74,303 research outputs found

    Label-aligned multi-task feature learning for multimodal classification of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment

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    Multimodal classification methods using different modalities of imaging and non-imaging data have recently shown great advantages over traditional single-modality-based ones for diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as well as its prodromal stage, i.e., mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, to the best of our knowledge, most existing methods focus on mining the relationship across multiple modalities of the same subjects, while ignoring the potentially useful relationship across different subjects. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel learning method for multimodal classification of AD/MCI, by fully exploring the relationships across both modalities and subjects. Specifically, our proposed method includes two subsequent components, i.e., label-aligned multi-task feature selection and multimodal classification. In the first step, the feature selection learning from multiple modalities are treated as different learning tasks and a group sparsity regularizer is imposed to jointly select a subset of relevant features. Furthermore, to utilize the discriminative information among labeled subjects, a new label-aligned regularization term is added into the objective function of standard multi-task feature selection, where label-alignment means that all multi-modality subjects with the same class labels should be closer in the new feature-reduced space. In the second step, a multi-kernel support vector machine (SVM) is adopted to fuse the selected features from multi-modality data for final classification. To validate our method, we perform experiments on the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database using baseline MRI and FDG-PET imaging data. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves better classification performance compared with several state-of-the-art methods for multimodal classification of AD/MCI

    A review of multi-instance learning assumptions

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    Multi-instance (MI) learning is a variant of inductive machine learning, where each learning example contains a bag of instances instead of a single feature vector. The term commonly refers to the supervised setting, where each bag is associated with a label. This type of representation is a natural fit for a number of real-world learning scenarios, including drug activity prediction and image classification, hence many MI learning algorithms have been proposed. Any MI learning method must relate instances to bag-level class labels, but many types of relationships between instances and class labels are possible. Although all early work in MI learning assumes a specific MI concept class known to be appropriate for a drug activity prediction domain; this ‘standard MI assumption’ is not guaranteed to hold in other domains. Much of the recent work in MI learning has concentrated on a relaxed view of the MI problem, where the standard MI assumption is dropped, and alternative assumptions are considered instead. However, often it is not clearly stated what particular assumption is used and how it relates to other assumptions that have been proposed. In this paper, we aim to clarify the use of alternative MI assumptions by reviewing the work done in this area

    Efficient Output Kernel Learning for Multiple Tasks

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    The paradigm of multi-task learning is that one can achieve better generalization by learning tasks jointly and thus exploiting the similarity between the tasks rather than learning them independently of each other. While previously the relationship between tasks had to be user-defined in the form of an output kernel, recent approaches jointly learn the tasks and the output kernel. As the output kernel is a positive semidefinite matrix, the resulting optimization problems are not scalable in the number of tasks as an eigendecomposition is required in each step. \mbox{Using} the theory of positive semidefinite kernels we show in this paper that for a certain class of regularizers on the output kernel, the constraint of being positive semidefinite can be dropped as it is automatically satisfied for the relaxed problem. This leads to an unconstrained dual problem which can be solved efficiently. Experiments on several multi-task and multi-class data sets illustrate the efficacy of our approach in terms of computational efficiency as well as generalization performance

    Conic Multi-Task Classification

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    Traditionally, Multi-task Learning (MTL) models optimize the average of task-related objective functions, which is an intuitive approach and which we will be referring to as Average MTL. However, a more general framework, referred to as Conic MTL, can be formulated by considering conic combinations of the objective functions instead; in this framework, Average MTL arises as a special case, when all combination coefficients equal 1. Although the advantage of Conic MTL over Average MTL has been shown experimentally in previous works, no theoretical justification has been provided to date. In this paper, we derive a generalization bound for the Conic MTL method, and demonstrate that the tightest bound is not necessarily achieved, when all combination coefficients equal 1; hence, Average MTL may not always be the optimal choice, and it is important to consider Conic MTL. As a byproduct of the generalization bound, it also theoretically explains the good experimental results of previous relevant works. Finally, we propose a new Conic MTL model, whose conic combination coefficients minimize the generalization bound, instead of choosing them heuristically as has been done in previous methods. The rationale and advantage of our model is demonstrated and verified via a series of experiments by comparing with several other methods.Comment: Accepted by European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD)-201