10 research outputs found

    Multichannel Online Blind Speech Dereverberation with Marginalization of Static Observation Parameters in a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter

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    Room reverberation leads to reduced intelligibility of audio signals and spectral coloration of audio signals. Enhancement of acoustic signals is thus crucial for high-quality audio and scene analysis applications. Multiple sensors can be used to exploit statistical evidence from multiple observations of the same event to improve enhancement. Whilst traditional beamforming techniques suffer from interfering reverberant reflections with the beam path, other approaches to dereverberation often require at least partial knowledge of the room impulse response which is not available in practice, or rely on inverse filtering of a channel estimate to obtain a clean speech estimate, resulting in difficulties with non-minimum phase acoustic impulse responses. This paper proposes a multi-sensor approach to blind dereverberation in which both the source signal and acoustic channel are directly estimated from the distorted observations using their optimal estimators. The remaining model parameters are sampled from hypothesis distributions using a particle filter, thus facilitating real-time dereverberation. This approach was previously successfully applied to single-sensor blind dereverberation. In this paper, the single-channel approach is extended to multiple sensors. Performance improvements due to the use of multiple sensors are demonstrated on synthetic and baseband speech examples

    Decay Rate Estimators and Their Performance for Blind Reverberation Time Estimation

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    Improving the quality and intelligibility of speech signals continues to be an important topic in mobile communications and hearing aid applications. This thesis explored the possibilities of improving the quality of corrupted speech by cascading a log Minimum Mean Square Error (logMMSE) noise reduction system with a Harmonic Speech Enhancement (HSE) system. In HSE, an adaptive comb filter is deployed to harmonically filter the useful speech signal and suppress the noisy components to noise floor. A Bandwidth Extension (BWE) algorithm was applied to the enhanced speech for further improvements in speech quality. Performance of this algorithm combination was evaluated using objective speech quality metrics across a variety of noisy and reverberant environments. Results showed that the logMMSE and HSE combination enhanced the speech quality in any reverberant environment and in the presence of multi-talker babble. The objective improvements associated with the BWE were found to be minima

    Speech Dereverberation Based on Multi-Channel Linear Prediction

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    Room reverberation can severely degrade the auditory quality and intelligibility of the speech signals received by distant microphones in an enclosed environment. In recent years, various dereverberation algorithms have been developed to tackle this problem, such as beamforming and inverse filtering of the room transfer function. However, this kind of methods relies heavily on the precise estimation of either the direction of arrival (DOA) or room acoustic characteristics. Thus, their performance is very much limited. A more promising category of dereverberation algorithms has been developed based on multi-channel linear predictor (MCLP). This idea was first proposed in time domain where speech signal is highly correlated in a short period of time. To ensure a good suppression of the reverberation, the prediction filter length is required to be longer than the reverberation time. As a result, the complexity of this algorithm is often unacceptable because of large covariance matrix calculation. To overcome this disadvantage, this thesis focuses on the MCLP dereverberation methods performed in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. Recently, the weighted prediction error (WPE) algorithm has been developed and widely applied to speech dereverberation. In WPE algorithm, MCLP is used in the STFT domain to estimate the late reverberation components from previous frames of the reverberant speech. The enhanced speech is obtained by subtracting the late reverberation from the reverberant speech. Each STFT coefficient is assumed to be independent and obeys Gaussian distribution. A maximum likelihood (ML) problem is formulated in each frequency bin to calculate the predictor coefficients. In this thesis, the original WPE algorithm is improved in two aspects. First, two advanced statistical models, generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) and Laplacian distribution, are employed instead of the classic Gaussian distribution. Both of them are shown to give better modeling of the histogram of the clean speech. Second, we focus on improving the estimation of the variances of the STFT coefficients of the desired signal. In the original WPE algorithm, the variances are estimated in each frequency bin independently without considering the cross-frequency correlation. Thus, we integrate the nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) into the WPE algorithm to refine the estimation of the variances and hence obtain a better dereverberation performance. Another category of MCLP based dereverberation algorithm has been proposed in literature by exploiting the sparsity of the STFT coefficients of the desired signal for calculating the predictor coefficients. In this thesis, we also investigate an efficient algorithm based on the maximization of the group sparsity of desired signal using mixed norms. Inspired by the idea of sparse linear predictor (SLP), we propose to include a sparse constraint for the predictor coefficients in order to further improve the dereverberation performance. A weighting parameter is also introduced to achieve a trade-off between the sparsity of the desired signal and the predictor coefficients. Computer simulation of the proposed dereverberation algorithms is conducted. Our experimental results show that the proposed algorithms can significantly improve the quality of reverberant speech signal under different reverberation times. Subjective evaluation also gives a more intuitive demonstration of the enhanced speech intelligibility. Performance comparison also shows that our algorithms outperform some of the state-of-the-art dereverberation techniques

    Multi-Channel Speech Dereverberation based on a Statistical Model of Late Reverberation

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    System Identification with Applications in Speech Enhancement

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    As the increasing popularity of integrating hands-free telephony on mobile portable devices and the rapid development of voice over internet protocol, identification of acoustic systems has become desirable for compensating distortions introduced to speech signals during transmission, and hence enhancing the speech quality. The objective of this research is to develop system identification algorithms for speech enhancement applications including network echo cancellation and speech dereverberation. A supervised adaptive algorithm for sparse system identification is developed for network echo cancellation. Based on the framework of selective-tap updating scheme on the normalized least mean squares algorithm, the MMax and sparse partial update tap-selection strategies are exploited in the frequency domain to achieve fast convergence performance with low computational complexity. Through demonstrating how the sparseness of the network impulse response varies in the transformed domain, the multidelay filtering structure is incorporated to reduce the algorithmic delay. Blind identification of SIMO acoustic systems for speech dereverberation in the presence of common zeros is then investigated. First, the problem of common zeros is defined and extended to include the presence of near-common zeros. Two clustering algorithms are developed to quantify the number of these zeros so as to facilitate the study of their effect on blind system identification and speech dereverberation. To mitigate such effect, two algorithms are developed where the two-stage algorithm based on channel decomposition identifies common and non-common zeros sequentially; and the forced spectral diversity approach combines spectral shaping filters and channel undermodelling for deriving a modified system that leads to an improved dereverberation performance. Additionally, a solution to the scale factor ambiguity problem in subband-based blind system identification is developed, which motivates further research on subbandbased dereverberation techniques. Comprehensive simulations and discussions demonstrate the effectiveness of the aforementioned algorithms. A discussion on possible directions of prospective research on system identification techniques concludes this thesis

    Robuste Spracherkennung unter raumakustischen Umgebungsbedingungen

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    Bei der Überführung eines wissenschaftlichen Laborsystems zur automatischen Spracherkennung in eine reale Anwendung ergeben sich verschiedene praktische Problemstellungen, von denen eine der Verlust an Erkennungsleistung durch umgebende akustische Störungen ist. Im Gegensatz zu additiven Störungen wie Lüfterrauschen o. ä. hat die Wissenschaft bislang die Störung des Raumhalls bei der Spracherkennung nahezu ignoriert. Dabei besitzen, wie in der vorliegenden Dissertation deutlich gezeigt wird, bereits geringfügig hallende Räume einen stark störenden Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Spracherkennern. Mit dem Ziel, die Erkennungsleistung wieder in einen praktisch benutzbaren Bereich zu bringen, nimmt sich die Arbeit dieser Problemstellung an und schlägt Lösungen vor. Der Hintergrund der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten ist die Erstellung von funktionsfähigen Sprachbenutzerinterfaces für Gerätesteuerungen im Wohn- und Büroumfeld, wie z.~B. bei der Hausautomation. Aus diesem Grund werden praktische Randbedingungen wie die Restriktionen von embedded Computerplattformen in die Lösungsfindung einbezogen. Die Argumentation beginnt bei der Beschreibung der raumakustischen Umgebung und der Ausbreitung von Schallfeldern in Räumen. Es wird theoretisch gezeigt, dass die Störung eines Sprachsignals durch Hall von zwei Parametern abhängig ist: der Sprecher-Mikrofon-Distanz (SMD) und der Nachhallzeit T60. Um die Abhängigkeit der Erkennungsleistung vom Grad der Hallstörung zu ermitteln, wird eine Anzahl von Erkennungsexperimenten durchgeführt, die den Einfluss von T60 und SMD nachweisen. Weitere Experimente zeigen, dass die Spracherkennung kaum durch hochfrequente Hallanteile beeinträchtigt wird, wohl aber durch tieffrequente. In einer Literaturrecherche wird ein Überblick über den Stand der Technik zu Maßnahmen gegeben, die den störenden Einfluss des Halls unterdrücken bzw. kompensieren können. Jedoch wird auch gezeigt, dass, obwohl bei einigen Maßnahmen von Verbesserungen berichtet wird, keiner der gefundenen Ansätze den o. a. praktischen Einsatzbedingungen genügt. In dieser Arbeit wird die Methode Harmonicity-based Feature Analysis (HFA) vorgeschlagen. Sie basiert auf drei Ideen, die aus den Betrachtungen der vorangehenden Kapitel abgeleitet werden. Experimentelle Ergebnisse weisen die Verbesserung der Erkennungsleistung in halligen Umgebungen nach. Es werden sogar praktisch relevante Erkennungsraten erzielt, wenn die Methode mit verhalltem Training kombiniert wird. Die HFA wird gegen Ansätze aus der Literatur evaluiert, die ebenfalls praktischen Implementierungskriterien genügen. Auch Kombinationen der HFA und einigen dieser Ansätze werden getestet. Im letzten Kapitel werden die beiden Basistechnologien Stimm\-haft-Stimmlos-Entscheidung und Grundfrequenzdetektion umfangreich unter Hallbedingungen getestet, da sie Voraussetzung für die Funktionsfähigkeit der HFA sind. Als Ergebnis wird dargestellt, dass derzeit für beide Technologien kein Verfahren existiert, das unter Hallbedingungen robust arbeitet. Es kann allerdings gezeigt werden, dass die HFA trotz der Unsicherheiten der Verfahren arbeitet und signifikante Steigerungen der Erkennungsleistung erreicht.Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems used in real-world indoor scenarios suffer from performance degradation if noise and reverberation conditions differ from the training conditions of the recognizer. This thesis deals with the problem of room reverberation as a cause of distortion in ASR systems. The background of this research is the design of practical command and control applications, such as a voice controlled light switch in rooms or similar applications. Therefore, the design aims to incorporate several restricting working conditions for the recognizer and still achieve a high level of robustness. One of those design restrictions is the minimisation of computational complexity to allow the practical implementation on an embedded processor. One chapter comprehensively describes the room acoustic environment, including the behavior of the sound field in rooms. It addresses the speaker room microphone (SRM) system which is expressed in the time domain as the room impulse response (RIR). The convolution of the RIR with the clean speech signal yields the reverberant signal at the microphone. A thorough analysis proposes that the degree of the distortion caused by reverberation is dependent on two parameters, the reverberation time T60 and the speaker-to-microphone distance (SMD). To evaluate the dependency of the recognition rate on the degree of distortion, a number of experiments has been successfully conducted, confirming the above mentioned dependency of the two parameters, T60 and SMD. Further experiments have shown that ASR is barely affected by high-frequency reverberation, whereas low frequency reverberation has a detrimental effect on the recognition rate. A literature survey concludes that, although several approaches exist which claim significant improvements, none of them fulfils the above mentioned practical implementation criteria. Within this thesis, a new approach entitled 'harmonicity-based feature analysis' (HFA) is proposed. It is based on three ideas that are derived in former chapters. Experimental results prove that HFA is able to enhance the recognition rate in reverberant environments. Even practical applicable results are achieved when HFA is combined with reverberant training. The method is further evaluated against three other approaches from the literature. Also combinations of methods are tested. In a last chapter the two base technologies fundamental frequency (F0) estimation and voiced unvoiced decision (VUD) are evaluated in reverberant environments, since they are necessary to run HFA. This evaluation aims to find one optimal method for each of these technologies. The results show that all F0 estimation methods and also the VUD methods have a strong decreasing performance in reverberant environments. Nevertheless it is shown that HFA is able to deal with uncertainties of these base technologies as such that the recognition performance still improves