3 research outputs found

    Sequential Domain Patching for Computationally Feasible Multi-objective Optimization of Expensive Electromagnetic Simulation Models

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    AbstractIn this paper, we discuss a simple and efficient technique for multi-objective design optimization of multi-parameter microwave and antenna structures. Our method exploits a stencil-based approach for identification of the Pareto front that does not rely on population-based metaheuristic algorithms, typically used for this purpose. The optimization procedure is realized in two steps. Initially, the initial Pareto-optimal set representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives is obtained using low-fidelity representation (coarsely-discretized EM model simulations) of the structure at hand. This is realized by sequential construction and relocation of small design space segments (patches) in order to create a path connecting the extreme Pareto front designs identified beforehand. In the second step, the Pareto set is refined to yield the optimal designs at the level of the high-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) model. The appropriate number of patches is determined automatically. The approach is validated by means of two multi-parameter design examples: a compact impedance transformer, and an ultra-wideband monopole antenna. Superiority of the patching method over the state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization techniques is demonstrated in terms of the computational cost of the design process

    Dielectric Responses in Multilayer C<sub>f</sub>/Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> as High-Temperature Microwave-Absorbing Materials

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    High-temperature microwave-absorbing materials are in great demand in military and aerospace vehicles. The high-temperature dielectric behavior of multilayer Cf/Si3N4 composites fabricated by gelcasting has been intensively investigated at temperature coverage up to 800°C in the X-band (8.2–12.4 GHz). Experimental results show that the permittivity of Si3N4 matrix exhibits excellent thermo-stability with temperature coefficient lower than 10−3°C−1. Taking temperature-dependent polarized bound charge and damping coefficient into consideration, a revised dielectric relaxation model with Lorentz correction for Si3N4 ceramics has been established and validated by experimental results. Besides, a general model with respect to permittivity as a function of temperature and frequency has been established with the help of nonlinear numerical analysis to reveal mechanisms of temperature-dependent dielectric responses in Cf/Si3N4 composites. Temperature-dependent permittivity has been demonstrated to be well distributed on circular arcs with centers actually kept around the real ( ε ′ ) axis in the Cole-Cole plane. Furthermore, space charge polarization and relaxation are discussed. These findings point to important guidelines to reveal the mechanism of dielectric behavior for carbon fiber functionalized composites including but not limited to Cf/Si3N4 composites at high temperatures, and pave the way for the development of high-temperature radar absorbing materials