15 research outputs found

    Multi-Identity and Multi-Key Leveled FHE from Learning with Errors

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    Gentry, Sahai and Waters recently presented the first (leveled) identity-based fully homomorphic (IBFHE) encryption scheme (CRYPTO 2013). Their scheme however only works in the single-identity setting; that is, homomorphic evaluation can only be performed on ciphertexts created with the same identity. In this work, we extend their results to the multi-identity setting and obtain a multi-identity IBFHE scheme that is selectively secure in the random oracle model under the hardness of Learning with Errors (LWE). We also obtain a multi-key fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme that is secure under LWE in the standard model. This is the first multi-key FHE based on a well-established assumption such as standard LWE. The multi-key FHE of López-Alt, Tromer and Vaikuntanathan (STOC 2012) relied on a non-standard assumption, referred to as the Decisional Small Polynomial Ratio assumption

    Efficient Multi-key FHE with short extended ciphertexts and less public parameters

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    Multi-Key Full Homomorphic Encryption (MKFHE) can perform arbitrary operations on encrypted data under different public keys (users), and the final ciphertext can be jointly decrypted by all involved users. Therefore, MKFHE has natural advantages and application value in security multi-party computation (MPC). The MKFHE scheme based on Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) inherits the advantages of BGV FHE scheme in aspects of encrypting a ring element, the ciphertext/plaintext ratio, and supporting the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)-based ciphertexts packing technique. However some weaknesses also exist such as large ciphertexts and keys, and complicated process of generating evaluation keys. In this paper, we present an efficient BGV-type MKFHE scheme. Firstly, we construct a nested ciphertext extension for BGV and separable ciphertext extension for Gentry-Sahai-Waters (GSW), which can reduce the size of the extended ciphertexts about a half. Secondly, we apply the hybrid homomorphic multiplication between RBGV ciphertext and RGSW ciphertext to the generation process of evaluation keys, which can significantly reduce the amount of input/output ciphertexts and improve the efficiency. Finally, we construct a directed decryption protocol which allows the evaluated ciphertext to be decrypted by any target user, thereby enhancing the ability of data owner to control their own plaintext, and abolish the limitation in current MKFHE schemes that the evaluated ciphertext can only be decrypted by users involved in homomorphic evaluation

    Towards Round-Optimal Secure Multiparty Computations: Multikey FHE without a CRS

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    Multikey fully homomorphic encryption (MFHE) allows homomorphic operations between ciphertexts encrypted under different keys. In applications for secure multiparty computation (MPC)protocols, MFHE can be more advantageous than usual fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) since users do not need to agree with a common public key before the computation when using MFHE. In EUROCRYPT 2016, Mukherjee and Wichs constructed a secure MPC protocol in only two rounds via MFHE which deals with a common random/reference string (CRS) in key generation. After then, Brakerski et al.. replaced the role of CRS with the distributed setup for CRS calculation to form a four round secure MPC protocol. Thus, recent improvements in round complexity of MPC protocols have been made using MFHE. In this paper, we go further to obtain round-efficient and secure MPC protocols. The underlying MFHE schemes in previous works still involve the common value, CRS, it seems to weaken the power of using MFHE to allow users to independently generate their own keys. Therefore, we resolve the issue by constructing an MFHE scheme without CRS based on LWE assumption, and then we obtain a secure MPC protocol against semi-malicious security in three rounds

    Attribute-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption with a Bounded Number of Inputs

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    The only known way to achieve Attribute-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption (ABFHE) is through indistinguishability obfsucation. The best we can do at the moment without obfuscation is Attribute-Based Leveled FHE which allows circuits of an a priori bounded depth to be evaluated. This has been achieved from the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. However we know of no other way without obfuscation of constructing a scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth. In this paper, we present an ABFHE scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth but with one limitation: there is a bound N on the number of inputs that can be used in a circuit evaluation. The bound N could be thought of as a bound on the number of independent senders. Our scheme allows N to be exponentially large so we can set the parameters so that there is no limitation on the number of inputs in practice. Our construction relies on multi-key FHE and leveled ABFHE, both of which have been realized from LWE, and therefore we obtain a concrete scheme that is secure under LWE

    A Survey on Homomorphic Encryption Schemes: Theory and Implementation

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    Legacy encryption systems depend on sharing a key (public or private) among the peers involved in exchanging an encrypted message. However, this approach poses privacy concerns. Especially with popular cloud services, the control over the privacy of the sensitive data is lost. Even when the keys are not shared, the encrypted material is shared with a third party that does not necessarily need to access the content. Moreover, untrusted servers, providers, and cloud operators can keep identifying elements of users long after users end the relationship with the services. Indeed, Homomorphic Encryption (HE), a special kind of encryption scheme, can address these concerns as it allows any third party to operate on the encrypted data without decrypting it in advance. Although this extremely useful feature of the HE scheme has been known for over 30 years, the first plausible and achievable Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) scheme, which allows any computable function to perform on the encrypted data, was introduced by Craig Gentry in 2009. Even though this was a major achievement, different implementations so far demonstrated that FHE still needs to be improved significantly to be practical on every platform. First, we present the basics of HE and the details of the well-known Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE) and Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SWHE), which are important pillars of achieving FHE. Then, the main FHE families, which have become the base for the other follow-up FHE schemes are presented. Furthermore, the implementations and recent improvements in Gentry-type FHE schemes are also surveyed. Finally, further research directions are discussed. This survey is intended to give a clear knowledge and foundation to researchers and practitioners interested in knowing, applying, as well as extending the state of the art HE, PHE, SWHE, and FHE systems.Comment: - Updated. (October 6, 2017) - This paper is an early draft of the survey that is being submitted to ACM CSUR and has been uploaded to arXiv for feedback from stakeholder

    Lattice-based, more general anti-leakage model and its application in decentralization

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    In the case of standard \LWE samples (A,b=sA+e)(\mathbf{A},\mathbf{b = sA + e}), A\mathbf{A} is typically uniformly over Zqn×m\mathbb{Z}_q^{n \times m}, and under the \LWE assumption, the conditional distribution of s\mathbf{s} given b\mathbf{b} and s\mathbf{s} should be consistent. However, if an adversary chooses A\mathbf{A} adaptively, the gap between the two may be larger. In this work, we are mainly interested in quantifying H~(ssA+e)\tilde{H}_\infty(\mathbf{s}|\mathbf{sA + e}), while A\mathbf{A} an adversary chooses. Brakerski and D\ {o}ttling answered the question in one case: they proved that when s\mathbf{s} is uniformly chosen from Zqn\mathbb{Z}_q^n, it holds that H~(ssA+e)ρσ(Λq(A))\tilde{H}_\infty(\mathbf{s}|\mathbf{sA + e}) \varpropto \rho_\sigma(\Lambda_q(\mathbf{A})). We prove that for any dqd \leq q, s\mathbf{s} is uniformly chosen from Zdn\mathbb{Z}_d^n or is sampled from a discrete Gaussian, the above result still holds. In addition, as an independent result, we have also proved the regularity of the hash function mapped to the prime-order group and its Cartesian product. As an application of the above results, we improved the multi-key fully homomorphic encryption\cite{TCC:BraHalPol17} and answered the question raised at the end of their work positively: we have GSW-type ciphertext rather than Dual-GSW, and the improved scheme has shorter keys and ciphertext

    Faster Gaussian Sampling for Trapdoor Lattices with Arbitrary Modulus

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    We present improved algorithms for gaussian preimage sampling using the lattice trapdoors of (Micciancio and Peikert, CRYPTO 2012). The MP12 work only offered a highly optimized algorithm for the on-line stage of the computation in the special case when the lattice modulus qq is a power of two. For arbitrary modulus qq, the MP12 preimage sampling procedure resorted to general lattice algorithms with complexity cubic in the bitsize of the modulus (or quadratic, but with substantial preprocessing and storage overheads.) Our new preimage sampling algorithm (for any modulus qq) achieves linear complexity, and has very modest storage requirements. As an additional contribution, we give a new off-line quasi-linear time perturbation sampling algorithm, with performance similar to the (expected) running time of an efficient method proposed by (Ducas and Nguyen, Asiacrypt 2012) for power-of-two cyclotomics, but without the (matrix factorization) preprocessing and (lattice rounding) postprocessing required by that algorithm. All our algorithms are fairly simple, with small hidden constants, and offer a practical alternative to use the MP12 trapdoor lattices in a broad range of cryptographic applications

    Key lifting : Multi-key Fully Homomorphic Encryption in plain model without noise flooding

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    Multi-key Fully Homomorphic Encryption (\MK), based on the Learning With Error assumption (\LWE), usually lifts ciphertexts of different users to new ciphertexts under a common public key to enable homomorphic evaluation. The efficiency of the current Multi-key Fully Homomorphic Encryption (\MK) scheme is mainly restricted by two aspects: Expensive ciphertext expansion operation: In a boolean circuit with input length NN, multiplication depth LL, security parameter λ\lambda, the number of additional encryptions introduced to achieve ciphertext expansion is O(Nλ6L4)O(N\lambda^6L^4). Noise flooding technology resulting in a large modulus qq : In order to prove the security of the scheme, the noise flooding technology introduced in the encryption and distributed decryption stages will lead to a huge modulus q=2O(λL)Bχq = 2^{O(\lambda L)}B_\chi, which corrodes the whole scheme and leads to sub-exponential approximation factors γ=O~(n2nL)\gamma = \tilde{O}(n\cdot 2^{\sqrt{nL}}). This paper solves the first problem by presenting a framework called Key-Lifting Multi-key Fully Homomorphic Encryption (\KL). With this \emph{key lifting} procedure, the number of encryptions for a local user is reduced to O(N)O(N), similar to single-key fully homomorphic encryption (\FHE). For the second problem, based on R\\u27{e}nyi divergence, we propose an optimized proof method that removes the noise flooding technology in the encryption phase. Additionally, in the distributed decryption phase, we prove that the asymmetric nature of the DGSW ciphertext ensures that the noise after decryption does not leak the noise in the initial ciphertext, as long as the depth of the circuit is sufficient. Thus, our initial ciphertext remains semantically secure even without noise flooding, provided the encryption scheme is leakage-resilient. This approach significantly reduces the size of the modulus qq (with logq=O(L)\log q = O(L)) and the computational overhead of the entire scheme

    A Practical TFHE-Based Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption with Linear Complexity and Low Noise Growth

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption enables arbitrary computations over encrypted data and it has a multitude of applications, e.g., secure cloud computing in healthcare or finance. Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption (MKHE) further allows to process encrypted data from multiple sources: the data can be encrypted with keys owned by different parties. In this paper, we propose a new variant of MKHE instantiated with the TFHE scheme. Compared to previous attempts by Chen et al. and by Kwak et al., our scheme achieves computation runtime that is linear in the number of involved parties and it outperforms the faster scheme by a factor of 4.5-6.9x, at the cost of a slightly extended pre-computation. In addition, for our scheme, we propose and practically evaluate parameters for up to 128 parties, which enjoy the same estimated security as parameters suggested for the previous schemes (100 bits). It is also worth noting that our scheme—unlike the previous schemes—did not experience any error in any of our nine experiments, each running 1 000 trials