4,029 research outputs found

    How Video Super-Resolution and Frame Interpolation Mutually Benefit

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    Video super-resolution (VSR) and video frame interpolation (VFI) are inter-dependent for enhancing videos of low resolution and low frame rate. However, most studies treat VSR and temporal VFI as independent tasks. In this work, we design a spatial-temporal super-resolution network based on exploring the interaction between VSR and VFI. The main idea is to improve the middle frame of VFI by the super-resolution (SR) frames and feature maps from VSR. In the meantime, VFI also provides extra information for VSR and thus, through interacting, the SR of consecutive frames of the original video can also be improved by the feedback from the generated middle frame. Drawing on this, our approach leverages a simple interaction of VSR and VFI and achieves state-of-the-art performance on various datasets. Due to such a simple strategy, our approach is universally applicable to any existing VSR or VFI networks for effectively improving their video enhancement performance

    Enhancing Space-time Video Super-resolution via Spatial-temporal Feature Interaction

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    The target of space-time video super-resolution (STVSR) is to increase both the frame rate (also referred to as the temporal resolution) and the spatial resolution of a given video. Recent approaches solve STVSR with end-to-end deep neural networks. A popular solution is to first increase the frame rate of the video; then perform feature refinement among different frame features; and last increase the spatial resolutions of these features. The temporal correlation among features of different frames is carefully exploited in this process. The spatial correlation among features of different (spatial) resolutions, despite being also very important, is however not emphasized. In this paper, we propose a spatial-temporal feature interaction network to enhance STVSR by exploiting both spatial and temporal correlations among features of different frames and spatial resolutions. Specifically, the spatial-temporal frame interpolation module is introduced to interpolate low- and high-resolution intermediate frame features simultaneously and interactively. The spatial-temporal local and global refinement modules are respectively deployed afterwards to exploit the spatial-temporal correlation among different features for their refinement. Finally, a novel motion consistency loss is employed to enhance the motion continuity among reconstructed frames. We conduct experiments on three standard benchmarks, Vid4, Vimeo-90K and Adobe240, and the results demonstrate that our method improves the state of the art methods by a considerable margin. Our codes will be available at https://github.com/yuezijie/STINet-Space-time-Video-Super-resolution

    FLAIR: A Conditional Diffusion Framework with Applications to Face Video Restoration

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    Face video restoration (FVR) is a challenging but important problem where one seeks to recover a perceptually realistic face videos from a low-quality input. While diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have been shown to achieve remarkable performance for face image restoration, they often fail to preserve temporally coherent, high-quality videos, compromising the fidelity of reconstructed faces. We present a new conditional diffusion framework called FLAIR for FVR. FLAIR ensures temporal consistency across frames in a computationally efficient fashion by converting a traditional image DPM into a video DPM. The proposed conversion uses a recurrent video refinement layer and a temporal self-attention at different scales. FLAIR also uses a conditional iterative refinement process to balance the perceptual and distortion quality during inference. This process consists of two key components: a data-consistency module that analytically ensures that the generated video precisely matches its degraded observation and a coarse-to-fine image enhancement module specifically for facial regions. Our extensive experiments show superiority of FLAIR over the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) for video super-resolution, deblurring, JPEG restoration, and space-time frame interpolation on two high-quality face video datasets.Comment: 32 pages, 27 figure

    Learning to Extract a Video Sequence from a Single Motion-Blurred Image

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    We present a method to extract a video sequence from a single motion-blurred image. Motion-blurred images are the result of an averaging process, where instant frames are accumulated over time during the exposure of the sensor. Unfortunately, reversing this process is nontrivial. Firstly, averaging destroys the temporal ordering of the frames. Secondly, the recovery of a single frame is a blind deconvolution task, which is highly ill-posed. We present a deep learning scheme that gradually reconstructs a temporal ordering by sequentially extracting pairs of frames. Our main contribution is to introduce loss functions invariant to the temporal order. This lets a neural network choose during training what frame to output among the possible combinations. We also address the ill-posedness of deblurring by designing a network with a large receptive field and implemented via resampling to achieve a higher computational efficiency. Our proposed method can successfully retrieve sharp image sequences from a single motion blurred image and can generalize well on synthetic and real datasets captured with different cameras

    The FRIGG project: From intermediate galactic scales to self-gravitating cores

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    Abridged. Understanding the detailed structure of the interstellar gas is essential for our knowledge of the star formation process. The small-scale structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) is a direct consequence of the galactic scales and making the link between the two is essential. We perform adaptive mesh simulations that aim to bridge the gap between the intermediate galactic scales and the self-gravitating prestellar cores. For this purpose we use stratified supernova regulated ISM magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations at the kpc scale to set up the initial conditions. We then zoom, performing a series of concentric uniform refinement and then refining on the Jeans length for the last levels. This allows us to reach a spatial resolution of a few 10310^{-3} pc. The cores are identified using a clump finder and various criteria based on virial analysis. Their most relevant properties are computed and, due to the large number of objects formed in the simulations, reliable statistics are obtained. The cores properties show encouraging agreements with observations. The mass spectrum presents a clear powerlaw at high masses with an exponent close to 1.3\simeq -1.3 and a peak at about 1-2 MM_\odot. The velocity dispersion and the angular momentum distributions are respectively a few times the local sound speed and a few 10210^{-2} pc km s1^{-1}. We also find that the distribution of thermally supercritical cores present a range of magnetic mass-to-flux over critical mass-to-flux ratio which typically ranges between \simeq0.3 and 3.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Super-resolution restoration of spaceborne HD videos using the UCL MAGiGAN system

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    We developed a novel SRR system, called Multi-Angle Gotcha image restoration with Generative Adversarial Network (MAGiGAN), to produce resolution enhancement of 3-5 times from multi-pass EO images. The MAGiGAN SRR system uses a combination of photogrammetric and machine vision approaches including image segmentation and shadow labelling, feature matching and densification, estimation of an image degradation model, and deep learning approaches, to retrieve image information from distorted features and training networks. We have tested the MAGiGAN SRR using the NVIDIA® Jetson TX-2 GPU card for onboard processing within a smart-satellite capturing high definition satellite videos, which will enable many innovative remote-sensing applications to be implemented in the future. In this paper, we show SRR processing results from a Planet® SkySat HD 70cm spaceborne video using a GPU version of the MAGiGAN system. Image quality and effective resolution enhancement are measured and discussed