4 research outputs found

    LTLf best-effort synthesis in nondeterministic planning domains

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    We study best-effort strategies (aka plans) in fully observable nondeterministic domains (FOND) for goals expressed in Linear Temporal Logic on Finite Traces (LTLf). The notion of best-effort strategy has been introduced to also deal with the scenario when no agent strategy exists that fulfills the goal against every possible nondeterministic environment reaction. Such strategies fulfill the goal if possible, and do their best to do so otherwise. We present a game-theoretic technique for synthesizing best-effort strategies that exploit the specificity of nondeterministic planning domains. We formally show its correctness and demonstrate its effectiveness experimentally, exhibiting a much greater scalability with respect to a direct best-effort synthesis approach based on re-expressing the planning domain as generic environment specifications

    Goal reasoning for autonomous agents using automated planning

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorAutomated planning deals with the task of finding a sequence of actions, namely a plan, which achieves a goal from a given initial state. Most planning research consider goals are provided by a external user, and agents just have to find a plan to achieve them. However, there exist many real world domains where agents should not only reason about their actions but also about their goals, generating new ones or changing them according to the perceived environment. In this thesis we aim at broadening the goal reasoning capabilities of planningbased agents, both when acting in isolation and when operating in the same environment as other agents. In single-agent settings, we firstly explore a special type of planning tasks where we aim at discovering states that fulfill certain cost-based requirements with respect to a given set of goals. By computing these states, agents are able to solve interesting tasks such as find escape plans that move agents in to safe places, hide their true goal to a potential observer, or anticipate dynamically arriving goals. We also show how learning the environment’s dynamics may help agents to solve some of these tasks. Experimental results show that these states can be quickly found in practice, making agents able to solve new planning tasks and helping them in solving some existing ones. In multi-agent settings, we study the automated generation of goals based on other agents’ behavior. We focus on competitive scenarios, where we are interested in computing counterplans that prevent opponents from achieving their goals. We frame these tasks as counterplanning, providing theoretical properties of the counterplans that solve them. We also show how agents can benefit from computing some of the states we propose in the single-agent setting to anticipate their opponent’s movements, thus increasing the odds of blocking them. Experimental results show how counterplans can be found in different environments ranging from competitive planning domains to real-time strategy games.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: Eva Onaindía de la Rivaherrera.- Secretario: Ángel García Olaya.- Vocal: Mark Robert

    Multi-Tier Automated Planning for Adaptive Behavior

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    A planning domain, as any model, is never “complete” and inevitably makes assumptions on the environment's dynamic. By allowing the specification of just one domain model, the knowledge engineer is only able to make one set of assumptions, and to specify a single objective-goal. Borrowing from work in Software Engineering, we propose a multi-tier framework for planning that allows the specification of different sets of assumptions, and of different corresponding objectives. The framework aims to support the synthesis of adaptive behavior so as to mitigate the intrinsic risk in any planning modeling task. After defining the multi-tier planning task and its solution concept, we show how to solve problem instances by a succinct compilation to a form of non-deterministic planning. In doing so, our technique justifies the applicability of planning with both fair and unfair actions, and the need for more efforts in developing planning systems supporting dual fairness assumptions