14 research outputs found

    Principled Multilayer Network Embedding

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    Multilayer network analysis has become a vital tool for understanding different relationships and their interactions in a complex system, where each layer in a multilayer network depicts the topological structure of a group of nodes corresponding to a particular relationship. The interactions among different layers imply how the interplay of different relations on the topology of each layer. For a single-layer network, network embedding methods have been proposed to project the nodes in a network into a continuous vector space with a relatively small number of dimensions, where the space embeds the social representations among nodes. These algorithms have been proved to have a better performance on a variety of regular graph analysis tasks, such as link prediction, or multi-label classification. In this paper, by extending a standard graph mining into multilayer network, we have proposed three methods ("network aggregation," "results aggregation" and "layer co-analysis") to project a multilayer network into a continuous vector space. From the evaluation, we have proved that comparing with regular link prediction methods, "layer co-analysis" achieved the best performance on most of the datasets, while "network aggregation" and "results aggregation" also have better performance than regular link prediction methods

    Louvain-like Methods for Community Detection in Multi-Layer Networks

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    In many complex systems, entities interact with each other through complicated patterns that embed different relationships, thus generating networks with multiple levels and/or multiple types of edges. When trying to improve our understanding of those complex networks, it is of paramount importance to explicitly take the multiple layers of connectivity into account in the analysis. In this paper, we focus on detecting community structures in multi-layer networks, i.e., detecting groups of well-connected nodes shared among the layers, a very popular task that poses a lot of interesting questions and challenges. Most of the available algorithms in this context either reduce multi-layer networks to a single-layer network or try to extend algorithms for single-layer networks by using consensus clustering. Those approaches have anyway been criticized lately. They indeed ignore the connections among the different layers, hence giving low accuracy. To overcome these issues, we propose new community detection methods based on tailored Louvain-like strategies that simultaneously handle the multiple layers. We consider the informative case, where all layers show a community structure, and the noisy case, where some layers only add noise to the system. We report experiments on both artificial and real-world networks showing the effectiveness of the proposed strategies.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Super-Resolution Community Detection for Layer-Aggregated Multilayer Networks

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    Applied network science often involves preprocessing network data before applying a network-analysis method, and there is typically a theoretical disconnect between these steps. For example, it is common to aggregate time-varying network data into windows prior to analysis, and the trade-offs of this preprocessing are not well understood. Focusing on the problem of detecting small communities in multilayer networks, we study the effects of layer aggregation by developing random-matrix theory for modularity matrices associated with layer-aggregated networks with N nodes and L layers, which are drawn from an ensemble of ErdƑs–RĂ©nyi networks with communities planted in subsets of layers. We study phase transitions in which eigenvectors localize onto communities (allowing their detection) and which occur for a given community provided its size surpasses a detectability limit K*. When layers are aggregated via a summation, we obtain K∗∝O(NL/T), where T is the number of layers across which the community persists. Interestingly, if T is allowed to vary with L, then summation-based layer aggregation enhances small-community detection even if the community persists across a vanishing fraction of layers, provided that T/L decays more slowly than (L−1/2). Moreover, we find that thresholding the summation can, in some cases, cause K* to decay exponentially, decreasing by orders of magnitude in a phenomenon we call super-resolution community detection. In other words, layer aggregation with thresholding is a nonlinear data filter enabling detection of communities that are otherwise too small to detect. Importantly, different thresholds generally enhance the detectability of communities having different properties, illustrating that community detection can be obscured if one analyzes network data using a single threshold

    Analysis and Actions on Graph Data.

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    Graphs are commonly used for representing relations between entities and handling data processing in various research fields, especially in social, cyber and physical networks. Many data mining and inference tasks can be interpreted as certain actions on the associated graphs, including graph spectral decompositions, and insertions and removals of nodes or edges. For instance, the task of graph clustering is to group similar nodes on a graph, and it can be solved by graph spectral decompositions. The task of cyber attack is to find effective node or edge removals that lead to maximal disruption in network connectivity. In this dissertation, we focus on the following topics in graph data analytics: (1) Fundamental limits of spectral algorithms for graph clustering in single-layer and multilayer graphs. (2) Efficient algorithms for actions on graphs, including graph spectral decompositions and insertions and removals of nodes or edges. (3) Applications to deep community detection, event propagation in online social networks, and topological network resilience for cyber security. For (1), we established fundamental principles governing the performance of graph clustering for both spectral clustering and spectral modularity methods, which play an important role in unsupervised learning and data science. The framework is then extended to multilayer graphs entailing heterogeneous connectivity information. For (2), we developed efficient algorithms for large-scale graph data analytics with theoretical guarantees, and proposed theory-driven methods for automatic model order selection in graph clustering. For (3), we proposed a disruptive method for discovering deep communities in graphs, developed a novel method for analyzing event propagation on Twitter, and devised effective graph-theoretic approaches against explicit and lateral attacks in cyber systems.PHDElectrical & Computer Eng PhDUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135752/1/pinyu_1.pd