5 research outputs found

    Multi-Item-Multi-Plant Inventory Control Of Production Systems With Shortages Backorders

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    A multi-item model of a production-inventory system incorporating deterioration, shortages and capacity/budge constraints is considered. An optimal control policy for the model is developed using linear quadratic (LQ) theory for the case of deterministic demands. The problem of controlling large-scale production-inventory facilities is also considered, and the interaction prediction method is used to develop optimal policies. Results of simulations show that using the developed policy, any desired inventory levels can be maintained while minimizing costs and satisfying demand without violating capacity constraints

    Multi-Item-Multi-Plant Inventory Control Of Production Systems With Shortages Backorders

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    A multi-item model of a production-inventory system incorporating deterioration, shortages and capacity/budge constraints is considered. An optimal control policy for the model is developed using linear quadratic (LQ) theory for the case of deterministic demands. The problem of controlling large-scale production-inventory facilities is also considered, and the interaction prediction method is used to develop optimal policies. Results of simulations show that using the developed policy, any desired inventory levels can be maintained while minimizing costs and satisfying demand without violating capacity constraints

    A delayed differentiation multi-product FPR model with scrap and a multi-delivery policy – I: Using single-machine production scheme

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    This study examines a delayed differentiation multi-product single-machine finite production rate (FPR) model with scrap and a multi-delivery policy. The classic FPR model considers a single product, single stage production with all items manufactured being of perfect quality and product demand satisfied by a continuous inventory issuing policy. However, in real-life production-shipment integrated systems, multi-product production is usually adopted by vendors to maximize machine utilization, and generation of scrap items appear to be inevitable with uncontrollable factors in production. Further, distribution of finished products is often done through a periodic or multi-delivery policy rather than a continuous issuing policy. It is also assumed that these multiple products share a common intermediate part. In this situation, the producer would often be interested in evaluating a two-stage production scheme with the first stage producing common parts for all products and the second stage separately fabricating the end products to lower overall production-inventory costs and shorten the replenishment cycle time. Redesigning a multi-product FPR system to delay product differentiation to the final stage of production has proved to be an effective supply chain strategy from an inventory-reduction standpoint. Using mathematical modelling, we derive the optimal replenishment cycle time and delivery policy. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate its practical usage and compare our result to that obtained from the traditional single-stage multi-product FPR model

    Performance Improvement Through Benchmarking for Small and Medium Manufacturers (SMM)

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    Die wichtigsten Kostenfaktoren innerhalb einer Lieferkette lassen sich drei Kategorien zuordnen: Produktions-, Transport-und Lagerkosten. Die Strukturen dieser operativen Kosten im Hinblick auf die Gesamtkosten variieren stark je nach Industriesektor. Produktionskosten stellen dennoch die höchste Kostenart in fast allen Branchen dar, weniger bedeutend folgen danach jeweils die Transport- und Lagerkosten. Die Optimierung einer dieser Kategorien ohne Rücksicht auf die anderen kann zur Erhöhung der Gesamtkosten sowie der allgemeinen Leistungsfähigkeit führen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem „production distribution problem“ wobei synchronisierte Strategien entwickelt werden können, um die Leistung der Supply Chain zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Gesamtkosten zu minimieren. Dazu wurde eine Fallstudie aus der Realität untersucht, nämlich das Praxisbeispiel eines Herstellers von Waschmitteln. Zwei Hauptszenarien werden bewertet. Das erste Szenario ist der konventionelle Plan, wobei die Hersteller dominieren. Dies bedeutet, dass der Hersteller findet seinen eigenen optimalen Job-Scheduling-Plan, während die Distribution versucht mit Hilfe dessen ihren optimalen Plan zu finden. Dadurch erhöhen sich die Distributionskosten. Das zweite Szenario betrifft die Synchronisation der Produktions-, Lagerhaltungs- und Transportzeitpläne. Ein zu diesem Zweck entwickeltes Java-Programm und die Job-Scheduling-Software Simal wurden für die Modellierung der konventionellen und integrierten Szenarien verwendet. Beide Szenarien wurden verglichen und validiert. Die Fallstudie betrachtet mehrere Produkte sowie ein schwer zu planendes flowshop- System. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Gesamtkosten, einschließlich der Einrichtungs-, Lager- und Transportkosten, minimiert werden können, wenn das synchronisierte System angewendet wird.The main cost factors within a supply chain can be put into the categories of production, transportation, and inventory costs. The composition of these operational costs relative to total costs varies largely by industry. However, production cost is the largest of all in almost all the industries, followed by transportation and inventory costs. Optimizing one of these categories without consideration of the others may increase the total cost and reduce the overall performance. This dissertation deals with the production distribution problem of developing synchronized strategies to improve the supply chain performance and to minimize the total cost. A real case study is investigated. This real-life case study is a powder detergent plant located in Libya. There are two main scenarios evaluated. The first scenario is the conventional plan, where the manufacturer dominates. This means the manufacturer finds his own optimum job-scheduling plan, and the distributor tries to find the optimum plan according to it. This will increase the distribution cost. The second scenario involves synchronizing the production, inventory and transportation schedules. A Java program and SimAl (job-schedulingsoftware) were constructed for modelling conventional and integrated scenarios. The two scenarios were compared and validated. The case study considered multiple products and a flowshop system which is difficult to schedule. The results show that the total costs, including setup, inventory and transportation, can be minimized when the synchronized system is applied