35 research outputs found

    Distance Guided Channel Weighting for Semantic Segmentation

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    Recent works have achieved great success in improving the performance of multiple computer vision tasks by capturing features with a high channel number utilizing deep neural networks. However, many channels of extracted features are not discriminative and contain a lot of redundant information. In this paper, we address above issue by introducing the Distance Guided Channel Weighting (DGCW) Module. The DGCW module is constructed in a pixel-wise context extraction manner, which enhances the discriminativeness of features by weighting different channels of each pixel's feature vector when modeling its relationship with other pixels. It can make full use of the high-discriminative information while ignore the low-discriminative information containing in feature maps, as well as capture the long-range dependencies. Furthermore, by incorporating the DGCW module with a baseline segmentation network, we propose the Distance Guided Channel Weighting Network (DGCWNet). We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of DGCWNet. In particular, it achieves 81.6% mIoU on Cityscapes with only fine annotated data for training, and also gains satisfactory performance on another two semantic segmentation datasets, i.e. Pascal Context and ADE20K. Code will be available soon at https://github.com/LanyunZhu/DGCWNet

    Patch-based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling

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    We present a detail-driven deep neural network for point set upsampling. A high-resolution point set is essential for point-based rendering and surface reconstruction. Inspired by the recent success of neural image super-resolution techniques, we progressively train a cascade of patch-based upsampling networks on different levels of detail end-to-end. We propose a series of architectural design contributions that lead to a substantial performance boost. The effect of each technical contribution is demonstrated in an ablation study. Qualitative and quantitative experiments show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art learning-based and optimazation-based approaches, both in terms of handling low-resolution inputs and revealing high-fidelity details.Comment: accepted to cvpr2019, code available at https://github.com/yifita/P3

    GFF: Gated Fully Fusion for Semantic Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation generates comprehensive understanding of scenes through densely predicting the category for each pixel. High-level features from Deep Convolutional Neural Networks already demonstrate their effectiveness in semantic segmentation tasks, however the coarse resolution of high-level features often leads to inferior results for small/thin objects where detailed information is important. It is natural to consider importing low level features to compensate for the lost detailed information in high-level features.Unfortunately, simply combining multi-level features suffers from the semantic gap among them. In this paper, we propose a new architecture, named Gated Fully Fusion (GFF), to selectively fuse features from multiple levels using gates in a fully connected way. Specifically, features at each level are enhanced by higher-level features with stronger semantics and lower-level features with more details, and gates are used to control the propagation of useful information which significantly reduces the noises during fusion. We achieve the state of the art results on four challenging scene parsing datasets including Cityscapes, Pascal Context, COCO-stuff and ADE20K.Comment: accepted by AAAI-2020(oral

    Attention Mechanisms for Object Recognition with Event-Based Cameras

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    Event-based cameras are neuromorphic sensors capable of efficiently encoding visual information in the form of sparse sequences of events. Being biologically inspired, they are commonly used to exploit some of the computational and power consumption benefits of biological vision. In this paper we focus on a specific feature of vision: visual attention. We propose two attentive models for event based vision: an algorithm that tracks events activity within the field of view to locate regions of interest and a fully-differentiable attention procedure based on DRAW neural model. We highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed methods on four datasets, the Shifted N-MNIST, Shifted MNIST-DVS, CIFAR10-DVS and N-Caltech101 collections, using the Phased LSTM recognition network as a baseline reference model obtaining improvements in terms of both translation and scale invariance.Comment: WACV2019 camera-ready submissio