8 research outputs found


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    Canada has signed, but not ratified, either the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty (WCT) or the World Intellectual Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT). This thesis examines the current state of privacy and personal data protection law if Digital Rights Management system technologies were legally implemented today in Canada, in compliance with these treaties. This study emphasises in two jurisdictions: Federal and Ontario. It will be demonstrated that functionalities present in Digital Rights Management, like fingerprinting, watermarking and authentication technologies, violate privacy and personal data protection law. The idea to issue a number of alternatives for implementation of Digital Rights Management in the legal and technological fields that could enhance privacy and personal data protection. This thesis concludes that there are alternatives for implementation of Digital Rights Management in Canada that, do not require a direct implementation of the WCT and the WPPT

    Low-complexity, low-area computer architectures for cryptographic application in resource constrained environments

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    RCE (Resource Constrained Environment) is known for its stringent hardware design requirements. With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT), low-complexity and low-area designs are becoming prominent in the face of complex security threats. Two low-complexity, low-area cryptographic processors based on the ultimate reduced instruction set computer (URISC) are created to provide security features for wireless visual sensor networks (WVSN) by using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based visual processors typically used in RCEs. The first processor is the Two Instruction Set Computer (TISC) running the Skipjack cipher. To improve security, a Compact Instruction Set Architecture (CISA) processor running the full AES with modified S-Box was created. The modified S-Box achieved a gate count reduction of 23% with no functional compromise compared to Boyar’s. Using the Spartan-3L XC3S1500L-4-FG320 FPGA, the implementation of the TISC occupies 71 slices and 1 block RAM. The TISC achieved a throughput of 46.38 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA which occupies 157 slices and 1 block RAM, achieved a throughput of 119.3 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA processor is demonstrated in two main applications, the first in a multilevel, multi cipher architecture (MMA) with two modes of operation, (1) by selecting cipher programs (primitives) and sharing crypto-blocks, (2) by using simple authentication, key renewal schemes, and showing perceptual improvements over direct AES on images. The second application demonstrates the use of the CISA processor as part of a selective encryption architecture (SEA) in combination with the millions instructions per second set partitioning in hierarchical trees (MIPS SPIHT) visual processor. The SEA is implemented on a Celoxica RC203 Vertex XC2V3000 FPGA occupying 6251 slices and a visual sensor is used to capture real world images. Four images frames were captured from a camera sensor, compressed, selectively encrypted, and sent over to a PC environment for decryption. The final design emulates a working visual sensor, from on node processing and encryption to back-end data processing on a server computer

    Low-complexity, low-area computer architectures for cryptographic application in resource constrained environments

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    RCE (Resource Constrained Environment) is known for its stringent hardware design requirements. With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT), low-complexity and low-area designs are becoming prominent in the face of complex security threats. Two low-complexity, low-area cryptographic processors based on the ultimate reduced instruction set computer (URISC) are created to provide security features for wireless visual sensor networks (WVSN) by using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based visual processors typically used in RCEs. The first processor is the Two Instruction Set Computer (TISC) running the Skipjack cipher. To improve security, a Compact Instruction Set Architecture (CISA) processor running the full AES with modified S-Box was created. The modified S-Box achieved a gate count reduction of 23% with no functional compromise compared to Boyar’s. Using the Spartan-3L XC3S1500L-4-FG320 FPGA, the implementation of the TISC occupies 71 slices and 1 block RAM. The TISC achieved a throughput of 46.38 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA which occupies 157 slices and 1 block RAM, achieved a throughput of 119.3 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA processor is demonstrated in two main applications, the first in a multilevel, multi cipher architecture (MMA) with two modes of operation, (1) by selecting cipher programs (primitives) and sharing crypto-blocks, (2) by using simple authentication, key renewal schemes, and showing perceptual improvements over direct AES on images. The second application demonstrates the use of the CISA processor as part of a selective encryption architecture (SEA) in combination with the millions instructions per second set partitioning in hierarchical trees (MIPS SPIHT) visual processor. The SEA is implemented on a Celoxica RC203 Vertex XC2V3000 FPGA occupying 6251 slices and a visual sensor is used to capture real world images. Four images frames were captured from a camera sensor, compressed, selectively encrypted, and sent over to a PC environment for decryption. The final design emulates a working visual sensor, from on node processing and encryption to back-end data processing on a server computer

    Empresa Informativa de TV de pago en España : evolución tecnológica en el modelo de distribución de contenidos

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    Esta memoria de doctorado investiga la evolución y el desarrollo de un medio informativo de gran importancia actualmente, como es la televisión de pago. Se revisan con ese fin todas sus transformaciones, atendiendo a cada uno de los ámbitos propios de la Empresa Informativa, área propia del periodismo desde la que se enfoca este estudio, aplicado concretamente a este sector y ámbito de la comunicación. Históricamente, se documenta paso a paso y se critica todo su recorrido transcurrido, a lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas, fijando los períodos más relevantes y definitorios de toda su trayectoria. De este modo se puede valorar mejor el momento presente, partiendo desde los primeros atisbos de este medio informativo y de distribución de contenidos, con todas sus peculiaridades y mejoras alcanzadas. Legalmente, se aporta también la consideración procesual de su tratamiento y encuadre legislativo en España y Europa, así como en Estados Unidos, junto con todas las determinaciones y medidas que el poder ejecutivo ha aplicado sucesivamente, tanto en su tramitación nacional o regional, como en sus aprobaciones a entidades y grupos de comunicación para gestarlo. Tecnológicamente, se recorren los avances logrados, tanto en su soporte como en sus canales y vías de transmisión empleados. Empresarialmente, se valora su crecimiento experimentado, así como la progresiva concentración que los grupos mediáticos van operando en el sector, con toda la contrapartida negativa que esto supone para la libre competencia y la pluralidad en la oferta servida al público consumidor. Con todo esto se aporta a las Ciencias de la Información un estudio de la evolución más reciente de uno de los medios informativos y de distribución de contenidos punteros, como es la televisión de pago, que no ha parado de crecer y progresar durante estos últimos años. Como profesional de este ámbito desde hace tres décadas, quiero aportar a la academia la visión de un universitario, investigador y estudiante, que ha compaginado su aprendizaje teórico en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, con el trabajo ininterrumpido en el sector televisivo de pago durante esos mismos años. El principal modelo de empresa informativo más estudiado aquí es el de la distribución de contenidos audiovisuales de pago