431 research outputs found

    ID-based Ring Signature and Proxy Ring Signature Schemes from Bilinear Pairings

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    In 2001, Rivest et al. firstly introduced the concept of ring signatures. A ring signature is a simplified group signature without any manager. It protects the anonymity of a signer. The first scheme proposed by Rivest et al. was based on RSA cryptosystem and certificate based public key setting. The first ring signature scheme based on DLP was proposed by Abe, Ohkubo, and Suzuki. Their scheme is also based on the general certificate-based public key setting too. In 2002, Zhang and Kim proposed a new ID-based ring signature scheme using pairings. Later Lin and Wu proposed a more efficient ID-based ring signature scheme. Both these schemes have some inconsistency in computational aspect. In this paper we propose a new ID-based ring signature scheme and a proxy ring signature scheme. Both the schemes are more efficient than existing one. These schemes also take care of the inconsistencies in above two schemes.Comment: Published with ePrint Archiv

    Proxy Signature Scheme with Effective Revocation Using Bilinear Pairings

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    We present a proxy signature scheme using bilinear pairings that provides effective proxy revocation. The scheme uses a binding-blinding technique to avoid secure channel requirements in the key issuance stage. With this technique, the signer receives a partial private key from a trusted authority and unblinds it to get his private key, in turn, overcomes the key escrow problem which is a constraint in most of the pairing-based proxy signature schemes. The scheme fulfills the necessary security requirements of proxy signature and resists other possible threats

    Secure Mobile Agents in Electronic Commerce by Using Undetachable Signatures from Pairings

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    It is expect that mobile agents technology will bring significant benefits to electronic commerce. But security issues, especially threats from malicious hosts, become a great obstacle of widespread deployment of applications in electronic commerce based on mobile agents technology. Undetachable digital signature is a category of digital signatures to secure mobile agents against malicious hosts. An undetachable signature scheme by using encrypted functions from bilinear pairings was proposed in this paper. The security of this scheme base on the computational intractability of discrete logarithm problem and computational Diffe-Hellman problem on gap Diffle-Hellman group. Furthermore, the scheme satisfies all the requirements of a strong non-designated proxy signature i.e. verifiability, strong unforgeability, strong identifiability, strong undeniability and preventions of misuse. An undetachable threshold signature scheme that enable the customer to provide n mobile agents with ‘shares’ of the undetachable signature function is also provided. It is able to provide more reliability than classical undetachable signatures

    A new revocable and re-delegable proxy signature and its application

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    With the popularity of cloud computing and mobile Apps, on-demand services such as on-line music or audio streaming and vehicle booking are widely available nowadays. In order to allow efficient delivery and management of the services, for large-scale on-demand systems, there is usually a hierarchy where the service provider can delegate its service to a top-tier (e.g., countrywide) proxy who can then further delegate the service to lower level (e.g., region-wide) proxies. Secure (re-)delegation and revocation are among the most crucial factors for such systems. In this paper, we investigate the practical solutions for achieving re-delegation and revocation utilizing proxy signature. Although proxy signature has been extensively studied in the literature, no previous solution can achieve both properties. To fill the gap, we introduce the notion of revocable and re-delegable proxy signature that supports efficient revocation and allows a proxy signer to re-delegate its signing right to other proxy signers without the interaction with the original signer. We define the formal security models for this new primitive and present an efficient scheme that can achieve all the security properties. We also present a secure on-line revocable and re-delegate vehicle ordering system (RRVOS) as one of the applications of our proposed scheme

    ID-based, proxy, threshold signature scheme

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    We propose the proxy threshold signature scheme with the application of elegant construction of verifiable delegating key in the ID-based infrastructure, and also with the bilinear pairings. The protocol satisfies the classical security requirements used in the proxy delegation of signing rights. The description of the system architecture and the possible application of the protocol in edge computing designs is enclosed
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