6,276 research outputs found

    Multi-modal Embedding Fusion-based Recommender

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    Recommendation systems have lately been popularized globally, with primary use cases in online interaction systems, with significant focus on e-commerce platforms. We have developed a machine learning-based recommendation platform, which can be easily applied to almost any items and/or actions domain. Contrary to existing recommendation systems, our platform supports multiple types of interaction data with multiple modalities of metadata natively. This is achieved through multi-modal fusion of various data representations. We deployed the platform into multiple e-commerce stores of different kinds, e.g. food and beverages, shoes, fashion items, telecom operators. Here, we present our system, its flexibility and performance. We also show benchmark results on open datasets, that significantly outperform state-of-the-art prior work.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Learning Multi-Modal Word Representation Grounded in Visual Context

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    Representing the semantics of words is a long-standing problem for the natural language processing community. Most methods compute word semantics given their textual context in large corpora. More recently, researchers attempted to integrate perceptual and visual features. Most of these works consider the visual appearance of objects to enhance word representations but they ignore the visual environment and context in which objects appear. We propose to unify text-based techniques with vision-based techniques by simultaneously leveraging textual and visual context to learn multimodal word embeddings. We explore various choices for what can serve as a visual context and present an end-to-end method to integrate visual context elements in a multimodal skip-gram model. We provide experiments and extensive analysis of the obtained results

    Image-based Geolocalization by Ground-to-2.5D Map Matching

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    We study the image-based geolocalization problem, aiming to localize ground-view query images on cartographic maps. Current methods often utilize cross-view localization techniques to match ground-view query images with 2D maps. However, the performance of these methods is unsatisfactory due to significant cross-view appearance differences. In this paper, we lift cross-view matching to a 2.5D space, where heights of structures (e.g., trees and buildings) provide geometric information to guide the cross-view matching. We propose a new approach to learning representative embeddings from multi-modal data. Specifically, we establish a projection relationship between 2.5D space and 2D aerial-view space. The projection is further used to combine multi-modal features from the 2.5D and 2D maps using an effective pixel-to-point fusion method. By encoding crucial geometric cues, our method learns discriminative location embeddings for matching panoramic images and maps. Additionally, we construct the first large-scale ground-to-2.5D map geolocalization dataset to validate our method and facilitate future research. Both single-image based and route based localization experiments are conducted to test our method. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significantly higher localization accuracy and faster convergence than previous 2D map-based approaches

    FaceFilter: Audio-visual speech separation using still images

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    The objective of this paper is to separate a target speaker's speech from a mixture of two speakers using a deep audio-visual speech separation network. Unlike previous works that used lip movement on video clips or pre-enrolled speaker information as an auxiliary conditional feature, we use a single face image of the target speaker. In this task, the conditional feature is obtained from facial appearance in cross-modal biometric task, where audio and visual identity representations are shared in latent space. Learnt identities from facial images enforce the network to isolate matched speakers and extract the voices from mixed speech. It solves the permutation problem caused by swapped channel outputs, frequently occurred in speech separation tasks. The proposed method is far more practical than video-based speech separation since user profile images are readily available on many platforms. Also, unlike speaker-aware separation methods, it is applicable on separation with unseen speakers who have never been enrolled before. We show strong qualitative and quantitative results on challenging real-world examples.Comment: Under submission as a conference paper. Video examples: https://youtu.be/ku9xoLh62

    Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Structured Memory Hierarchies

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    This paper presents a novel framework for human trajectory prediction based on multimodal data (video and radar). Motivated by recent neuroscience discoveries, we propose incorporating a structured memory component in the human trajectory prediction pipeline to capture historical information to improve performance. We introduce structured LSTM cells for modelling the memory content hierarchically, preserving the spatiotemporal structure of the information and enabling us to capture both short-term and long-term context. We demonstrate how this architecture can be extended to integrate salient information from multiple modalities to automatically store and retrieve important information for decision making without any supervision. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed models on a novel multimodal dataset that we introduce, consisting of 40,000 pedestrian trajectories, acquired jointly from a radar system and a CCTV camera system installed in a public place. The performance is also evaluated on the publicly available New York Grand Central pedestrian database. In both settings, the proposed models demonstrate their capability to better anticipate future pedestrian motion compared to existing state of the art.Comment: To appear in ECML-PKDD 201
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