720 research outputs found

    HKUST at SemEval-2023 Task 1: Visual Word Sense Disambiguation with Context Augmentation and Visual Assistance

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    Visual Word Sense Disambiguation (VWSD) is a multi-modal task that aims to select, among a batch of candidate images, the one that best entails the target word's meaning within a limited context. In this paper, we propose a multi-modal retrieval framework that maximally leverages pretrained Vision-Language models, as well as open knowledge bases and datasets. Our system consists of the following key components: (1) Gloss matching: a pretrained bi-encoder model is used to match contexts with proper senses of the target words; (2) Prompting: matched glosses and other textual information, such as synonyms, are incorporated using a prompting template; (3) Image retrieval: semantically matching images are retrieved from large open datasets using prompts as queries; (4) Modality fusion: contextual information from different modalities are fused and used for prediction. Although our system does not produce the most competitive results at SemEval-2023 Task 1, we are still able to beat nearly half of the teams. More importantly, our experiments reveal acute insights for the field of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) and multi-modal learning. Our code is available on GitHub

    Knowledge Graphs Meet Multi-Modal Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Knowledge Graphs (KGs) play a pivotal role in advancing various AI applications, with the semantic web community's exploration into multi-modal dimensions unlocking new avenues for innovation. In this survey, we carefully review over 300 articles, focusing on KG-aware research in two principal aspects: KG-driven Multi-Modal (KG4MM) learning, where KGs support multi-modal tasks, and Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph (MM4KG), which extends KG studies into the MMKG realm. We begin by defining KGs and MMKGs, then explore their construction progress. Our review includes two primary task categories: KG-aware multi-modal learning tasks, such as Image Classification and Visual Question Answering, and intrinsic MMKG tasks like Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion and Entity Alignment, highlighting specific research trajectories. For most of these tasks, we provide definitions, evaluation benchmarks, and additionally outline essential insights for conducting relevant research. Finally, we discuss current challenges and identify emerging trends, such as progress in Large Language Modeling and Multi-modal Pre-training strategies. This survey aims to serve as a comprehensive reference for researchers already involved in or considering delving into KG and multi-modal learning research, offering insights into the evolving landscape of MMKG research and supporting future work.Comment: Ongoing work; 41 pages (Main Text), 55 pages (Total), 11 Tables, 13 Figures, 619 citations; Paper list is available at https://github.com/zjukg/KG-MM-Surve

    Visual Question Answering: A SURVEY

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    Visual Question Answering (VQA) has been an emerging field in computer vision and natural language processing that aims to enable machines to understand the content of images and answer natural language questions about them. Recently, there has been increasing interest in integrating Semantic Web technologies into VQA systems to enhance their performance and scalability. In this context, knowledge graphs, which represent structured knowledge in the form of entities and their relationships, have shown great potential in providing rich semantic information for VQA. This paper provides an abstract overview of the state-of-the-art research on VQA using Semantic Web technologies, including knowledge graph based VQA, medical VQA with semantic segmentation, and multi-modal fusion with recurrent neural networks. The paper also highlights the challenges and future directions in this area, such as improving the accuracy of knowledge graph based VQA, addressing the semantic gap between image content and natural language, and designing more effective multimodal fusion strategies. Overall, this paper emphasizes the importance and potential of using Semantic Web technologies in VQA and encourages further research in this exciting area

    Basic tasks of sentiment analysis

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    Subjectivity detection is the task of identifying objective and subjective sentences. Objective sentences are those which do not exhibit any sentiment. So, it is desired for a sentiment analysis engine to find and separate the objective sentences for further analysis, e.g., polarity detection. In subjective sentences, opinions can often be expressed on one or multiple topics. Aspect extraction is a subtask of sentiment analysis that consists in identifying opinion targets in opinionated text, i.e., in detecting the specific aspects of a product or service the opinion holder is either praising or complaining about

    Movie Description

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    Audio Description (AD) provides linguistic descriptions of movies and allows visually impaired people to follow a movie along with their peers. Such descriptions are by design mainly visual and thus naturally form an interesting data source for computer vision and computational linguistics. In this work we propose a novel dataset which contains transcribed ADs, which are temporally aligned to full length movies. In addition we also collected and aligned movie scripts used in prior work and compare the two sources of descriptions. In total the Large Scale Movie Description Challenge (LSMDC) contains a parallel corpus of 118,114 sentences and video clips from 202 movies. First we characterize the dataset by benchmarking different approaches for generating video descriptions. Comparing ADs to scripts, we find that ADs are indeed more visual and describe precisely what is shown rather than what should happen according to the scripts created prior to movie production. Furthermore, we present and compare the results of several teams who participated in a challenge organized in the context of the workshop "Describing and Understanding Video & The Large Scale Movie Description Challenge (LSMDC)", at ICCV 2015

    Role of sentiment classification in sentiment analysis: a survey

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    Through a survey of literature, the role of sentiment classification in sentiment analysis has been reviewed. The review identifies the research challenges involved in tackling sentiment classification. A total of 68 articles during 2015 – 2017 have been reviewed on six dimensions viz., sentiment classification, feature extraction, cross-lingual sentiment classification, cross-domain sentiment classification, lexica and corpora creation and multi-label sentiment classification. This study discusses the prominence and effects of sentiment classification in sentiment evaluation and a lot of further research needs to be done for productive results

    Multimodal Affect Recognition: Current Approaches and Challenges

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    Many factors render multimodal affect recognition approaches appealing. First, humans employ a multimodal approach in emotion recognition. It is only fitting that machines, which attempt to reproduce elements of the human emotional intelligence, employ the same approach. Second, the combination of multiple-affective signals not only provides a richer collection of data but also helps alleviate the effects of uncertainty in the raw signals. Lastly, they potentially afford us the flexibility to classify emotions even when one or more source signals are not possible to retrieve. However, the multimodal approach presents challenges pertaining to the fusion of individual signals, dimensionality of the feature space, and incompatibility of collected signals in terms of time resolution and format. In this chapter, we explore the aforementioned challenges while presenting the latest scholarship on the topic. Hence, we first discuss the various modalities used in affect classification. Second, we explore the fusion of modalities. Third, we present publicly accessible multimodal datasets designed to expedite work on the topic by eliminating the laborious task of dataset collection. Fourth, we analyze representative works on the topic. Finally, we summarize the current challenges in the field and provide ideas for future research directions
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