22,823 research outputs found

    UniDA3D: Unified Domain Adaptive 3D Semantic Segmentation Pipeline

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    State-of-the-art 3D semantic segmentation models are trained on off-the-shelf public benchmarks, but they will inevitably face the challenge of recognition accuracy drop when these well-trained models are deployed to a new domain. In this paper, we introduce a Unified Domain Adaptive 3D semantic segmentation pipeline (UniDA3D) to enhance the weak generalization ability, and bridge the point distribution gap between domains. Different from previous studies that only focus on a single adaptation task, UniDA3D can tackle several adaptation tasks in 3D segmentation field, by designing a unified source-and-target active sampling strategy, which selects a maximally-informative subset from both source and target domains for effective model adaptation. Besides, benefiting from the rise of multi-modal 2D-3D datasets, UniDA3D investigates the possibility of achieving a multi-modal sampling strategy, by developing a cross-modality feature interaction module that can extract a representative pair of image and point features to achieve a bi-directional image-point feature interaction for safe model adaptation. Experimentally, UniDA3D is verified to be effective in many adaptation tasks including: 1) unsupervised domain adaptation, 2) unsupervised few-shot domain adaptation; 3) active domain adaptation. Their results demonstrate that, by easily coupling UniDA3D with off-the-shelf 3D segmentation baselines, domain generalization ability of these baselines can be enhanced

    Cross-Domain Grouping and Alignment for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

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    Existing techniques to adapt semantic segmentation networks across the source and target domains within deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) deal with all the samples from the two domains in a global or category-aware manner. They do not consider an inter-class variation within the target domain itself or estimated category, providing the limitation to encode the domains having a multi-modal data distribution. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a learnable clustering module, and a novel domain adaptation framework called cross-domain grouping and alignment. To cluster the samples across domains with an aim to maximize the domain alignment without forgetting precise segmentation ability on the source domain, we present two loss functions, in particular, for encouraging semantic consistency and orthogonality among the clusters. We also present a loss so as to solve a class imbalance problem, which is the other limitation of the previous methods. Our experiments show that our method consistently boosts the adaptation performance in semantic segmentation, outperforming the state-of-the-arts on various domain adaptation settings.Comment: AAAI 202

    Compositional Semantic Mix for Domain Adaptation in Point Cloud Segmentation

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    Deep-learning models for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation exhibit limited generalization capabilities when trained and tested on data captured with different sensors or in varying environments due to domain shift. Domain adaptation methods can be employed to mitigate this domain shift, for instance, by simulating sensor noise, developing domain-agnostic generators, or training point cloud completion networks. Often, these methods are tailored for range view maps or necessitate multi-modal input. In contrast, domain adaptation in the image domain can be executed through sample mixing, which emphasizes input data manipulation rather than employing distinct adaptation modules. In this study, we introduce compositional semantic mixing for point cloud domain adaptation, representing the first unsupervised domain adaptation technique for point cloud segmentation based on semantic and geometric sample mixing. We present a two-branch symmetric network architecture capable of concurrently processing point clouds from a source domain (e.g. synthetic) and point clouds from a target domain (e.g. real-world). Each branch operates within one domain by integrating selected data fragments from the other domain and utilizing semantic information derived from source labels and target (pseudo) labels. Additionally, our method can leverage a limited number of human point-level annotations (semi-supervised) to further enhance performance. We assess our approach in both synthetic-to-real and real-to-real scenarios using LiDAR datasets and demonstrate that it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both unsupervised and semi-supervised settings.Comment: TPAMI. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.0977

    DA-STC: Domain Adaptive Video Semantic Segmentation via Spatio-Temporal Consistency

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    Video semantic segmentation is a pivotal aspect of video representation learning. However, significant domain shifts present a challenge in effectively learning invariant spatio-temporal features across the labeled source domain and unlabeled target domain for video semantic segmentation. To solve the challenge, we propose a novel DA-STC method for domain adaptive video semantic segmentation, which incorporates a bidirectional multi-level spatio-temporal fusion module and a category-aware spatio-temporal feature alignment module to facilitate consistent learning for domain-invariant features. Firstly, we perform bidirectional spatio-temporal fusion at the image sequence level and shallow feature level, leading to the construction of two fused intermediate video domains. This prompts the video semantic segmentation model to consistently learn spatio-temporal features of shared patch sequences which are influenced by domain-specific contexts, thereby mitigating the feature gap between the source and target domain. Secondly, we propose a category-aware feature alignment module to promote the consistency of spatio-temporal features, facilitating adaptation to the target domain. Specifically, we adaptively aggregate the domain-specific deep features of each category along spatio-temporal dimensions, which are further constrained to achieve cross-domain intra-class feature alignment and inter-class feature separation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which achieves state-of-the-art mIOUs on multiple challenging benchmarks. Furthermore, we extend the proposed DA-STC to the image domain, where it also exhibits superior performance for domain adaptive semantic segmentation. The source code and models will be made available at \url{https://github.com/ZHE-SAPI/DA-STC}.Comment: 18 pages,9 figure

    Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation by Optimal Transport

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    Scene segmentation is widely used in the field of autonomous driving for environment perception, and semantic scene segmentation (3S) has received a great deal of attention due to the richness of the semantic information it contains. It aims to assign labels to pixels in an image, thus enabling automatic image labeling. Current approaches are mainly based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), but they rely on a large number of labels. Therefore, how to use a small size of labeled data to achieve semantic segmentation becomes more and more important. In this paper, we propose a domain adaptation (DA) framework based on optimal transport (OT) and attention mechanism to address this issue. Concretely, first we generate the output space via CNN due to its superiority of feature representation. Second, we utilize OT to achieve a more robust alignment of source and target domains in output space, where the OT plan defines a well attention mechanism to improve the adaptation of the model. In particular, with OT, the number of network parameters has been reduced and the network has been better interpretable. Third, to better describe the multi-scale property of features, we construct a multi-scale segmentation network to perform domain adaptation. Finally, in order to verify the performance of our proposed method, we conduct experimental comparison with three benchmark and four SOTA methods on three scene datasets, and the mean intersection-over-union (mIOU) has been significant improved, and visualization results under multiple domain adaptation scenarios also show that our proposed method has better performance than compared semantic segmentation methods

    DAugNet: Unsupervised, Multi-source, Multi-target, and Life-long Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images

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    The domain adaptation of satellite images has recently gained an increasing attention to overcome the limited generalization abilities of machine learning models when segmenting large-scale satellite images. Most of the existing approaches seek for adapting the model from one domain to another. However, such single-source and single-target setting prevents the methods from being scalable solutions, since nowadays multiple source and target domains having different data distributions are usually available. Besides, the continuous proliferation of satellite images necessitates the classifiers to adapt to continuously increasing data. We propose a novel approach, coined DAugNet, for unsupervised, multi-source, multi-target, and life-long domain adaptation of satellite images. It consists of a classifier and a data augmentor. The data augmentor, which is a shallow network, is able to perform style transfer between multiple satellite images in an unsupervised manner, even when new data are added over the time. In each training iteration, it provides the classifier with diversified data, which makes the classifier robust to large data distribution difference between the domains. Our extensive experiments prove that DAugNet significantly better generalizes to new geographic locations than the existing approaches
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