5 research outputs found

    Incentivized Exploration for Multi-Armed Bandits under Reward Drift

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    We study incentivized exploration for the multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem where the players receive compensation for exploring arms other than the greedy choice and may provide biased feedback on reward. We seek to understand the impact of this drifted reward feedback by analyzing the performance of three instantiations of the incentivized MAB algorithm: UCB, ε\varepsilon-Greedy, and Thompson Sampling. Our results show that they all achieve O(logT)\mathcal{O}(\log T) regret and compensation under the drifted reward, and are therefore effective in incentivizing exploration. Numerical examples are provided to complement the theoretical analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, AAAI 202

    Incentivizing Exploration with Linear Contexts and Combinatorial Actions

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    We advance the study of incentivized bandit exploration, in which arm choices are viewed as recommendations and are required to be Bayesian incentive compatible. Recent work has shown under certain independence assumptions that after collecting enough initial samples, the popular Thompson sampling algorithm becomes incentive compatible. We give an analog of this result for linear bandits, where the independence of the prior is replaced by a natural convexity condition. This opens up the possibility of efficient and regret-optimal incentivized exploration in high-dimensional action spaces. In the semibandit model, we also improve the sample complexity for the pre-Thompson sampling phase of initial data collection.Comment: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 202

    Reward Teaching for Federated Multi-armed Bandits

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    Most of the existing federated multi-armed bandits (FMAB) designs are based on the presumption that clients will implement the specified design to collaborate with the server. In reality, however, it may not be possible to modify the clients' existing protocols. To address this challenge, this work focuses on clients who always maximize their individual cumulative rewards, and introduces a novel idea of ``reward teaching'', where the server guides the clients towards global optimality through implicit local reward adjustments. Under this framework, the server faces two tightly coupled tasks of bandit learning and target teaching, whose combination is non-trivial and challenging. A phased approach, called Teaching-After-Learning (TAL), is first designed to encourage and discourage clients' explorations separately. General performance analyses of TAL are established when the clients' strategies satisfy certain mild requirements. With novel technical approaches developed to analyze the warm-start behaviors of bandit algorithms, particularized guarantees of TAL with clients running UCB or epsilon-greedy strategies are then obtained. These results demonstrate that TAL achieves logarithmic regrets while only incurring logarithmic adjustment costs, which is order-optimal w.r.t. a natural lower bound. As a further extension, the Teaching-While-Learning (TWL) algorithm is developed with the idea of successive arm elimination to break the non-adaptive phase separation in TAL. Rigorous analyses demonstrate that when facing clients with UCB1, TWL outperforms TAL in terms of the dependencies on sub-optimality gaps thanks to its adaptive design. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of the proposed algorithms.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin