11,293 research outputs found

    Using Visualization to Support Data Mining of Large Existing Databases

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    In this paper. we present ideas how visualization technology can be used to improve the difficult process of querying very large databases. With our VisDB system, we try to provide visual support not only for the query specification process. but also for evaluating query results and. thereafter, refining the query accordingly. The main idea of our system is to represent as many data items as possible by the pixels of the display device. By arranging and coloring the pixels according to the relevance for the query, the user gets a visual impression of the resulting data set and of its relevance for the query. Using an interactive query interface, the user may change the query dynamically and receives immediate feedback by the visual representation of the resulting data set. By using multiple windows for different parts of the query, the user gets visual feedback for each part of the query and, therefore, may easier understand the overall result. To support complex queries, we introduce the notion of approximate joins which allow the user to find data items that only approximately fulfill join conditions. We also present ideas how our technique may be extended to support the interoperation of heterogeneous databases. Finally, we discuss the performance problems that are caused by interfacing to existing database systems and present ideas to solve these problems by using data structures supporting a multidimensional search of the database

    The Impact of Global Clustering on Spatial Database Systems

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    Global clustering has rarely been investigated in the area of spatial database systems although dramatic performance improvements can be achieved by using suitable techniques. In this paper, we propose a simple approach to global clustering called cluster organization. We will demonstrate that this cluster organization leads to considerable performance improvements without any algorithmic overhead. Based on real geographic data, we perform a detailed empirical performance evaluation and compare the cluster organization to other organization models not using global clustering. We will show that global clustering speeds up the processing of window queries as well as spatial joins without decreasing the performance of the insertion of new objects and of selective queries such as point queries. The spatial join is sped up by a factor of about 4, whereas non-selective window queries are accelerated by even higher speed up factors

    VisDB: Database Exploration

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    Optimization of Spatial Joins Using Filters

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    When viewing present-day technical applications that rely on the use of database systems, one notices that new techniques must be integrated in database management systems to be able to support these applications efficiently. This paper discusses one of these techniques in the context of supporting a Geographic Information System. It is known that the use of filters on geometric objects has a significant impact on the processing of 2-way spatial join queries. For this purpose, filters require approximations of objects. Queries can be optimized by filtering data not with just one but with several filters. Existing join methods are based on a combination of filters and a spatial index. The index is used to reduce the cost of the filter step and to minimize the cost of retrieving geometric objects from disk. In this paper we examine n-way spatial joins. Complex n-way spatial join queries require solving several 2-way joins of intermediate results. In this case, not only the profit gained from using both filters and spatial indices but also the additional cost due to using these techniques are examined. For 2-way joins of base relations these costs are considered part of physical database design. We focus on the criteria for mutually comparing filters and not on those for spatial indices. Important aspects of a multi-step filter-based n-way spatial join method are described together with performance experiments. The winning join method uses several filters with approximations that are constructed by rotating two parallel lines around the object

    SVS-JOIN : efficient spatial visual similarity join for geo-multimedia

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    In the big data era, massive amount of multimedia data with geo-tags has been generated and collected by smart devices equipped with mobile communications module and position sensor module. This trend has put forward higher request on large-scale geo-multimedia retrieval. Spatial similarity join is one of the significant problems in the area of spatial database. Previous works focused on spatial textual document search problem, rather than geo-multimedia retrieval. In this paper, we investigate a novel geo-multimedia retrieval paradigm named spatial visual similarity join (SVS-JOIN for short), which aims to search similar geo-image pairs in both aspects of geo-location and visual content. Firstly, the definition of SVS-JOIN is proposed and then we present the geographical similarity and visual similarity measurement. Inspired by the approach for textual similarity join, we develop an algorithm named SVS-JOIN B by combining the PPJOIN algorithm and visual similarity. Besides, an extension of it named SVS-JOIN G is developed, which utilizes spatial grid strategy to improve the search efficiency. To further speed up the search, a novel approach called SVS-JOIN Q is carefully designed, in which a quadtree and a global inverted index are employed. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on two geo-image datasets and the results demonstrate that our solution can address the SVS-JOIN problem effectively and efficiently
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