17,885 research outputs found

    Pattern tree-based XOLAP rollup operator for XML complex hierarchies

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    With the rise of XML as a standard for representing business data, XML data warehousing appears as a suitable solution for decision-support applications. In this context, it is necessary to allow OLAP analyses on XML data cubes. Thus, XQuery extensions are needed. To define a formal framework and allow much-needed performance optimizations on analytical queries expressed in XQuery, defining an algebra is desirable. However, XML-OLAP (XOLAP) algebras from the literature still largely rely on the relational model. Hence, we propose in this paper a rollup operator based on a pattern tree in order to handle multidimensional XML data expressed within complex hierarchies

    A Join Index for XML Data Warehouses

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    XML data warehouses form an interesting basis for decision-support applications that exploit complex data. However, native-XML database management systems (DBMSs) currently bear limited performances and it is necessary to research for ways to optimize them. In this paper, we propose a new join index that is specifically adapted to the multidimensional architecture of XML warehouses. It eliminates join operations while preserving the information contained in the original warehouse. A theoretical study and experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our join index. They also show that native XML DBMSs can compete with XML-compatible, relational DBMSs when warehousing and analyzing XML data.Comment: 2008 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 08), Niagra Falls : Canada (2008

    Expressing OLAP operators with the TAX XML algebra

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    With the rise of XML as a standard for representing business data, XML data warehouses appear as suitable solutions for Web-based decision-support applications. In this context, it is necessary to allow OLAP analyses over XML data cubes (XOLAP). Thus, XQuery extensions are needed. To help define a formal framework and allow much-needed performance optimizations on analytical queries expressed in XQuery, having an algebra at one's disposal is desirable. However, XOLAP approaches and algebras from the literature still largely rely on the relational model and/or only feature a small number of OLAP operators. In opposition, we propose in this paper to express a broad set of OLAP operators with the TAX XML algebra.Comment: in 3rd International Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web (DataX-EDBT 08), Nantes : France (2008

    A data cube model for analysis of high volumes of ambient data

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    Ambient systems generate large volumes of data for many of their application areas with XML often the format for data exchange. As a result, large scale ambient systems such as smart cities require some form of optimization before different components can merge their data streams. In data warehousing, the cube structure is often used for optimizing the analytics process with more recent structures such as dwarf, providing new orders of magnitude in terms of optimizing data extraction. However, these systems were developed for relational data and as a result, we now present the development of an XML dwarf to manage ambient systems generating XML data

    Benchmarking Summarizability Processing in XML Warehouses with Complex Hierarchies

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    Business Intelligence plays an important role in decision making. Based on data warehouses and Online Analytical Processing, a business intelligence tool can be used to analyze complex data. Still, summarizability issues in data warehouses cause ineffective analyses that may become critical problems to businesses. To settle this issue, many researchers have studied and proposed various solutions, both in relational and XML data warehouses. However, they find difficulty in evaluating the performance of their proposals since the available benchmarks lack complex hierarchies. In order to contribute to summarizability analysis, this paper proposes an extension to the XML warehouse benchmark (XWeB) with complex hierarchies. The benchmark enables us to generate XML data warehouses with scalable complex hierarchies as well as summarizability processing. We experimentally demonstrated that complex hierarchies can definitely be included into a benchmark dataset, and that our benchmark is able to compare two alternative approaches dealing with summarizability issues.Comment: 15th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2012), Maui : United States (2012