    Spatio-temporal feature encoding is essential for encoding the dynamics in video sequences. Recurrent neural networks, particularly long short-term memory (LSTM) units, have been popular as an efficient tool for encoding spatio-temporal features in sequences. In this work, we investigate the effect of mode variations on the encoded spatio-temporal features using LSTMs. We show that the LSTM retains information related to the mode variation in the sequence, which is irrelevant to the task at hand (e.g. classification facial expressions). Actually, the LSTM forget mechanism is not robust enough to mode variations and preserves information that could negatively affect the encoded spatio-temporal features. We propose the mode variational LSTM to encode spatio-temporal features robust to unseen modes of variation. The mode variational LSTM modifies the original LSTM structure by adding an additional cell state that focuses on encoding the mode variation in the input sequence. To efficiently regulate what features should be stored in the additional cell state, additional gating functionality is also introduced. The effectiveness of the proposed mode variational LSTM is verified using the facial expression recognition task. Comparative experiments on publicly available datasets verified that the proposed mode variational LSTM outperforms existing methods. Moreover, a new dynamic facial expression dataset with different modes of variation, including various modes like pose and illumination variations, was collected to comprehensively evaluate the proposed mode variational LSTM. Experimental results verified that the proposed mode variational LSTM encodes spatio-temporal features robust to unseen modes of variation.Comment: Accepted in AAAI-1
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