1 research outputs found

    Mapeo sistem谩tico de la literatura sobre evaluaci贸n docente (2013-2017)

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    International research has shown that it is possible to maintain quality education without external educational evaluations; however, evaluation is increasingly being considered by educational systems as a support for teacher professionalization. The objective of this article is to characterize the scientific production on teaching evaluation published in the five-year period between 2013 and 2017, based on the inclusion criteria of the Scopus and Web of Science databases and thematic and duplicate exclusion criteria. Through the methodology of systematic literature mapping, 106 articles were found, and the the main languages and countries in which the scientific production on teacher evaluation has been produced, their accessibility and types of work produced were identified. The topics of greater impact were identified and classified according to consolidated and emerging lines of research. It is concluded that there is an underdevelopment of lines of research that link teacher evaluation to the professionalization of teaching, and that the concern regarding the quality of evaluation processes and instruments remains current in scientific production. The systematic mapping of literature offers a careful selection of works of production on the subject and enables researchers and interested readers to trace precise paths of inquiry.Las investigaciones internacionales muestran que es posible mantener una educaci贸n de calidad prescindiendo de evaluaciones docentes externas; sin embargo, la evaluaci贸n comienza a ser considerada por los sistemas educativos como soporte para la profesionalizaci贸n docente. El objetivo del presente art铆culo es caracterizar la producci贸n cient铆fica sobre evaluaci贸n docente, publicada en el quinquenio 2013-2017, considerando criterios de inclusi贸n de las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science y criterios de exclusi贸n tem谩ticos y duplicados. A trav茅s de la metodolog铆a del mapeo sistem谩tico de literatura se ubicaron 106 art铆culos donde se identificaron los principales idiomas y pa铆ses en los que se realiza la producci贸n cient铆fica sobre evaluaci贸n docente, la accesibilidad y tipos de trabajos que se han producido, se identifican los temas de mayor impacto y se clasifican de acuerdo con l铆neas de investigaci贸n que se encuentran en consolidaci贸n y en estado emergente. Se concluye que hay un subdesarrollo de l铆neas de investigaci贸n que asocien la evaluaci贸n docente con la profesionalizaci贸n de la docencia y que en la producci贸n cient铆fica contin煤a vigente la preocupaci贸n sobre la calidad de los procesos e instrumentos de evaluaci贸n. El mapeo sistem谩tico de literatura ofrece una selecci贸n cuidadosa de trabajos de la producci贸n en el tema y posibilita a investigadores y lectores interesados el trazado de rutas de indagaci贸n precisas