4 research outputs found

    A Study of the Awareness of Wearable Medical Devices in India: A Potential Market Perspective

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    A Medical Wearable Device provides vital sign monitoring. Therefore, it involves monitoring of one or more of the following or any other physiological vital that has application in fitness monitoring and medical diagnostic such as; blood glucose level; blood pressure; pulse rate; electrocardiograph (ECG) patterns; respiration rate; respiration effectiveness (e.g., blood oxygen saturation). Hence the Medical Wearable Devices are extremely useful precautionary gadgets. A number of such devices are available in market these days. Despite of their usefulness they are not very popular in India. This may be due to low level of awareness. As Metropolitan cities is primary market for such gadgets.This paper focuses on the awareness level of the medical wearable devices in Delhi-NCR and studies awareness with respect to suitable demographics. Further, this paper identifies the key parameters in role of the education, qualification and purchase power parity for adoption of this device. The insights drawn from the vast health literature helps to develop the behavioral conceptual framework which becomes the basis to gather the primary data

    Agent-Based Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

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    Vehicle routing problem s casovymi okny (VRPTW) je jednim z nejdulezitSjSich a nejvice zkou- manych problemu v oblasti dopravy. Matematicky model tohoto problemu vystihuje klicove vlastnosti spolecne cele fadS dalslch dopravmch problemu feSenych v praxi. Jadrem problemu je hledani mnoziny tras zacmajicicli a koncicich v jedinem depu, ktere obsahuji zastavky u mnoziny zakazniku. Pro kazdSho zakazm'ka je pak definovano konkretm' mnozstvf zbozf, jez je tfeba dorucit a casove okno, ve kterem je pozadovano dodani tohoto zbozi. Realne aplikace tohoto problemu jsou zpravidla vyrazne bohatsi, napojene na nadfazene logisticke systemy. KliSoA'ym faktorem pro uspSSne nasazeni odpovldajicich algoritmu je proto jejich fiexibilita vzhledem k dodatecnym rozSuemm zhkladmho matematickeho modelu spojenym s nasazenim v realnem sv§t§. Dalglm podstatnym faktorem je schopnost systemu reagovat na nepfedvidane udalosti jako jsou dopravm zaepy, poruchy, zmgny preferenci zakazniku atd. Multi-agentni systemy reprezentuji architekturu a navrhovy vzor vhodny pro modelovani heterogennlch a dynamickych systemu. Entity v systemu jsou v ramci multi-agentmho mo- delu reprezentovany mnozinou agentil s odpovidajlci'mi vzorci autonommho jako i spolecenskeho chovani. Chovani systemu jako celku pak vyplyva z autonomnich akci...The vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is one of the most important and widely studied transportation optimization problems. It abstracts the salient features of numer- ous distribution related real-world problems. It is a problem of finding a set of routes starting and ending at a single depot serving a set of geographically scattered customers, each within a specific time-window and with a specific demand of goods to be delivered. The real world applications of the VRPTW can be very complex being part of higher level sj'^stems i.e. complex supply chain management solutions. For a successful deployment it is impor- tant for these systems to be flexible in terms of incorporating the problem specific side-constraints and problem extensions in an elegant way. Also, employing efficient means of addressing the dy- namism inherent to the execution phase of the relevant operations is vital. The multi-agent systems are an emerging architectm-e with respect to modeling multi-actor heterogenous and dynamic environments. The entities within the system are represented by a set of agents endowed with autonomic as well as social behavioral patterns. The behavior of the system then emerges from their actions and interactions. The autonomic nature of such a model makes it very robust in highly...Katedra softwarového inženýrstvíDepartment of Software EngineeringFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult