3 research outputs found

    Trajectory-based human action segmentation

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    This paper proposes a sliding window approach, whose length and time shift are dynamically adaptable in order to improve model confidence, speed and segmentation accuracy in human action sequences. Activity recognition is the process of inferring an action class from a set of observations acquired by sensors. We address the temporal segmentation problem of body part trajectories in Cartesian Space in which features are generated using Discrete Fast Fourier Transform (DFFT) and Power Spectrum (PS). We pose this as an entropy minimization problem. Using entropy from the classifier output as a feedback parameter, we continuously adjust the two key parameters in a sliding window approach, to maximize the model confidence at every step. The proposed classifier is a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) model where classes are estimated using Bayesian inference. We compare our approach with our previously developed fixed window method. Experiments show that our method accurately recognizes and segments activities, with improved model confidence and faster convergence times, exhibiting anticipatory capabilities. Our work demonstrates that entropy feedback mitigates variability problems, and our method is applicable in research areas where action segmentation and classification is used. A working demo source code is provided online for academical dissemination purposes, by requesting the authors

    Decomposition of human motion into dynamics-based primitives with application to drawing tasks

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    Using tools from dynamical systems and systems identification, we develop a framework for the study of primitives for human motion, which we refer to as movemes. The objective is understanding human motion by decomposing it into a sequence of elementary building blocks that belong to a known alphabet of dynamical systems. We develop a segmentation and classification algorithm in order to reduce a complex activity into the sequence of movemes that have generated it. We test our ideas on data sampled from five human subjects who were drawing figures using a computer mouse. Our experiments show that we are able to distinguish between movemes and recognize them even when they take place in activities containing an unspecified number of movemes

    Multidimensional motion segmentation and identification

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