4 research outputs found

    Less is more in incident categorization

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    The IT incident management process requires a correct categorization to attribute incident tickets to the right resolution group and obtain as quickly as possible an operational system, impacting the minimum as possible the business and costumers. In this work, we introduce automatic text classification, demonstrating the application of several natural language processing techniques and analyzing the impact of each one on a real incident tickets dataset. The techniques that we explore in the pre-processing of the text that describes an incident are the following: tokenization, stemming, eliminating stop-words, named-entity recognition, and TFxIDF-based document representation. Finally, to build the model and observe the results after applying the previous techniques, we use two machine learning algorithms: Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Two important findings result from this study: a shorter description of an incident is better than a full description of an incident; and, pre-processing has little impact on incident categorization, mainly due the specific vocabulary used in this type of text.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Machine learning in incident categorization automation

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    IT incident management process requires a correct categorization to attribute incident tickets to the right resolution group and obtain an operational system as quickly as possible, having the lowest possible impact on the business and costumers. In this work, we introduce a module to automatically categorize incident tickets, turning the responsible teams for incident management more productive. This module can be integrated as an extension into an incident ticket system (ITS), which contributes to reduce the time wasted on incident ticket route and reduce the amount of errors on incident categorization. To automate the classification, we use a support vector machine (SVM), obtaining an accuracy of 89%, approximately, on a dataset of real-world incident tickets.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Automatization of incident categorization

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    To be able to keep up with the grow of the created incidents quantity in an organization nowadays, there was the need to increase the resources to ensure the management of all incidents. Incident Management is composed by several activities, being one of them, Incident Categorization. Merging Natural Language and Text Mining techniques and Machine Learning algorithms, we propose improve this activity, specifically the Incident Management Process. For that, we propose replace the manual sub-process of Categorization inherent to the Incident Management Process by an automatic sub-process, without any human interaction. The goal of this dissertation is to propose a solution to categorize correctly and automatically the incidents. For that, there are real data provided by a company, which due to privacy questions will not be mention along dissertation. The datasets are composed by incidents correctly categorized, which leverage us to apply supervised learning algorithms. It is supposed to obtain as output a developed method through the merge of Natural Language Processing techniques and classification algorithms with better performance on the data. At the end, the proposed method is assessed comparatively with the current categorization done to conclude if our proposal really improves the Incident Management Process and which are the advantages brought by the automation.De forma a acompanhar o crescimento da quantidade de incidentes criados no diaa-dia de uma organização, houve a necessidade de aumentar a quantidade de recursos, de maneira a assegurar a gestão de todos os incidentes. A gestão de incidentes é composta por várias atividades, sendo uma delas, a categorização de incidentes. Através da junção de técnicas de Linguagem Natural e Processamento de Texto e de Algoritmos de Aprendizagem Automática propomos melhorar esta atividade, especificamente o Processo de Gestão de Incidentes. Para tal, propomos a substituição do subprocesso manual de Categorização inerente ao Processo de Gestão de Incidentes por um subprocesso automatizado, sem qualquer interação humana. A dissertação tem como objetivo propor uma solução para categorizar corretamente e automaticamente incidentes. Para tal, temos dados reais de uma organização, que devido a questões de privacidade não será mencionada ao longo da dissertação. Os datasets são compostos por incidentes corretamente categorizados o que nos leva a aplicar algoritmos de aprendizagem supervisionada. Pretendemos ter como resultado final um método desenvolvido através da junção das diferentes técnicas de Linguagem Natural e dos algoritmos com melhor performance para classificar os dados. No final será avaliado o método proposto comparativamente à categorização que é realizada atualmente, de modo a concluir se a nossa proposta realmente melhora o Processo de Gestão de Incidentes e quais são as vantagens trazidas pela automatização