28 research outputs found

    Multiflow Transmission in Delay Constrained Cooperative Wireless Networks

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    This paper considers the problem of energy-efficient transmission in multi-flow multihop cooperative wireless networks. Although the performance gains of cooperative approaches are well known, the combinatorial nature of these schemes makes it difficult to design efficient polynomial-time algorithms for joint routing, scheduling and power control. This becomes more so when there is more than one flow in the network. It has been conjectured by many authors, in the literature, that the multiflow problem in cooperative networks is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we formulate the problem, as a combinatorial optimization problem, for a general setting of kk-flows, and formally prove that the problem is not only NP-hard but it is o(n1/7−ϵ)o(n^{1/7-\epsilon}) inapproxmiable. To our knowledge*, these results provide the first such inapproxmiablity proof in the context of multiflow cooperative wireless networks. We further prove that for a special case of k = 1 the solution is a simple path, and devise a polynomial time algorithm for jointly optimizing routing, scheduling and power control. We then use this algorithm to establish analytical upper and lower bounds for the optimal performance for the general case of kk flows. Furthermore, we propose a polynomial time heuristic for calculating the solution for the general case and evaluate the performance of this heuristic under different channel conditions and against the analytical upper and lower bounds.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Cooperative Routing in Multi-Radio Multi-Hop Wireless Network

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    There are many recent interests on cooperative communication (CC) in wireless networks. Despite the large capacity gain of CC in small wireless networks, CC can result in severe interference in large networks and even degraded throughput. The aim of this chapter is to concurrently exploit multi-radio and multi-channel (MRMC) and CC technique to combat co-channel interference and improve the performance of multi-hop wireless network. Our proposed solution concurrently considers cooperative routing, channel assignment, and relay selection and takes advantage of both MRMC technique and spatial diversity to improve the throughput. We propose two important metrics, contention-aware channel utilization routing metric (CACU) to capture the interference cost from both direct and cooperative transmission, and traffic aware channel condition metric (TACC) to evaluate the channel load condition. Based on these metrics, we propose three algorithms for interference-aware cooperative routing, local channel adjustment, and local path and relay adaptation, respectively, to ensure high-performance communications in dynamic wireless networks. Our algorithms are fully distributed and can effectively mitigate co-channel interference and achieve cooperative diversity gain. To our best knowledge, this is the first distributed solution that supports CC in MRMC networks. Our performance studies demonstrate that our algorithms can significantly increase the aggregate throughput

    Software Defined Applications in Cellular and Optical Networks

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    abstract: Small wireless cells have the potential to overcome bottlenecks in wireless access through the sharing of spectrum resources. A novel access backhaul network architecture based on a Smart Gateway (Sm-GW) between the small cell base stations, e.g., LTE eNBs, and the conventional backhaul gateways, e.g., LTE Servicing/Packet Gateways (S/P-GWs) has been introduced to address the bottleneck. The Sm-GW flexibly schedules uplink transmissions for the eNBs. Based on software defined networking (SDN) a management mechanism that allows multiple operator to flexibly inter-operate via multiple Sm-GWs with a multitude of small cells has been proposed. This dissertation also comprehensively survey the studies that examine the SDN paradigm in optical networks. Along with the PHY functional split improvements, the performance of Distributed Converged Cable Access Platform (DCCAP) in the cable architectures especially for the Remote-PHY and Remote-MACPHY nodes has been evaluated. In the PHY functional split, in addition to the re-use of infrastructure with a common FFT module for multiple technologies, a novel cross functional split interaction to cache the repetitive QAM symbols across time at the remote node to reduce the transmission rate requirement of the fronthaul link has been proposed.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Performance evaluation of realistic scenarios for vehicular ad hoc networks with VanetMobiSim and NS2

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    Català: En els darrers anys, el considerable creixement del sector dels serveis mòbils arreu del món es certament el major fenòmen al camp de les telecomunicaciones. Les tecnologies inalàmbriques han conduït al desenvolupament de nous sistemes de comunicació y serveis multimèdia. Degut al constant creixement del mercat automobilístic juntament amb la creixent demanda de la seguretat viària ha nascut un nou concepte al camp de les comunicaciones: les xarxes entre vehicles (VANETs). A les VANETs, cada vehicle pot actuar com a router o node, establint connexions entre vehicles propers o amb infraestructura a la carretera. Les VANET estan rebent més atenció del govern i de la indústria automobilística degut a l'àmplia varietat d'aplicacions y serveis que poden oferir, tal com sistemes de seguretet viària assistència a la carretera i accès a Internet. No obstant, el disseny i l'implementació de VANETs és una àrea d'investigació àmplia i complexa tal i com podem percebre, sabent que durant els darrers anys la comunitat investigadora s'ha centrat en l'estudi d'aquestes xarxes. Bàsicament, el nostre projecte està dividit en dues parts principals: Primerament, hem dut a terme una recerca relacionada amb l'estat actual de les VANET avui en dia, amb l'objectiu d'identificar els generadors de moviment i els simuladors de xarxes més apropiats i recomenats a la literatura. En segon lloc, hem decidit utilitzar el VanetMobiSim [80], com a generador de moviment degut a la seva varietat de models de movilitat que es poden testejar, i el NS2 [63] com a simulador de xarxes per ser un dels més utilitzats per molts autors a més de la seva compatibilitat amb el VanetMobiSim. Amb l'ús d'aquestes eines, VanetMobiSim i NS2, hem dut a terme una avaluació profunda de les prestacions de les VANET en diversos escenaris reals, assignant valors diferents a paràmetres tals com el nombre de nodes, la velocitat i el model de propagació.Castellano: En los últimos años, el considerable crecimiento del sector de los servicios móviles alrededor del mundo es con certeza el mayor fenómeno en el campo de las telecomunicaciones. Las tecnologías inalámbricas han conducido al desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de comunicación y servicios multimedia. Debido al constante crecimiento del mercado automovilístico y la creciente demanda en seguridad vial ha nacido un nuevo concepto en el campo de las comunicaciones: las redes entre vehículos (VANETs). En ellas, cada vehículo actúa como router, estableciendo conexiones entre vehículos cercanos o con infraestructura en la carretera. Las VANET estan recibiendo más atención del gobierno y de la industria automovilística debido a la amplia variedad de aplicaciones y servicios que puede ofrecer, tales como sistemas de seguridad vial, asistencia en carretera y acceso a Internet. Sin embargo, el diseño e implementación de las VANET es un area de investigación amplia y compleja, tal y como podemos percibir, sabiendo que durante los últimos años la comunidad investigadora se ha centrado en el estudio de estas redes. Básicamente, nuestro proyecto está dividido en dos partes principales: Primeramente, hemos llevado a cabo una búsqueda relacionada con el estado de arte de las VANET hoy en día, con el objetivo de identificar los generadores de movimiento i los simuladores de redes más apropiados i recomendados en la literatura. En segundo lugar, hemos decidido utilizar el VanetMobiSim [80], como generador de movimiento debido a la alta variedad de modelos de mobilidad que que se pueden testear, y el NS2 [63] como simulador de redes por ser uno de los más utilizados per muchos autores además de su compatibilidad con el VanetMobiSim. Con el uso de estas herramientas, hemos llevado a cabo una evaluación profunda de las prestaciones de las VANET en varios escenarios reales, asignando valores diferentes a parámetros tales como el número de nodos, la velocidad y el modelo de propagación.English: Over recent years, the considerable mobile services sector growth around the world was certainly the major phenomenon in the telecommunications field. Wireless technology has led to the development of new communications systems and multimedia services. Due to the continued growth of the vehicular industry and the increasing demand of road safety, a new concept in the communications field was born: vehicular networks (VANETs). In VANETs, each vehicle could act as router or node, establishing connections among nearby vehicles or with roadside infrastructure. VANETs are receiving more attention from governments and car manufacturers due to the wide variety of applications and services they can provide such as road safety systems, car assistance and Internet acces. However, designing and implementing VANETs is a complex and wide area of research as we can notice, knowing that in the last years the research and development community has focused on the study of such networks. Basically, our project is divided in two main parts: Firstly, we made a state of art related to the actual state of VANETs nowadays in order to find the most appropiate and recommended mobility generator and network simulator reported in the literature. Secondly, we decided to use VanetMobiSim [80], as a mobility generator due to its variety mobility models that could be tested, and NS2 [63] as a network simulator for being one of the most used by many authors and also due to its compatibilty with VanetMobiSim. Using these tools, VanetMobiSim and NS2, we carried out a deep performance evaluation of VANETs in several realistic scenarios, giving different values to parameters such as the number of nodes, speed and the propagation model

    Spectrum Sharing, Latency, and Security in 5G Networks with Application to IoT and Smart Grid

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    The surge of mobile devices, such as smartphones, and tables, demands additional capacity. On the other hand, Internet-of-Things (IoT) and smart grid, which connects numerous sensors, devices, and machines require ubiquitous connectivity and data security. Additionally, some use cases, such as automated manufacturing process, automated transportation, and smart grid, require latency as low as 1 ms, and reliability as high as 99.99\%. To enhance throughput and support massive connectivity, sharing of the unlicensed spectrum (3.5 GHz, 5GHz, and mmWave) is a potential solution. On the other hand, to address the latency, drastic changes in the network architecture is required. The fifth generation (5G) cellular networks will embrace the spectrum sharing and network architecture modifications to address the throughput enhancement, massive connectivity, and low latency. To utilize the unlicensed spectrum, we propose a fixed duty cycle based coexistence of LTE and WiFi, in which the duty cycle of LTE transmission can be adjusted based on the amount of data. In the second approach, a multi-arm bandit learning based coexistence of LTE and WiFi has been developed. The duty cycle of transmission and downlink power are adapted through the exploration and exploitation. This approach improves the aggregated capacity by 33\%, along with cell edge and energy efficiency enhancement. We also investigate the performance of LTE and ZigBee coexistence using smart grid as a scenario. In case of low latency, we summarize the existing works into three domains in the context of 5G networks: core, radio and caching networks. Along with this, fundamental constraints for achieving low latency are identified followed by a general overview of exemplary 5G networks. Besides that, a loop-free, low latency and local-decision based routing protocol is derived in the context of smart grid. This approach ensures low latency and reliable data communication for stationary devices. To address data security in wireless communication, we introduce a geo-location based data encryption, along with node authentication by k-nearest neighbor algorithm. In the second approach, node authentication by the support vector machine, along with public-private key management, is proposed. Both approaches ensure data security without increasing the packet overhead compared to the existing approaches

    JTP, an energy-aware transport protocol for mobile ad hoc networks (PhD thesis)

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    Wireless ad-hoc networks are based on a cooperative communication model, where all nodes not only generate traffic but also help to route traffic from other nodes to its final destination. In such an environment where there is no infrastructure support the lifetime of the network is tightly coupled with the lifetime of individual nodes. Most of the devices that form such networks are battery-operated, and thus it becomes important to conserve energy so as to maximize the lifetime of a node. In this thesis, we present JTP, a new energy-aware transport protocol, whose goal is to reduce power consumption without compromising delivery requirements of applications. JTP has been implemented within the JAVeLEN system. JAVeLEN [RKM+08], is a new system architecture for ad hoc networks that has been developed to elevate energy efficiency as a first-class optimization metric at all protocol layers, from physical to transport. Thus, energy gains obtained in one layer would not be offset by incompatibilities and/or inefficiencies in other layers. To meet its goal of energy efficiency, JTP (1) contains mechanisms to balance end-toend vs. local retransmissions; (2) minimizes acknowledgment traffic using receiver regulated rate-based flow control combined with selected acknowledgments and in-network caching of packets; and (3) aggressively seeks to avoid any congestion-based packet loss. Within this ultra low-power multi-hop wireless network system, simulations and experimental results demonstrate that our transport protocol meets its goal of preserving the energy efficiency of the underlying network. JTP has been implemented on the actual JAVeLEN nodes and its benefits have been demonstrated on a real system