5 research outputs found

    MS-Twins: Multi-Scale Deep Self-Attention Networks for Medical Image Segmentation

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    Although transformer is preferred in natural language processing, few studies have applied it in the field of medical imaging. For its long-term dependency, the transformer is expected to contribute to unconventional convolution neural net conquer their inherent spatial induction bias. The lately suggested transformer-based partition method only uses the transformer as an auxiliary module to help encode the global context into a convolutional representation. There is hardly any study about how to optimum bond self-attention (the kernel of transformers) with convolution. To solve the problem, the article proposes MS-Twins (Multi-Scale Twins), which is a powerful segmentation model on account of the bond of self-attention and convolution. MS-Twins can better capture semantic and fine-grained information by combining different scales and cascading features. Compared with the existing network structure, MS-Twins has made significant progress on the previous method based on the transformer of two in common use data sets, Synapse and ACDC. In particular, the performance of MS-Twins on Synapse is 8% higher than SwinUNet. Even compared with nnUNet, the best entirely convoluted medical image segmentation network, the performance of MS-Twins on Synapse and ACDC still has a bit advantage

    Noisy Label Learning for Large-scale Medical Image Classification

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    The classification accuracy of deep learning models depends not only on the size of their training sets, but also on the quality of their labels. In medical image classification, large-scale datasets are becoming abundant, but their labels will be noisy when they are automatically extracted from radiology reports using natural language processing tools. Given that deep learning models can easily overfit these noisy-label samples, it is important to study training approaches that can handle label noise. In this paper, we adapt a state-of-the-art (SOTA) noisy-label multi-class training approach to learn a multi-label classifier for the dataset Chest X-ray14, which is a large scale dataset known to contain label noise in the training set. Given that this dataset also has label noise in the testing set, we propose a new theoretically sound method to estimate the performance of the model on a hidden clean testing data, given the result on the noisy testing data. Using our clean data performance estimation, we notice that the majority of label noise on Chest X-ray14 is present in the class 'No Finding', which is intuitively correct because this is the most likely class to contain one or more of the 14 diseases due to labelling mistakes

    Weakly-supervised High-resolution Segmentation of Mammography Images for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

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    In the last few years, deep learning classifiers have shown promising results in image-based medical diagnosis. However, interpreting the outputs of these models remains a challenge. In cancer diagnosis, interpretability can be achieved by localizing the region of the input image responsible for the output, i.e. the location of a lesion. Alternatively, segmentation or detection models can be trained with pixel-wise annotations indicating the locations of malignant lesions. Unfortunately, acquiring such labels is labor-intensive and requires medical expertise. To overcome this difficulty, weakly-supervised localization can be utilized. These methods allow neural network classifiers to output saliency maps highlighting the regions of the input most relevant to the classification task (e.g. malignant lesions in mammograms) using only image-level labels (e.g. whether the patient has cancer or not) during training. When applied to high-resolution images, existing methods produce low-resolution saliency maps. This is problematic in applications in which suspicious lesions are small in relation to the image size. In this work, we introduce a novel neural network architecture to perform weakly-supervised segmentation of high-resolution images. The proposed model selects regions of interest via coarse-level localization, and then performs fine-grained segmentation of those regions. We apply this model to breast cancer diagnosis with screening mammography, and validate it on a large clinically-realistic dataset. Measured by Dice similarity score, our approach outperforms existing methods by a large margin in terms of localization performance of benign and malignant lesions, relatively improving the performance by 39.6% and 20.0%, respectively. Code and the weights of some of the models are available at https://github.com/nyukat/GLAMComment: The last two authors contributed equally. Accepted to Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) 202