1 research outputs found

    Towards Real-Time Non-Stationary Sinusoidal Modelling of Kick and Bass Sounds for Audio Analysis and Modification

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    Sinusoidal Modelling is a powerful and flexible parametric method for analysing and processing audio signals. These signals have an underlying structure that modern spectral models aim to exploit by separating the signal into sinusoidal, transient, and noise components. Each of these can then be modelled in a manner most appropriate to that component's inherent structure. The accuracy of the estimated parameters is directly related to the quality of the model's representation of the signal, and the assumptions made about its underlying structure. For sinusoidal models, these assumptions generally affect the non-stationary estimates related to amplitude and frequency modulations, and the type of amplitude change curve. This is especially true when using a single analysis frame in a non-overlapping framework, where biased estimates can result in discontinuities at frame boundaries. It is therefore desirable for such a model to distinguish between the shape of different amplitude changes and adapt the estimation of this accordingly. Intra-frame amplitude change can be interpreted as a change in the windowing function applied to a stationary sinusoid, which can be estimated from the derivative of the phase with respect to frequency at magnitude peaks in the DFT spectrum. A method for measuring monotonic linear amplitude change from single-frame estimates using the first-order derivative of the phase with respect to frequency (approximated by the first-order difference) is presented, along with a method of distinguishing between linear and exponential amplitude change. An adaption of the popular matching pursuit algorithm for refining model parameters in a segmented framework has been investigated using a dictionary comprised of sinusoids with parameters varying slightly from model estimates, based on Modelled Pursuit (MoP). Modelling of the residual signal using a segmented undecimated Wavelet Transform (segUWT) is presented. A generalisation for both the forward and inverse transforms, for delay compensations and overlap extensions for different lengths of Wavelets and the number of decomposition levels in an Overlap Save (OLS) implementation for dealing with convolution block-based artefacts is presented. This shift invariant implementation of the DWT is a popular tool for de-noising and shows promising results for the separation of transients from noise