130,118 research outputs found

    Hete-CF : Social-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation using Heterogeneous Relations

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    The work described here was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 61373051; the National Science and Technology Pillar Program (Grant No.2013BAH07F05), the Key Laboratory for Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering, Ministry of Education, China, and the UK Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC); award reference: ES/M001628/1.Preprin

    Hete-CF: Social-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation using Heterogeneous Relations

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    Collaborative filtering algorithms haven been widely used in recommender systems. However, they often suffer from the data sparsity and cold start problems. With the increasing popularity of social media, these problems may be solved by using social-based recommendation. Social-based recommendation, as an emerging research area, uses social information to help mitigate the data sparsity and cold start problems, and it has been demonstrated that the social-based recommendation algorithms can efficiently improve the recommendation performance. However, few of the existing algorithms have considered using multiple types of relations within one social network. In this paper, we investigate the social-based recommendation algorithms on heterogeneous social networks and proposed Hete-CF, a Social Collaborative Filtering algorithm using heterogeneous relations. Distinct from the exiting methods, Hete-CF can effectively utilize multiple types of relations in a heterogeneous social network. In addition, Hete-CF is a general approach and can be used in arbitrary social networks, including event based social networks, location based social networks, and any other types of heterogeneous information networks associated with social information. The experimental results on two real-world data sets, DBLP (a typical heterogeneous information network) and Meetup (a typical event based social network) show the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm

    Processing and Linking Audio Events in Large Multimedia Archives: The EU inEvent Project

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    In the inEvent EU project [1], we aim at structuring, retrieving, and sharing large archives of networked, and dynamically changing, multimedia recordings, mainly consisting of meetings, videoconferences, and lectures. More specifically, we are developing an integrated system that performs audiovisual processing of multimedia recordings, and labels them in terms of interconnected “hyper-events ” (a notion inspired from hyper-texts). Each hyper-event is composed of simpler facets, including audio-video recordings and metadata, which are then easier to search, retrieve and share. In the present paper, we mainly cover the audio processing aspects of the system, including speech recognition, speaker diarization and linking (across recordings), the use of these features for hyper-event indexing and recommendation, and the search portal. We present initial results for feature extraction from lecture recordings using the TED talks. Index Terms: Networked multimedia events; audio processing: speech recognition; speaker diarization and linking; multimedia indexing and searching; hyper-events. 1

    Hikester - the event management application

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    Today social networks and services are one of the most important part of our everyday life. Most of the daily activities, such as communicating with friends, reading news or dating is usually done using social networks. However, there are activities for which social networks do not yet provide adequate support. This paper focuses on event management and introduces "Hikester". The main objective of this service is to provide users with the possibility to create any event they desire and to invite other users. "Hikester" supports the creation and management of events like attendance of football matches, quest rooms, shared train rides or visit of museums in foreign countries. Here we discuss the project architecture as well as the detailed implementation of the system components: the recommender system, the spam recognition service and the parameters optimizer

    Smart City Development with Urban Transfer Learning

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    Nowadays, the smart city development levels of different cities are still unbalanced. For a large number of cities which just started development, the governments will face a critical cold-start problem: 'how to develop a new smart city service with limited data?'. To address this problem, transfer learning can be leveraged to accelerate the smart city development, which we term the urban transfer learning paradigm. This article investigates the common process of urban transfer learning, aiming to provide city planners and relevant practitioners with guidelines on how to apply this novel learning paradigm. Our guidelines include common transfer strategies to take, general steps to follow, and case studies in public safety, transportation management, etc. We also summarize a few research opportunities and expect this article can attract more researchers to study urban transfer learning

    Human-Centric Cyber Social Computing Model for Hot-Event Detection and Propagation

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Microblogging networks have gained popularity in recent years as a platform enabling expressions of human emotions, through which users can conveniently produce contents on public events, breaking news, and/or products. Subsequently, microblogging networks generate massive amounts of data that carry opinions and mass sentiment on various topics. Herein, microblogging is regarded as a useful platform for detecting and propagating new hot events. It is also a useful channel for identifying high-quality posts, popular topics, key interests, and high-influence users. The existence of noisy data in the traditional social media data streams enforces to focus on human-centric computing. This paper proposes a human-centric social computing (HCSC) model for hot-event detection and propagation in microblogging networks. In the proposed HCSC model, all posts and users are preprocessed through hypertext induced topic search (HITS) for determining high-quality subsets of the users, topics, and posts. Then, a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)-based multiprototype user topic detection method is used for identifying users with high influence in the network. Furthermore, an influence maximization is used for final determination of influential users based on the user subsets. Finally, the users mined by influence maximization process are generated as the influential user sets for specific topics. Experimental results prove the superiority of our HCSC model against similar models of hot-event detection and information propagation