84 research outputs found

    Greedy and K-Greedy algoritmhs for multidimensional data association

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    [EN] The multidimensional assignment (MDA) problem is a combinatorial optimization problem arising in many applications, for instance multitarget tracking (MTT). The objective of an MDA problem of dimension d∈Nd\in\Bbb{N} is to match groups of dd objects in such a way that each measurement is associated with at most one track and each track is associated with at most one measurement from each list, optimizing a certain objective function. It is well known that the MDA problem is NP-hard for d≥3d\geq3. In this paper five new polynomial time heuristics to solve the MDA problem arising in MTT are presented. They are all based on the semi-greedy approach introduced in earlier research. Experimental results on the accuracy and speed of the proposed algorithms in MTT problems are provided. © 2006 IEEE.This research was supported by a Marie Curie fellowship of the European Community program "Improving Human Research Potential and the Socio-economic Knowledge Base" under Contract HPMI-CT-2002-00221.Perea Rojas Marcos, F.; De Waard, HW. (2011). Greedy and K-Greedy algoritmhs for multidimensional data association. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 47(3):1915-1925. doi:10.1109/TAES.2011.59372731915192547

    Local search heuristics for multi-index assignment problems with decomposable costs.

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    The multi-index assignment problem (MIAP) with decomposable costs is a natural generalization of the well-known assignment problem. Applications of the MIAP arise for instance in the field of multi-target multi-sensor tracking. We describe an (exponentially sized) neighborhood for a solution of the MIAP with decomposable costs, and show that one can find a best solution in this neighborhood in polynomial time. Based on this neighborhood, we propose a local search algorithm. We empirically test the performance of published constructive heuristics and the local search algorithm on random instances; a straightforward tabu search is also tested. Finally, we compute lower bounds to our problem, which enable us to assess the quality of the solutions found.Assignment; Costs; Heuristics; Problems; Applications; Performance;

    Marginal multi-Bernoulli filters: RFS derivation of MHT, JIPDA and association-based MeMBer

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    Recent developments in random finite sets (RFSs) have yielded a variety of tracking methods that avoid data association. This paper derives a form of the full Bayes RFS filter and observes that data association is implicitly present, in a data structure similar to MHT. Subsequently, algorithms are obtained by approximating the distribution of associations. Two algorithms result: one nearly identical to JIPDA, and another related to the MeMBer filter. Both improve performance in challenging environments.Comment: Journal version at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7272821. Matlab code of simple implementation included with ancillary file

    Multitarget Tracking Using Orientation Estimation for Optical Belt Sorting

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    In optical belt sorting, accurate predictions of the bulk material particles’ motions are required for high-quality results. By implementing a multitarget tracker tailored to the scenario and deriving novel motion models, the predictions are greatly enhanced. The tracker’s reliability is improved by also considering the particles’ orientations. To this end, new estimators for directional quantities based on orthogonal basis functions are presented and shown to outperform the state of the art

    Robust Multi-Object Tracking: A Labeled Random Finite Set Approach

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    The labeled random finite set based generalized multi-Bernoulli filter is a tractable analytic solution for the multi-object tracking problem. The robustness of this filter is dependent on certain knowledge regarding the multi-object system being available to the filter. This dissertation presents techniques for robust tracking, constructed upon the labeled random finite set framework, where complete information regarding the system is unavailable
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