21 research outputs found

    Digital watermarking and novel security devices

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Detection of near-duplicates in large image collections

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    The vast numbers of images on the Web include many duplicates, and an even larger number of near-duplicate variants derived from the same original. These include thumbnails stored by search engines, copies shared by various news portals, and images that appear on multiple web sites, legitimately or otherwise. Such near-duplicates appear in the results of many web image searches, and constitute redundancy, and may also represent infringements of copyright. Digital images can be easily altered through simple digital manipulation such as conversion to grey-scale, colour balance change, rescaling, rotation, and cropping. Any of these operations defeat simple duplicate detection methods such as bit-level hashing. The ability to detect such variants with a reasonable degree of reliability and accuracy would support reduction of redundancy in collections and in presentation of search results, and also allow detection of possible copyright violations. Some existing methods for identifying near-duplicates are derived from computer vision techniques; these have shown high effectiveness for this domain, but are computationally expensive, and therefore impractical for large image collections. Other methods address the problem using conventional CBIR approaches that are more efficient but are typically not as robust. None of the previous methods have addressed the problem in its entirety, and none have addressed the large scale near-duplicate problem on the Web; there has been no analysis of the kinds of alterations that are common on the Web, nor any or evaluation of whether real cases of near-duplication can in fact be identified. In this thesis, we analyse the different types of alterations and near-duplicates existent in a range of popular web image searches, and establish a collection and evaluation ground truth using real-world near-duplicate examples. We present a simple ranking approach to reduce the number of local-descriptors, and therefore improve the efficiency of the descriptor-based retrieval method for near-duplicate detection. The descriptor-based method has been shown to produce near-perfect detection of near-duplicates, but was previously computationally very expensive. We show that while maintaining comparable effectiveness, our method scales well for large collections of hundreds of thousands of images. We also explore a more compact indexing structure to support near duplicate image detection. We develop a method to automatically detect the pair-wise near-duplicate relationship of images without the use of a query. We adapt the hash-based probabilistic counting method --- originally used for near-duplicate text document detection --- with the local descriptors; our adaptation offers the first effective and efficient non-query-based approach to this domain. We further incorporate our pair-wise detection approach for clustering of near-duplicates. We present a clustering method specifically for near-duplicate images, where our method is arguably the first clustering method to achieve a high level of effectiveness in this domain. We also show that near-duplicates within a large collection of a million images can be effectively clustered using our approach in less than an hour using relatively modest computational resources. Overall, our proposed methods provide practical approaches to the detection and management of near-duplicate images in large collection

    Spread spectrum-based video watermarking algorithms for copyright protection

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2263 on 14.03.2017 by CS (TIS)Digital technologies know an unprecedented expansion in the last years. The consumer can now benefit from hardware and software which was considered state-of-the-art several years ago. The advantages offered by the digital technologies are major but the same digital technology opens the door for unlimited piracy. Copying an analogue VCR tape was certainly possible and relatively easy, in spite of various forms of protection, but due to the analogue environment, the subsequent copies had an inherent loss in quality. This was a natural way of limiting the multiple copying of a video material. With digital technology, this barrier disappears, being possible to make as many copies as desired, without any loss in quality whatsoever. Digital watermarking is one of the best available tools for fighting this threat. The aim of the present work was to develop a digital watermarking system compliant with the recommendations drawn by the EBU, for video broadcast monitoring. Since the watermark can be inserted in either spatial domain or transform domain, this aspect was investigated and led to the conclusion that wavelet transform is one of the best solutions available. Since watermarking is not an easy task, especially considering the robustness under various attacks several techniques were employed in order to increase the capacity/robustness of the system: spread-spectrum and modulation techniques to cast the watermark, powerful error correction to protect the mark, human visual models to insert a robust mark and to ensure its invisibility. The combination of these methods led to a major improvement, but yet the system wasn't robust to several important geometrical attacks. In order to achieve this last milestone, the system uses two distinct watermarks: a spatial domain reference watermark and the main watermark embedded in the wavelet domain. By using this reference watermark and techniques specific to image registration, the system is able to determine the parameters of the attack and revert it. Once the attack was reverted, the main watermark is recovered. The final result is a high capacity, blind DWr-based video watermarking system, robust to a wide range of attacks.BBC Research & Developmen

    Practical application of distributed ledger technology in support of digital evidence integrity verification processes

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    After its birth in cryptocurrencies, distributed ledger (blockchain) technology rapidly grew in popularity in other technology domains. Alternative applications of this technology range from digitizing the bank guarantees process for commercial property leases (Anz and IBM, 2017) to tracking the provenance of high-value physical goods (Everledger Ltd., 2017). As a whole, distributed ledger technology has acted as a catalyst to the rise of many innovative alternative solutions to existing problems, mostly associated with trust and integrity. In this research, a niche application of this technology is proposed for use in digital forensics by providing a mechanism for the transparent and irrefutable verification of digital evidence, ensuring its integrity as established blockchains serve as an ideal mechanism to store and validate arbitrary data against. Evaluation and identification of candidate technologies in this domain is based on a set of requirements derived from previous work in this field (Weilbach, 2014). OpenTimestamps (Todd, 2016b) is chosen as the foundation of further work for its robust architecture, transparent nature and multi-platform support. A robust evaluation and discussion of OpenTimestamps is performed to reinforce why it can be trusted as an implementation and protocol. An implementation of OpenTimestamps is designed for the popular open source forensic tool, Autopsy, and an Autopsy module is subsequently developed and released to the public. OpenTimestamps is tested at scale and found to have insignificant error rates for the verification of timestamps. Through practical implementation and extensive testing, it is shown that OpenTimestamps has the potential to significantly advance the practice of digital evidence integrity verification. A conclusion is reached by discussing some of the limitations of OpenTimestamps in terms of accuracy and error rates. It is shown that although OpenTimestamps has very specific timing claims in the attestation, with a near zero error rate, the actual attestation is truly accurate to within a day. This is followed by proposing potential avenues for future work

    Addressing Automated Adversaries of Network Applications

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    The Internet supports a perpetually evolving patchwork of network services and applications. Popular applications include the World Wide Web, online commerce, online banking, email, instant messaging, multimedia streaming, and online video games. Practically all networked applications have a common objective: to directly or indirectly process requests generated by humans. Some users employ automation to establish an unfair advantage over non-automated users. The perceived and substantive damages that automated, adversarial users inflict on an application degrade its enjoyment and usability by legitimate users, and result in reputation and revenue loss for the application\u27s service provider. This dissertation examines three challenges critical to addressing the undesirable automation of networked applications. The first challenge explores individual methods that detect various automated behaviors. Detection methods range from observing unusual network-level request traffic to sensing anomalous client operation at the application-level. Since many detection methods are not individually conclusive, the second challenge investigates how to combine detection methods to accurately identify automated adversaries. The third challenge considers how to leverage the available knowledge to disincentivize adversary automation by nullifying their advantage over legitimate users. The thesis of this dissertation is that: there exist methods to detect automated behaviors with which an application\u27s service provider can identify and then systematically disincentivize automated adversaries. This dissertation evaluates this thesis using research performed on two network applications that have different access to the client software: Web-based services and multiplayer online games

    Information security and assurance : Proceedings international conference, ISA 2012, Shanghai China, April 2012

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    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 25. Number 2.

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    Space station data system analysis/architecture study. Task 2: Options development, DR-5. Volume 2: Design options

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    The primary objective of Task 2 is the development of an information base that will support the conduct of trade studies and provide sufficient data to make key design/programmatic decisions. This includes: (1) the establishment of option categories that are most likely to influence Space Station Data System (SSDS) definition; (2) the identification of preferred options in each category; and (3) the characterization of these options with respect to performance attributes, constraints, cost and risk. This volume contains the options development for the design category. This category comprises alternative structures, configurations and techniques that can be used to develop designs that are responsive to the SSDS requirements. The specific areas discussed are software, including data base management and distributed operating systems; system architecture, including fault tolerance and system growth/automation/autonomy and system interfaces; time management; and system security/privacy. Also discussed are space communications and local area networking

    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences