90 research outputs found

    MultimediaN E-Culture demonstrator

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    The main objective of the MultimediaN E-Culture project is to demonstrate how novel semantic-web and presentation technologies can be deployed to provide better indexing and search support within large virtual collections of cultural-heritage resources. The architecture is fully based on open web standards, in particular XML, SVG, RDF/OWL and SPARQL. One basic hypothesis underlying this work is that the use of explicit background knowledge in the form of ontologies/vocabularies/thesauri is in particular useful in information retrieval in knowledge-rich domains

    Be Your Own Curator with the CHIP Tour Wizard [html]

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    Web 2.0 enables increased access to the museum digital collection. More and more, users will spend time preparing their visits to the museums and reflecting on them after the visits. In this context, the CHIP (Cultural Heritage Information Personalization) project offers tools to the users to be their own curator, e.g. planning a personalized museum tour, discovering interesting artworks they want to see in a 'virtual' or a 'real' tour and quickly finding their ways in the museum. In this paper we present the new additions to the CHIP tools, which target the above functionality - a Web-based Tour Preparation Wizard and an export of a personalized tour to an interactive Mobile Guide used in the physical museum space. In addition, the user interactions during a real museum visit are stored and synchronized with the user model, which is maintained at the museum Web site

    Be Your Own Curator with the CHIP Tour Wizard [pdf]

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    Web 2.0 enables increased access to the museum digital collection. More and more, users will spend time preparing their visits to the museums and reflecting on them after the visits. In this context, the CHIP (Cultural Heritage Information Personalization) project offers tools to the users to be their own curator, e.g. planning a personalized museum tour, discovering interesting artworks they want to see in a 'virtual' or a 'real' tour and quickly finding their ways in the museum. In this paper we present the new additions to the CHIP tools, which target the above functionality - a Web-based Tour Preparation Wizard and an export of a personalized tour to an interactive Mobile Guide used in the physical museum space. In addition, the user interactions during a real museum visit are stored and synchronized with the user model, which is maintained at the museum Web site

    Thesaurus-based search in large heterogeneous collections

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    In cultural heritage, large virtual collections are coming into existence. Such collections contain heterogeneous sets of metadata and vocabulary concepts, originating from multiple sources. In the context of the E-Culture demonstrator we have shown earlier that such virtual collections can be effectively explored with keyword search and semantic clustering. In this paper we describe the design rationale of ClioPatria, an open-source system which provides APIs for scalable semantic graph search. The use of ClioPatria’s search strategies is illustrated with a realistic use case: searching for ”Picasso”. We discuss details of scalable graph search, the required OWL reasoning functionalities and show why SPARQL queries are insufficient for solving the search problem

    Thesaurus and metadata alignment for a semantic e-culture application

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    Configuring Semantic Web Interfaces by Data Mapping

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    We demonstrate how to develop Web-based user interfaces for Semantic Web applications using commonly available, off-the-shelf Web widget libraries. By formally defining the underlying data model that is assumed by these widgets, Semantic Web application developers can use familiar RDF constructs to map their own data to the model implemented by the Widgets. As an example, we briefly describe the interface model underlying our own framework, and provide concrete examples showing how it has been used to create Semantic Web applications in two different domains. We conclude by discussing the advantages and limitations of our approach

    Using Prolog as the Fundament for Applications on the Semantic Web

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    This article describes the experiences developing a Semantic Web application entirely in Prolog. The application, a demonstrator that provides access to multiple art collections and linking these using cultural heritage vocabul

    Applying Semantic Web Technologies to Medieval Manuscript Research

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    Medieval manuscript research is a complex, fragmented, multilingual field of knowledge, which is difficult to navigate, analyse and exploit. Though printed sources are still of great importance and value to researchers, there are now many services on the Web, some commercial and many in the public domain. At present, these services have to be consulted separately and individually. They employ a range of different descriptive standards and vocabularies, and use a variety of technologies to make their information available on the Web. This chapter proposes a new approach to organizing the international collaborative infrastructure for interlinking knowledge and research about medieval European manuscripts, based on technologies associated with the Semantic Web and the Linked Data movement. This collaborative infrastructure will be an open space on the Web where information about medieval manuscripts can be shared, stored, exchanged and updated for research purposes. It will be possible to ask large-scale research questions across the virtual global manuscript collection, in a quicker and more effective way than has ever been feasible in the past. The proposed infrastructure will focus on building links between data and will provide the basis for new kinds of services which exploit these data. It will not aim to impose a single metadata standard on existing manuscript services, but will build on existing databases and vocabularies. The article describes the architecture, services and data which will comprise this infrastructure, and discusses strategies for making th challenging and exciting goal a reality

    Semantics-driven recommendations in cross-media museum applications

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    In this paper we present the CHIP demonstrator aimed at helping users to explore the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam collection both online and inside the museum. Cultural heritage data from various external sources is integrated to provide an enriched semantic knowledge structure. The resulting RDF/OWL graph is the basis for CHIP main functionality for recommendations, search and personalized interaction