4 research outputs found

    Design of Multi-sensor IMU for Land Vehicle

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    Abstract—Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to measure the angular rate and acceleration in three axes is an important part of the land vehicle navigation control system. Land vehicle motion has a more wide range of acceleration in the x-axis and angular rate in z-axis than the other axis. A sensor with high sensitivity has a short range of measurement and vice versa. To get the optimum sensitivities of all sensors, the multi-sensor system should be applied in a wide range of motion. The main components of IMU are microcontroller, gyroscope, and accelerometer. Microcontroller received two accelerations data in the x-axis and two angular rate data in the z-axis. Selecting algorithms of sensor data are used to obtain six Degree of Freedom (6-DOF) of land vehicle. IMU was tested using a variety of acceleration and angular rate motion, and shown that the proposed method gives the angular rate and acceleration data with higher sensitivity. IMU has good linearity of measurement in acceleration and angular rate. This system can be used to look at the driver when he accelerates or brakes suddenly Keywords—IMU; multi-sensor; selecting algorithm; sensitivit

    Development of a Simple and Low-cost Smartphone Gimbal with MPU-6050 Sensor

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    This paper discusses about design and development of gimbal smartphone, which are made to be simple and less money consuming by utilizing microcontroller and MPU 6050 sensor. Recently, the development of videography and image processing is inseparable from the rapid advance in smartphone technology. One of the most popular features is camera. Hand movements and shocks cause fewer maximum results. To improve the quality of camera captures and video, it is necessary to have a stabilizer for camera position.  Thus, it is expected that the outcomes of this paper are able to give contribution for cheap gimbal smartphone. Design and implementation of gimbal uses acrylic as the material, with 5 mm of thickness. This MPU 6050 sensor is optimized to detect sway in axis X, Y, and Z or roll, pitch, and yaw. Gyroscope and accelerometer provide input to the microcontroller, which will process for output on 3 servomotors that function to maintain the camera’s position at a specified set point. The results show that MPU 6050 sensor can response angle reading error of 1.34° of roll, 0.25° of pitch, and 0.78° of yaw. Error in maximum servomotor movement is 1.5°. Thus, it can be concluded that gimbal can work optimally with less money consuming as well as low error. It is expected that the next research will add other suitable and accurate control, that is, PID or fuzzy