25 research outputs found

    Nearness to Local Subspace Algorithm for Subspace and Motion Segmentation

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    There is a growing interest in computer science, engineering, and mathematics for modeling signals in terms of union of subspaces and manifolds. Subspace segmentation and clustering of high dimensional data drawn from a union of subspaces are especially important with many practical applications in computer vision, image and signal processing, communications, and information theory. This paper presents a clustering algorithm for high dimensional data that comes from a union of lower dimensional subspaces of equal and known dimensions. Such cases occur in many data clustering problems, such as motion segmentation and face recognition. The algorithm is reliable in the presence of noise, and applied to the Hopkins 155 Dataset, it generates the best results to date for motion segmentation. The two motion, three motion, and overall segmentation rates for the video sequences are 99.43%, 98.69%, and 99.24%, respectively

    Improved Multistage Learning for Multibody Motion Segmentation

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    We present an improved version of the MSL method of Sugaya and Kanatani for multibody motion segmentation. We replace their initial segmentation based on heuristic clustering by an analytical computation based on GPCA, fitting two 2-D affine spaces in 3-D by the Taubin method. This initial segmentation alone can segment most of the motions in natural scenes fairly correctly, and the result is successively optimized by the EM algorithm in 3-D, 5-D, and 7-D. Using simulated and real videos, we demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous MSL and other existing methods. We also illustrate its mechanism by our visualization technique

    Multiframe Motion Segmentation via Penalized MAP Estimation and Linear Programming

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    Motion segmentation is an important topic in computer vision. In this paper, we study the problem of multi-body motion segmentation under the affine camera model. We use a mixture of subspace model to describe the multi-body motions. Then the motion segmentation problem is formulated as an MAP estimation problem with model complexity penalty. With several candidate motion models, the problem can be naturally converted into a linear programming problem, which guarantees a global optimality. The main advantages of our algorithm include: It needs no priori on the number of motions and it has comparable high segmentation accuracy with the best of motion-number-known algorithms. Experiments on benchmark data sets illustrate these points